Coordination and confidence


Wee Oscar’s dad, Knoxy, asked me to relay this message to you……

“The BIG cycle to Belfast… WOW! What an absolutely incredible effort by so so many people all to raise money for our wee hero, and a great night was had by all on Saturday night up at Donegal Celtic. It is very very humbling and I really felt that my thanks conveyed to them all on Saturday night was just not enough. I know they didn’t do it for thanks or for a pat on the back but I really hope they know that both me and Leona are deeply deeply moved by what they have done.

Over the last 9 months we have thanked many hundreds of people for all sorts of different things they have done for Oscar and I’m sure after a while the thanking almost comes across a bit ‘rehearsed’ and maybe a bit insincere but we just want to make sure they all know how thankful we are to them and to the amazing people who have donated to such a whopping total!”

Fantastic work by all, very well done.

Celtic have conceded 16 goals in the 9 games since Efe Ambrose’ much debated return to the team which faced Juventus last month, a period which saw them eliminated from the Champions League and the League Cup, while losing to Motherwell and Ross County.

They conceded 16 goals in the previous 24 games, including two Champions League games against Barcelona, one against Benfica and one against Spartak Moscow.  A problem which initially appeared to be limited to Efe, has clearly affected others, including Kelvin Wilson and even the goalkeeper looks less assured than before.

More than any other facet of football, defending is dependent on confidence and teamwork.  If communication is poor, you make mistakes.  If you expect teammates to make mistakes, you’ll make decisions accordingly.  If your decisions reflect a lack of confidence, you’re on a slippery slope to losing goals.  Bad defenders look good in good teams but good defenders look hopeless once order is disturbed.

Only just catching up with the antics on Gallowgate on Saturday.  Not read about the destruction of property or occasions of assault, which I assume preceded the mass arrests.  Surely?  I’m not sure if Alex Salmond has renewed the high levels of police funding for football-related activity, which was initially due to expire at the end of this month, but for someone who is usually so politically savvy, he seems to have set off on a road without checking consequences of the legal questions.

A bit like his major project…..

Where we are today is a consequence of the First Minister’s initiatives in 2011, and is why Celtic fans, the Club, and many others, opposed the initiative at the time.  It’s playing out pretty much as everyone with an interest in football expected.  Mr Salmond’s Scotland is looking a bit like Mrs Thatcher’s Yorkshire, circa 1984.

You’re as well blaming the inclement weather as blaming the police or anyone in the game, the police, like the weather, do what they do. This is the work of the Other Charlotte Square Bogeyman.
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    A theory: The Green Brigade’s political sympathies, in particular their alignment with factions in the Middle East is were Celtic have an issue. Lawwel, McCann etc did much to ‘manage’ our supports Irish Republican songs. Now the GB, or a few anyway, are active on getting “involved” in another sphere.

  2. Geordie Munro



    Either do I.



    They are very badly advised imo.



    But they may have an alterior motive, I don’t know, but someone is shafting them, must be a new tactic, throw kids into the firing line.



    Something is no right.



    What they should have done, and I reiterated it yesterday, was that they should have organised their demo, then not turned up, that would have left the polis with serious egg on their face, and the justification of costs.



    They need to get smart, presently they are playing into their hands, either very badly advised, or deliberatly being confrontational.



    If it’s the latter, I can understand the clubs stance.

  3. Kayal 33



    Seems that Longmuir was on message all along




    Another office bearer working for the good of the Hun




    21:45 on 18 March, 2013



    ‘alignment with factions in the Middle East’




    It’s a group of football fans we’re talking about here.



    You make it sound like they are part of the Comintern.



    And as for the Middle East, the GB were rather muted at the Hapoel game.

  5. 67Heaven ... I am Neil Lennon..!!.. Ibrox belongs to the creditors on

    Greengo is as unpredictable as the weather, and his statements are as crap as the weather



    Can’t believe he said “�They feel their voice is being ignored by their own clubs let alone the football authorities and fear the current proposals will not herald meaningful change.”



    Think he’s losing the plot, honestly ……he knows sevco will not survive another season in the bottom league..

  6. Surely going from the fourth tier of Scottish football to the third tier is a promotion

  7. 67Heaven ... I am Neil Lennon..!!.. Ibrox belongs to the creditors on

    Anybody got the Celtic Board statement, please….

  8. gebhoy is the taxmans tick tocking clock, tick...tock on

    Mullet and Co,



    I can assure you Stevie did not undertake to do this lightly, he has been in turmoil for more than 4 months, i would say by doing what he is doing putting this information out there he has more to lose than most.



    He could have stayed silent when the board were spinning the agenda regarding the relationship with the GB, the comittees of both the Affiliation and Association were privy to the meetings with club officials that showed the footage that allegedly damned the actions of the GB.



    No one from the Affiliation that was present at the meeting Stevie was party to has denied what he has said.



    I knew of the meetings and the contents and agendas since before christmas, i never posted when it was being debated on here, because behind the scenes meetings were trying to be brokered by Stevie and the Affiliation between the club and the Green Brigade to have some sort of face to face meetings to sort it out, and any information put out there would not have helped.



    These meetings failed to take place.



    Stevie felt without talking for him, his position had become untenable on the committee of the Affiliation and he felt he had to resign.



    Again, i don’t wont to put words in Stevies mouth, he thought that getting the information out there of what was actually being going on would benefit the whole support as the fans could then make up their own mind.



    Stevie is 100% genuine and believe me i believe 100% every word of what he has said.




  9. 67Heaven, here you go:





    Celtic Football Club Statement


    By: Newsroom Staff on 18 Mar, 2013 18:07


    CELTIC Football Club today, Monday, released the following statement.



    ‘The safety and well-being of Celtic supporters is of paramount importance to the Club. The Club is very concerned to see imagery of Saturday’s march by members of the Green Brigade from Gallowgate to Celtic Park, and subsequent claims by supporters of police harassment and heavy-handed policing.



    This is an issue which the Club takes very seriously. Once again we would urge any supporter who feels that they have been a victim of such harassment to contact the Club with details by using the following email addresses



    in order that we can formally raise such matters with Strathclyde Police.



    We should remind supporters that the Club has set up a working group, which is independently chaired, to establish a Complaints Review Panel to oversee the complaints’ process and improve transparency.



    Any suggestion of collusion between the Club and Strathclyde Police is, quite frankly, ludicrous.



    The Celtic support has a long and well-established reputation for good behaviour and everyone is very proud of that and keen to ensure that it continues.



    In the meantime we will be writing to the Chief Constable to ask for a full report on Saturday’s events.


    ernie lynch



    Point is, and a yes or no will do….is it a possibility. Some in the GB have ties to other similarly minded fan groups ( check the website). Could Celtic be trying to nip this in the bud?

  11. PL is stiffing Newco.



    Celtic will push for reconstruction that will Keep Newco in the Bottom tier of Scottish football.



    Newco will not be able to increase gate receipts.



    PL is playing a blinder on this front.



    Nobody knows this more than Chuck.



    He is shitting bricks right now.





    ernie lynch



    21:40 on


    18 March, 2013


    gebhoy is the taxmans tick tocking clock, tick…tock21:36 on 18 March, 2013



    It might be nothing more than Peter Lawwell being affected by big swinging dick syndrome.



    Or do you prefer your theory ?

  13. p8ddy



    Don’t be bullied by Ernie Lynch. You know you have won when he resorts to bully tactics. The man (or is he a boy) is well known for it.



    Paul67 – very disappointed that you are now using your editorial as a means to publicise your political views. I had more faith in you. Comparing Salmond’s Scotland to Thatcher’s Britain is a huge insult and a step too far.

  14. 67Heaven ... I am Neil Lennon..!!.. Ibrox belongs to the creditors on

    doc is neil lennon



    21:55 on


    18 March, 2013



    Thank you ………. It is absolutely ridiculous that anyone should criticise this statement…… What more can the Board say / do……..some of the comments on CQN today are, frankly, anti-Board agenda based…..and are not helping the GB (justified) case…

  15. gebhoy is the taxmans tick tocking clock, tick…tock



    Caught up with your clip from earlier mate and listened to show tonight online , your mate came over very well . I know who I believe and it ain’t the Celtic board .



  16. Listened to affiliation guy on celtics collusion with police in targeting Celtic supporters.



    Lawwell wants the GB gone. He will achieve this possibly but it will be painful for the club. The through the gate average this season is 33k ( without season ticket no shows ) ; this festering sore will see that number fall to below 25k next season and possibly lower if Lawwell succeeds in eliminating the GB. However nobody will need to buy a season ticket and we could see a return to Pay at the Gate —- wouldnt that be ironic.



    What a price for victory in his personal crusade. Does he not think the fans won’t notice in the Celtic Park morgue next season the GB is gone…and not know who is responsible.



    He says he wants to help. Here is his big chance , defend the Gallowgate 13. Nope don’t think so Pedro, another b,and statement should keep the gullible onside.



    Some of our fans believe Lawwell is infallible and

  17. 67Heaven, I tend to agree, individuals need to complain to the Club via the independent Chairman of the complaints panel.


    If large numbers do I think this will give the club something to work with, they can’t go to Strathclyde Police empty handed.

  18. gebhoy is the taxmans tick tocking clock, tick…tock



    Any idea how many meetings the GB have had with Celtic over say the last 12 months and who represents the GB at those meetings?



    I know who the public face of the CSA is, I know who the public face of the CST is and have a rough idea what both those organisations stand for.



    Is there similar clarity on the GB?

  19. Doc is Neil Lennon



    I remember too that someone destroyed the results , but my understanding was that it was merely a collation / compliation from various cop shops around the country, they could re-create it from source if they wished, then again same answer , groundhog day!



    I guess it reflects that in the more open internet world , we get a better understanding of the corruption and incompetence that was always present, except nowadays the exponents of these dark arts are more highly paid with better pension schemes.

  20. sftb



    One of the first things the Bunnet did when he gained control in 1984 was remove the ‘free seats’ packages and that included those that the CSA got from our old board.

  21. Tinytim



    Pedro may be stiffing Sevco ; however more importantly he is stiffing innocent young Celtic fans.



    It’s despicable what he has done and has resulted in a criminal record for the bhoys.

  22. neveralone



    “Thats hardly analogous that way round!!!”



    I would call that response an absence of imagination.



    In your original narrative, you were the casting director and you assigned the roles.



    I asked you to consider if the Board are indeed the heart and embodiment of Celtic or whether the GB represent that better.

  23. Auldheid



    The G.B. are a Sub Rosa Anti-Establishment Political the estimation of the Glasgow Polis.



    If ye dinnae agree wi that estimate… that.. tak a Visit tae thur Website.



    and find oot .. fur yersel.



    That’s the reason fur the Unwelcome, but, fully expected..Police


    their Affairs..




    Look.. If you jist go tae the game.. Sport it’s Colors..



    Shout it’s praises.. and Awe that Good Stuff..



    The Polis, wullnae pey the slightest attention tae wi ye ur Up tae.






    If ye .. Go tae the Game tae Further an ANTI ESTABLISHMENT..PHILOSOPHY..with Sectarian Over-tones..






    The Polis are Gonna …. Get Ye.. And that’s fur Sure.



    That’s Why the G.B are being Targeted..



    The Sad fact,in all of that .. Many Members of the G.B. are Not Guilty of


    Exhibiting.. ANY… Anti Establishment and Sectarian Behaviour.






    there is A Hard Core of Members, who certainly Dae that very thing..



    And that Hard Core.. Small as it may be..





    Dragging the Innocent and Non guilty Members Into these Altercations wi the






    And,as a Consequence of the Unlawful Behavior of those Recalcitrant G.Bers, the Polis wullnae Stop Targeting the Whole G.B Organization… Nae Maitter whit the Celtic Board Dae..or No Dae.



    The G.B. hiv Drifted too Faur from being, simply, an Organized Group of Enthusiastic and Entertaining… Celtic Fans..



    tae being..



    a… Vigorous and Noisy Anti Establishment Group..with Sectarian Over-tones.



    In the eyes of the Polis.



    Ah hiv said it afore.. But, Ah hiv no qualms in Saying it,again.




    “One’s Attendance at a football Game should not be used as an Excuse to Further A Political Philosophy or.. Indulge in Sectarianism”



    fir.. No only is it ,Plainly, bad Behavior..



    IT IS, Also…. AGIN THE LAW.





    Still, Laughin’

  24. TT






    PL is offering the league financial inducements to sign up for the proposed reconstruction



    Besides which the SFL teams in the lowest league will want some more of the Hun coin

  25. 67Heaven ... I am Neil Lennon..!!.. Ibrox belongs to the creditors on

    Just watched SSN’s piece on Greengo’s staement….



    He has guaranteed ticket revenue for 300 away fans ….



    HE IS DESPERATE …..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. praecepta



    if that is true and they don’t even get free biscuits, then the mystery deepens as to why other CSA participants at the meeting where PL allegedly spoke of “giving the GB enough rope” chose not to back up Glasgow Road’s allegation.



    Curiouser and curioser

  27. Thatcher’s Britain,Salmond’s Scotland–I don’t see too much difference. The police are being used as a political tool, and Strathclyde’s force seems happy to do so. You don’t lose years of statistics on sectarian attacks just before you force a Bill criminalising football supporters unless it is a deliberate act. You would then certainly try to retrieve them, wouldn’t you? All for the case of fairness, dontcha know. I thought we had the thickest politicos in N.Ireland, but by God Scotland takes the biscuit. I have yet to see anything from Salmond and co that convinces me other than they are on the make big-style, and are abusing their majority. It’s Floating Casino type politics, and we know where that came from. Celtic voters should not be taken in by people waving a Saltire. Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. Oh, and before anyone comes back on that—do you see any Bobby Sands or Francis Hughes type leaders out there? By the looks of Salmond a hunger strike would be a diet for him.




    21:58 on 18 March, 2013



    ‘ernie lynch



    Point is, and a yes or no will do….is it a possibility.’



    On a scale of 1 to 1,000 of likelihood it’s about a 1.



    So yes it’s a possibility.



    The Board don’t like the GB because they are insolent and insubordinate.



    The GB don’t like the Board because they regard them as the pricks they have to kick against.



    I don’t think there’s anything more to it than that.

  29. TinyTim



    21:59 on 18 March, 2013



    ‘PL is stiffing Newco.



    Celtic will push for reconstruction that will Keep Newco in the Bottom tier of Scottish football.’




    How do you know this?



    Or is it just what you prefer to believe?

  30. 67Heaven ... I am Neil Lennon..!!.. Ibrox belongs to the creditors on

    lucky cody



    Am I correct that you are not a regular poster on CQN …?

  31. :a… Vigorous and Noisy Anti Establishment Group..with Sectarian Over-tones.”



    Like The Fox News Network



    Like The Tea Party



    Like TSD and his BNP Party Political Broadcasts which Kojo backs





    Celtic fans with Republican and Nationalist sentiment ARE our establishment.



    It is the ones who use language like “plastic paddys” and “terrorist supporters” who are the infiltrators and subvertors.

  32. Peter Lawwell has been an excellent CEO. If the agenda is about getting rid of the GB what is the motive. Personally I wouldn’t trust Dermot Desmond as far as I could throw him, but he is one clever bucko. On a personal level I couldn’t see his Politics equating with the GB stuff and it is possible that he has made that known to PL. However I hasten to add I have no evidence whatever to support that, its just a thought that crossed my mind. Far more likely is that the goal is the EPL, one of the roadblocks preventing this is that Football & Civil Authorities down South would tremble at the prospect of hundreds nay thousands of Celts descending on their Cities waving tri-colours and singing Republican Songs. Sanitisation is essential to make us acceptable Dinner Guests.





    Seldom agree with you, but the political outlook of some within the GB is something that Lawwell would see as a

  34. EKBhoy,


    You are correct, if they wanted to put this back together they could, the raw data will still be available, they don’t want this information to be made available. Why?


    The next two passages are copied straight from the scotish law.blogspot



    The Crown Office claim the files were destroyed in line with a policy of holding such data for two years however legal insiders are today claiming the material was destroyed because it showed the majority of sectarian crimes were against Roman Catholics around Orange Order marches.



    In spite of Mr Salmond’s commitment to publish key statistics on sectarian crime, the admission by the Crown Office over the destruction of information & statistics on sectarian offences which has been sought by the Catholic Church in Scotland since 2006 appears to confirm the sectarian file shredding took place under former Lord Advocate, now Dame Elish Angiolini DBE QC as the Crown Office are now indicating there is only data available from 2010.




    The Church was asking for these stats to be released to them for YEARS, with a refusal to do so, eventually Mr Salmond agrees and suddenly, nope sorry we shredded it, yes all of it, deleted. Coincidence that four years of evidence is shredded, they stated it was only kept for two?



    Whole article if you have time, or anyone else interested.



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