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  1. met George Best on the Kings road at some brewery pub. him glass of wine brandy 2 blondes me tube ticket meeting my girl at the Lisson gallery



    night all

  2. The Comfortable Collective 00:37,



    That Cheat today had his usual agenda against Celtic. I cannae believe he is still refereeing Celtic games.






    I am so sickened by this Roman Circus, AWE NAW is right but at the end of the day, it is night.



    Controlling all sides, sickening.



    Why do you come here.

  3. I was quietly confident that we would go through


    to the CL.


    After today’s game i’m not so sure.


    We are in deep dodo.


    We need something special.


    C’mon Sammy.

  4. the comfortable collective



    00:45 on 25 August, 2013


    Have you sweet talked mrs doc for the 28th yet?






    00:42 on 25 August, 2013



    The Comfortable Collective






    Think i’ii put that can back… Or has a c&p went wrong :-))

  5. The Comfortable Collective on

    sipsini @ 00:52 on 25 August, 2013



    Oops. Sorry. You were right.



    C & P gone mad.

  6. Doc



    Off tae bed, still fecked fae yesterday, was a great day….hope mini doing well…



    Night hoopsters




  7. Fred C. Dobbs & Wee Oscar


    00:26 on


    25 August, 2013


    For the whole Celtic family



    Night Bhoys.






    Thanks for posting that.



    Neil Francis Lennon,


    to those who today, and often, want to , well have a go at this man.



    Imagine today, this morning, you had a nice wee letter, in your house, with a few bullets in it,


    Imagine last night, you went to the pub, and two thugs followed you to beat you up.


    Imagine tomorrow night, an armed security guard, made you and your family leave your home because of a credible bomb threat.



    Imagine however, when you were a wee wee bhoy , and the nuns said you cant play “football” cause thats not Gaelic, and your dad goes to the school and says “my bhoy only wants to play for celtic”



    Neil Lennon, thats him, The man of the new century, who is haunted by bigots from a hundred years ago,



    If all you can say about Neil is “i dont know his tactics” and “he lost the game because ………….insert a thousand shite observations ” then, youve never been faced with any rea adversity.



    Neil Francis Lennon.



    A real life Celtic minded man, and they , they, hate him for it.



    and me, I love him for it, and he is my hero,



    and me,



    I am still Neil Lennon,

  8. Gordon64



    00:52 on 25 August, 2013



    I was quietly confident that we would go through


    to the CL.


    After today’s game i’m not so sure.


    We are in deep dodo.


    We need something special.


    C’mon Sammy.





    This is the WAN



    Don’t expect the Roses to Capitalise and put on an event next Summer, I predict another concert in about 9 years.

  9. Good to hear that our hero Mckenzie had a great day at Alloa today, meeting Paul Hartley and the staff. Apparently the Sun was doing a piece the more publicity the better.



    Watched extended highlights of Southampton game and that boy Wanyama looks a bit of a player. Lenny was spot on with 25M we wuz robbed.



    Come on guys Marc Crosas , me Iike to judge a player by his performances on the park what did he contribute to Celtic, toothless. Easy to get sucked in by soundbites.


    Was given a ticket to a concert by an ex player who couldn’t attend as Celtic had a home CL game the following night and when I turned up my ticket was next to Marc Crosas when I text him asking why he was allowed out he replied cause he’s Pish. Could not make 18 man squad come on guys aim a little higher.

  10. from Celtic Wiki.



    and i want to remind everyone,


    Neil Francis Lennon has the second best managerial record ever as a celtic manager






    Jock Stein edges it at 75%











    “Henrik Larsson is obviously a wonderful talent, but the guy I really like in the game today is Neil Lennon. He works tirelessly, always passes it to somebody in the clear and gets back well.”


    Bobby Collins



    “So we’ve got the away goal, just right on half time,” recalls Lennon. “It was such a huge boost for us. We were pretty happy with the way we played in the first 45 minutes. Martin asked for more of the same; just defend for your life and be brave on the ball when you can.” As Liverpool pressed in vain for an equaliser, Celtic struggled to retain possession and were under the cosh until a frustrated verbal exchange between Lennon and striker John Hartson sparked the giant striker into life. “About half an hour into the second half, big John [Hartson]’s going through a wee dodgy period and gave the ball away a couple of times,” said Lennon. “So I said ‘hey, you, you hold that ball’. “Then he turned round to me and said ‘you shut up or I will rip your head off’. Something like that, words to that effect anyway. Two minutes later I played it into him and he shrugged off Hyppia, played a one two with Henrik [Larsson] and lashed one into the top corner. “That was the best moment for me in the whole tournament that goal. Just to see the big man wheel away to our fans and looking at our bench and you know that you are 3-1 up with 10 minutes to go and there is just no way back for Liverpool.”


    Neil Lennon on 2-0 win v Liverpool (2003)



    “Getting through the group stages would be as big as reaching the UEFA Cup final because then you’re one of the best 16 teams in Europe. f you play in the UEFA Cup, you can’t really say that because you’re out of the Champions League.”


    Neil Lennon (2004)



    “I certainly didn’t need a lip-reader to work out what 30,000 were calling me.”


    Neil Lennon after we played the Huns (the Huns had hired a lip-reader claiming he’d made sectarian remarks at them at the end of one match (complete balderdash)



    “The Celtic captain has this amazing capacity to have baying mobs and berserk tabloid columnists sounding off barmily about him. It really is a remarkable gift.”


    Graham Speirs (journalist for The Herald) on Neil Lennon (2005)



    “The newspapers that have ganged together to pursue Lennon have treated [him] with contempt in its most literal and legal sense. There is an agenda at work. Selling more newspapers might be one justification, but there appears to be a darker motivation.”


    Phil Gordon (journalist for The Times) on Neil Lennon(2005)



    “At school, St Michael’s, they only played Gaelic football. The nuns threatened to expel me because I was playing football on a Saturday rather than playing for the school Gaelic team! My dad had to go up and see the head nun and sort a few things out.”


    Neil Lennon battling to play the game even whilst a kid!



    “See projects? Forget it. I’m sick of hearing it. I’m sick of hearing about two- and three-year plans. I don’t buy into it. It’s about now. You don’t have time as a Celtic or Rangers manager. Projects are something my daughter does at school. I’m a football man, only interested in results, performances and players. I don’t care about two years’ time. I might not bloody be here.”


    Neil Lennon in as caretaker manager (April 2010)



    “What I want to do is bring is the thunder back. I want this place rocking again. I want the passion, I want the noise. I want the fans to be able to walk to the ground ready for it. I want the players to go to war every time they go on the pitch. All those things will be in-built before the season starts. We’ve got to put up a really stronger challenge to Rangers and try to wrest the title away from them.”


    Neil Lennon in his first press conference as full manager (Jun 2010)



    “Craig [Thomson] is meant to be one of the best officials in the country so it doesn’t say much about the rest”


    Neil Lennon Nov 2010



    “So Lennon got his victory and I, like most Rangers fans, would be happy to see him get the job. He provides an excellent ‘hate’ figure and also it would mean he does not join Chesney (Gordon Strachan) at Middlesbrough.”


    Jeff Winter (2010, ex-EPL referee and media *****, self-confessed Hun who got caught out making some extreme anti-Catholic sick comments in 2011)



    “So that’s bullets, death-threats, daubs on street outside his home + two public assaults on him. Life is good for Neil Lennon in Glasgow.”


    Graham Spiers (journalist for The Times)



    “Don’t let what happened to me tonight take the shine off a wonderful team performance … I don’t walk alone.”


    Neil Lennon via Twitter (May 2011)



    “Neil Lennon is now a classic Celtic icon. And he is no shrinking-violet, which really irks some people…”


    Graham Spiers (The Times May 2011)



    “They [Rangers] couldn’t sign me because they had a non-catholic signing policy”


    Neil Lennon (RTE interview, July 2011)



    “If Rangers think they they’re hard done by they should see some of the decisions that go against Celtic. We’d be here all day.”


    Neil Lennon (Dec 2011)



    “The ironic thing is normally in the past when we come away from European games away from home we talk about how the team haven’t done themselves justice and the fans always do,” said Lennon. Now we are talking about the opposite. The team covered themselves in glory last night and yet there is a rogue element who keep tarnishing the name of the club. My only surprise is that they got the spelling right. I am very disappointed, they have let me down, they have let the board, players and background staff down and 99.9% of the support down.”


    Neil Lennon on the fans who held up a “**** UEFA” banner at Udinese v Celtic match (Dec 2011)



    “I’m not big on tactics. It’s about the players and they have to go out onto the pitch and apply that.”


    Neil Lennon with a curious admission (Dec 2011)



    “No-one in Scottish football history has had to contend with this level of pressure while trying to do their job.”


    Peter Lawwell (Celtic Chief Exec) (Apr 2012)



    “You dream about being a player, you dream about being a captain and you dream about being a manager, but now I’m living the dream!”


    Neil Lennon on day he won his first League title as manager (7 Apr 2012)



    “We want to create our own memories & our own legacy for the players here. We want them to be heroes.”


    Neil Lennon 18 Sep 2012 (just prior to the Champions League group stages)



    “If you gave me £12m I couldn’t guarantee finding someone with a winning mentality like Neil Lennon’s.”


    Gordon Strachan (2012)



    “What people are seeing now is the real Neil Lennon, a man who is highly intelligent, articulate and gifted.”


    Peter Lawell (Celtic Chief Exec) on Neill Lennon after 2-1 win over Barcelona (Nov 2012)



    Twitter: “Keevins and Traynor badmouthing you in Daily Record today, not making any secret of their anti-Lennon/Celtic.”


    Lennon reply: “They are both an irrelevance to the game now. They will always get a platform to air their hogwash. I ignore it you should too…”


    Neil Lennon on Twitter (Nov 2012)



    “I was quite surprised with how good he is. The way he speaks to people and everything about him, his knowledge. He’s just a pleasure to work with. Neil is a leader. He always was. He’s a moaning t***, let’s put it that way, but that’s what makes him a winner. You can see that he can go all the way. He’s got that in him.”


    Garry Parker, Celtic first team coach and former Aston Villa and Nottingham Forest midfielder. (Jan 2013)



    “We probably have to take it as a back-handed compliment because they’re looking up at us. I am not going to answer any more questions on Rangers because they are not on our radar.”


    Neil Lennon’s retort to Rangers owner Charles Green (Jan 2013)



    “Neil had a special aura when he was captain of Celtic. I always thought he would be manager of Celtic”.


    Nakamura on former team-mate Lennon (2013)

  11. Doh! Am talking too much again: am going to try and howl out with:









    The ole minshafters feel the stories more – it’s a lose lose situation no matter the result.



    Things will get uglier. I wish I had the answer, and I think we all do. Whatever the result, it’s also a good chance for malevolent forces to attack a powerful, CHARITABLE blog – so caw canny fholks.

  12. ….And they gave us James McGrory and Paul McStay……



    But, important feckin point !…:



    Willey Maley was his name, he brought some great names to the game…



    He really did !



    Another night in the company of mad and brilliant Tims – thanks for lettning me self-indulge. Can’t wait to see me auld 7 yrs old neice put you all right. She already batters me black and blue both physically and argumentally. She’s goin to scare scare the shite of you feckers in 5r years :)))))))

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