Celtic will need to dig deep for victory


Neil Lennon’s most inspirational victory over Rangers arrived in January 2011 when a depleted squad in poor form outplayed their rivals.  Despite this it remains a concern that Gary Hooper and James Forrest, the manager’s two most favoured players, are injury doubts for tomorrow. Whether Hooper and Forrest are fit or not, we’ll need all the fighting spirit from the win last year if we want to leave with another win.

Six days ago at Hampden we witnessed what happens when a team in the middle of a results slump focus on the most game they have left in the season.  Kilmarnock are a team with enormous vulnerabilities and I’m prepared to bet than none of you witnessed their last win over Celtic in Glasgow, but they got the result.  Tomorrow is the biggest game in Rangers’ season.  You can forget about Ally McCoist’s comments that Celtic are firm favourites, that’s what passes as mind games across the city. Any win would be an enormous achievement from Celtic.

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  1. “Bada Bing”


    I’d loved to see you singing Frankie Valley.


    You are a supreme gent.



  2. McCullough up front tomorrow is a certainty for them. Physical approach. Supported by a 5 man midfield.



    Our selection of centre halves is crucial, tomorrow is not a game for k Wilson, in my vho.



    Win the battle. Then win the game.



    Hope everyone gets home alive tomorrow. It could be that bad.

  3. Fellow Celtic fans & supporters – the stage is set for tomorrow. Our players just need to perform to bring the final curtain down on this play.



    I should be full of elation tonight. But I’m not. My good friend Peter died at 7.58pm tonight.



    Peter liked a drink – like a few of us – but unfortunately he was a lager and spirits man. Could never settle for a cheeky wee lager and needed the chaser. Tonight his liver and kidneys gave up the ghost.



    He was the kind of guy you could rely on to help you out when help was needed. He used to work on the Polaris subs and blamed his premature baldness on the radiation. When i moved to my current house he rewired/plumbed/plastered it without too much grumbling at the wife’s daft plans for a `showhouse’ look.



    He never cheated anyone when he did homers and was a favourite ‘hired help’ with the grannies. A gentleman in other words.



    Peter, you were a gent and a good friend. You will be massively missed.




  4. SmashingMilkBottles on

    Just off the phone to a good pal who thinks I’m a feckin nutter. He flies in tomorrow to attend the bigotdome. Tomorrow…..the last time we won the league there I was 3. I cannas remember that far back cos I was probably pished

  5. I can agree with the opinion that there is hate from both sides when we play that shower.However i also believe it’s two different forms of hate;


    Their’s is a deep-seeded hatred of all things us,religious and racial.They almost revel in their hate and use it to steer their daily lives.They have a malevolence about them.


    Our form of hate that is displayed at games against them is IMO born of a need to get one over them because they are so vile,to see them suffer if you will.I realise it still manifests as hate in some but is not so ingrained and prevalent in day to day living.It’s like when Gene Hackman squeezes the big redneck’s giggleberries in Mississippi Burning,you know doing that to someone is quite nasty but you let it pass.



    Anyway,everyone’s entitled to their opinion and sharing it stumps keeping it to yourself as far as i’m concerned.And i share many’s thoughts that everyone getting home safely is the most important thing tomorrow.


    I hope our bhoys do it as beating them is always good for the soul.


    Here’s to a win and no victims.




  6. !!Bada Bing!! Kano 1000 on

    G64-Flights all good,hotel great (The Blakely) . Going to CP to watch game,might go to Vogue after.HH.

  7. Hopefully there will be more critical interest in the fixture than usual. Especially from the fourth estate in Engerland…..


    Let the berserkers do what they do best and lets hope Calum does his bit too.



    With a bit of luck, it could be the final eye-opener for a lot of people.



    I just hope all the Bhoys stay safe and Neil uses his strength of character to withstand the provocation he will undoubtedly have to endure.



    Not long now……………………

  8. 67Heaven ... I am Neil Lennon..!!..Truth and Justice will always prevail on

    Make no mistake about it, this is an historic day for Glasgow Celtic Football Club …. For 20 years we have known, and resisted, hunbelievable cheating, In collusion with the Scottish media / MIB……..this was born out of undisguised hatred of our Club and what we stand for….



    Throughout these years we have maintained our sporting, honest, professional ethos……and we can be proud of that.



    Our day has come at ipox tomorrow, a day when we tell them….






    It has been a long wait for justice, and we will celebrate like only we know how…….



    THANK YOU NEIL LENNON …… !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    THANK YOU PAUL 67…. RTC…. PHIL……!!!!!!!!!!


    THANK YOU AULDHEID, BROGAN, JAMES FORREST, GORDON J and all the other CQNers who brought all the hidden evidence to the fore…




  9. Art of War on 24 March, 2012 at 22:48 said:



    Real sorry to hear that.


    I buried my long time pal last month.


    I have been unable to post here on a regular basis since. I know what you are going through.

  10. Smashing MB


    It’s disconcerting that the the fear


    of violence that a football team winning a game


    might have on a certain community.


    I’m sure our elected members will stand up and


    be counted when the carnage erupts.


    Did you see tumbleweed?

  11. 67Heaven ... I am Neil Lennon..!!..Truth and Justice will always prevail on

    BABASONICOS71 on 24 March, 2012 at 22:52 said:



    Absolutely spot on…… They hate for the sake of hating……we resist

  12. Fortunes Favour Mibbes on

    Re Alex Thomson’s extension into the laptops, great stuff.



    I hope he looks at the seriousness of this, regarding their role in the demonisation of our manager and the subsequent death threats and attacks, all in an attempt to deflect from admin fc.



    That’s something few of us will forgive or forget.



    Rancho Franco, good work amigo. Expose that odious wee man for what he is.

  13. fanandpatriot/HT/BB – the bugger couldn’t wait till I was going to see him tomorrow night with tales of `how we won the league’.



    Thanks for your kind words. I’m a bit numb just now. 50 is too young.



    HH & thanks.

  14. There will be a wee hun fella, sitting somewhere tomorrow watching the fitba through the cracks of his fingers dreading a certain outcome in the game. He might be sitting with 41,999 other bears waving his wee £2 poxy flag, he may be sitting in his own WEE HOOS in front of his telly wae ma n pa loyal or he may feel brave enough to venture out to his wee local loyal (Annie Millar’s or the like).



    Wherever it is he finds himself sitting tomorrow he is going to be watching the 90+ minutes of pure unadulterated Jelly & Ice Cream through the cracks in his fingers fearing one result. His sphincter will be loosening and tightening so much before and during the duration of the game that there is every chance his brain will prolapse out his rear end. This young Hun’s stomach may even be churning as I type. He’ll be feeling sick deep down in the pit of his stomach and I’m sure there will be a number of loose motions before the ref blows the whistle to start the game.



    This wee Hun often crosses my mind. In fact. I’d say he comes to mind daily and has done for just a little over one year now. But since I heard Killie had beaten Motherwell today this wee Hun has been to the fore in my head.



    I have often considered what best form revenge or retribution should come in. But in all this time that this wee Hun has prayed on my mind I had not ever come to a conclusion on an appropriate act to befall him. I would never consider violence as a form of revenge for my mental ills. I would never consider any form of physical ill or medical plague to be acted upon him. An eye for an eye has not ever been my way. If the system had worked and the courts had been afforded the opportunity to pass judgement I would have been happy at that but alas that was not to be.



    Now this may seem churlish and childish to some of you, or all, but my one hope since I heard the result today is that Celtic with Neil Lennon as manager go to the ‘BIG HOOS that must stay open’ play the game of their lives and bring home the only flag that will have any real meaning from the 42000+ that will be raised tomorrow.



    That for me will be fair retribution. And maybe, just maybe, that wee Hun will never cross my mind again.



    CELTIC. Celtic.


    CELTIC. Celtic.




    Come on You Bhoys In Green.




    Glasgow’s Green & White.




  15. jude2005 is Neil Lennon \o/ on




    Sorry to hear abt ur pal. Thers very few Peters out there these days.

  16. Fortunes Favour Mibbes on

    Art of War



    Sorry for the loss of your friend. Drink seems to take the kindest people :(

  17. The Wigan team that beat Liverpool today…….












    Salmon (sub)



    Spl is pish, eh? We could never compete.



    Hype shype

  18. You’ve reacted rather than considered.



    It’s the 21st Century man.



    Was it the derbies that made you head to Sweden?



    Just kidding.



    You inadvertently dissed your brothers amigo.



    Accept that or reject that – your call.



    You were also so bold as to define every single soul’s level of emotional response to a game of football.



    Brave man you that can second guess every single soul in football ground.



    No matter.



    I love you and wish you peace. It does sound like you’ve found it – as always truth and peace will out.



    God Bless and no hard feelings…




  19. If I were NL I’d be reminding them that the best retaliation is to stick the ball in the back of the net.


    Lashing out in response to an elbow, kick and I have no doubt, spitting, will guarantee you cop if from the MIB who will be only too willing to take every opportunity to send off a Tim.



    Hit them where it hurts, in the net!

  20. AOW,


    Sorry for your loss buddy, condolences to you and all who knew him.


    May he rest in peace..






  21. Madrarua – tough one mate. Still got the funeral to go and his ma wants me to say a few words “so that people know the real Peter.”


    Babasonicos71 – appreciate it, been a long night already!


    Doc is Neil Lennon – again, appreciated.



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