Killie dividend for torturous ESPN attacks


It is very good news that Kilmarnock fans have voted to give Celtic three stands for next weekend’s game which will see the league title won if Celtic earn a point.  As a result, several thousand more Celtic fans will be able to attend the game and avoid listening to their club being belittled as they watch ESPN.

I hope Neil Lennon continues to speak in forthright terms when his team is undermined.

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  1. please spare a wee prayer for my mums elder brother who died today aged 90


    my uncle freddie gallagher from termon in donegal



    came over to glasgow in the 50’s


    worked in construction


    moved later to marry Mary in birmingham


    worked then for cadbury’s chocolate at bourneville factory


    used to bring us all bags o the best chocolate when we were kids, esp at easter time


    big huge guy, as big as top legend john fallon, mibbe bit taller


    a gentle giant


    real swell fella !


    god bless ye uncle freddie


    RIP old friend

  2. What was the result of the SFA’s “fishing” expidition when they asked all Scottish senior clubs to reveal any undisclosed player payments over the last 10 years – ie when Rangers were at it ?

  3. Frankie’s been tweeting for about 20 minutes then comes up with this gem




    Frankie ‏ @GersnetOnline


    @bearger No figures were mentioned – only that funds are in place.

  4. Top Corner


    Evidently he left a great impression upon you.


    That is part of his reward .


    Possibly all that we should hope for.


    May your uncle Freddie rest in peace.



  5. Aye,



    Annurra Mega Bucks deal imminent……..!



    Two Words –



    Big Tax Case




  6. Frankie ‏ @GersnetOnline


    @Blueprint_Bear They believe in the RFC brand and feel this is a bargain deal to buy one of the world’s most iconic clubs.




  7. sixtaeseven: No NewCo in SPL and it's Non-Negotiable! on

    So Davie Dodds is/was the Elephant Man.



    Billy Dodds is the MSM elephant in the room regarding EBTs.


    Surely that’s good to have: a journalist and pundit who is “au fait” with the affair and has a memory to boot!



  8. How is this Ticketus deal news? They announced they were part of Blue Knights two weeks ago or more.



    If they have not done a deal with HMRC then who cares who is bidding for them.




  9. Mark \o/ McGhee’s \o/ Eyeliner \o/ AKA Mark Guidi on 2 April, 2012 at 14:17 said:


    *THE KING VIC 67* on 2 April, 2012 at 13:15 said:


    MME…. what age are you gonna be???



    Hey MME – this is MRS Agent Craig “Green and” Whyte!!


    How dare you insinuate that I am *THE KING VIC 67* although I will have to agree with him wholeheartedly………..we’ll all be eating your birthday cake & sipping champagne when rangers die, and we win the league….oh sorry and celebrating your birthday!!!!



    The amount of candles on your cake TOTAL have been made aware – due to the situation with their Elgin-Franklin platform.



    MRS Agent Craig “Green and” Whyte!!



  10. Do Ragers have a Licence?




    Part 2 – National Club Licensing Section 8 – Legal, Admin and Finance Criteria














    Club Statutes


    Refers to the club’s statutes or memorandum and articles.



    The club shall provide a copy of the current approved club statutes (memorandum and articles).

  11. theweegreenman on 2 April, 2012 at 20:04 said:



    thomthethim on 2 April, 2012 at 20:01 said:



    I agree but would Celtic Plc?



    I am harbouring the hope that the reason they are quiet is that they are biding their time to block this.



    If it’s capitulation on the cards then I would also be finished with football.








    I share the same sentiments…and I don’t think that we are alone.


    I would always have Celtic in my heart, but I often thought of those Belfast Celtic supporters and how they must have felt when their club took the honourable decision to leave those horrible people with their hate.

  12. Smashing Milk bottles is a cheeky Bawbag, that is all!! :)



    Hail Hail




  13. sixtaeseven: No NewCo in SPL and it's Non-Negotiable! on

    Anything you want to know about TicketBus, just email Derek Johnstone who will be happy to answer all queries (fares, schedules, …).



  14. TheOriginalSadiesBhoy on

    Playing catch-up after absence of few days from blog and I’ve just noticed that many are predicting that RFC will go into liquidation on Friday – yeehah!



    Friday 6 April is SadiesBhoy’s birthday!


    Friday 6 April is Reverend Ian Paisley’s birthday!


    Friday 6 April is first say of Tax year – significant for those of a blue hue!



    As someone else said earlier, it should be renamed Feckin’ Brilliant Friday.



    Fast and abstinence when Rangers die! (maybe not!)

  15. SmashingMilkBottles on

    That’s a terrible thing to accuse me of Roccobore …eh….Bhoy….now tomorrow night I will watch the wee Celtic whilst lurking on CQN safe in the knowledge you’ll not post any stupid questions. (think that covers it don’t you?)






    Good news re SB

  16. Auld Neil Lennon heid on

    OG Rafferty



    In a similar vein I posted this on KDS re the bbc report Murray and Ticketus had done a deal





    I Never thought for a minute thatTi,ketus would give up without a fight and it makes sense for them to be involved but not with Rangers continuing but as Newco partners.


    For Rangers to continue they would have to stiff HMRC on the outstanding vat/paye since May.


    Hmrc cannot do a pence in the pound deal on this. It is public money that RFC failed to pass on, theft in everyday language. So somebody has to pony up £9m to keep oldco going.


    That leaves them open to the btc bill and if HMRC are stiffed on the £9m because Ticketus cam claim to ne owed more, they will not be prepared to do a deal on tge btc.


    So it would be back into administration.


    What does make business sense is liquidation to lose both the £9m and the £50m tax liability and start again as newco with Ticketus taking their share over a longer period but at a higher rate.



    So oldco gone, newco handicapped.



    The big unknown will be public reaction in the Uk to taxpayers being stiffed of £60m, especially when how it was done emerges. A third division start might become preferable to a good hinging.

  17. Talking of Davie Dodds.



    Is it true that in Aberdeen there was was a road sign.



    “keep Aberdeen beautiful” under which someone wrote “sell Davie Dodds”

  18. O.G. Rafferty 20.15



    hopefully more to follow from Alex Thomson,i think he was due to ask the SFA about granting thems a UEFA licence , also , succulent lamb was mentioned on twitter , hopefully he does some digging WRT the behaviour of the Laptop Loyal during the murray years.




  19. O G



    If you are lurking tonight, any idea wether C$ are planning a follow up to Friday’s programme.



    Why is no one, including Celtic not nailing Doncaster and co about Bain and McLelland being board members of the SPL and at the same time paying players cash outside their contract, furthermore not disclosing breach of rules and inelligibility to other SPL members.


    After the C4 show this is clearly in the public domain yet no one has been asking about it, at least no public response that I have seen.



    any thoughts







  20. No matter the outcome of the rangers saga. Scottish football will forever be the laughing stock of sport. Scottish football will be as far as im concerned dead . This pitiful country and its bigoted organisations ,have aided and supported a football club who have been proven to have broken the rules of the game in this country and many other countries governed by EUFA . Every loophole has been sought to help this football club to continue to survive , when in any other sport on the planet cheats and rule breakers would be dealt with according to the prescribed penalty for said crimes and wrong doing . Never again will the governing body of scottish football ,be looked at as a fair and honourable organisation . They will do the three monkeys . hear no evil, see no evil , and speak no evil . They will allow them back in to the top league . they will impose menial sanctions on them so as not to hinder them too much . And their phoenix type rise will be helped along by the honest mistake. Never again can we celts feel that we have a chance of an even playing field , what has gone on here is not about scottish football its about ONE clubs survival , their club . We have all witnessed the uneven hand of the governors of scottish football when dealing with our club . We all witnessed our manager being the ONLY one punished at the infamous shame game , we all witnessed farrygate, dougiegate , dallasgate . bougherra,s hands on to a ref ., spit the dogs assualt on our physio . And thats just last season, we can recall events many many years before that, as some of the old yins on here will testify too . Scottish football has been allowed to become a joke .In no other sport would this saga been allowed to go on. But every sanctioned delay breathes new hope into them , allow,s them more time to cover their work . and in the meantime the hacks continue to tell us its all to do about nothing . Its a pity we have no option than to stay in this cesspit ,but its a bigger pity we have to do it under the governance of the sfa



    hail hail



  21. thanks everyone


    yes indeed


    one of life’s good guys, ye know ?


    steady as a rock


    a terrific brother to my mum


    a fine example

  22. Bawbag, sorry smashing, :) your only jealous that your capacity to get basic trivia questions is about as good as Sebo’s capacity to hit the target!! :)



    Hail Hail




  23. Ibrox has always been “blessed” with many toads and few princes…none more so than Davie “Elephant Man” Dodds. It is a strange but true (many would concur it was understandable) story that they wouldn’t allow children in the front row seats at the Skid Bowl for fear of permanently traumatizing them. True story.

  24. sixtaeseven: No NewCo in SPL and it's Non-Negotiable! on

    Re: Duff & Felt, don’t they have to present a status to the creditors (including HECTOR) soon?



    My understanding wa that If HECTOR (and the other creditors) think that D&F are just piss artists, they can kick them out.



    Anybody remember the date?

  25. Jimtim, I some how still cling onto the hope that what you say won’t come to pass, but suspect your correct! So what do we do?



    Sitting in Lisbon on my tod, contemplating a morning visit to estradio national!

  26. SmashingMilkBottles on




    Once you learn flight times work on the 24 hr clock you might not miss as many…..

  27. Mark \o/ McGhee's \o/ Eyeliner \o/ AKA Mark Guidi on

    Agent Craig “Green and” Whyte!! on 2 April, 2012 at 20:25 said:



    As long as my card is stuffed full of crispy bank notes you can mock me all you want lol!



    Hail hail




  28. Bobby Evans Superstar on

    Re Rangers* moving to RIP status, I hear there will a press release on Wednesday. Seemingly the Herald has the statement ready to print. Apologies if thtis has been posted earlier.

  29. Another true story about ugly huns:



    Auld vinegar face Terry “warlock” Hurlock: one of the stipulations inserted into his contract when he signed for the Hun was that he was to stand at the centre circle a few hours before kick off so as to keep the crows from going onto the pitch. It worked a treat, so much so that he received generous (via an EBT you understand) bonuses for his work as the house scarecrow.

  30. jinkynewton on 2 April, 2012 at 20:43 said:




    I wouldn,t be sitting on my tod in lisbon mate. just back from there a month ago . great . plenty cracking bars . also went to the estadio national . it was all shut up .but one guy runs round the track every morning .he showed me how to get in . even got up the tunnel onto the park . amazing . its all seated now .not like the great day in 67 . they cant take that away from us .




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