I don’t get the flares thing. It’s not a part of my going-to-see-Celtic tradition. But if it was my thing, I’d have the courage of my convictions, I wouldn’t hide the fact.
There are consequences of bringing flares to football games, always has been. By not having the courage to openly ignite them, those consequences are not personalised to the individuals who regard this as an integral part of what they do at a football game, they are visited upon everyone in the vicinity, as well as the club.
The problem with flares at Celtic games is those who bring them hide the fact – as they clearly know there are consequences, and presumably aren’t too interested in taking responsibility for them. ‘Keen on flares, not keen enough to stand up for them’, is why the issue persists.
I get the attraction to bright, shiny, things, but this isn’t a campaign to bring the vote to disenfranchised people against a force who will execute the offender on sight. It’s about bringing a flare to a football game. If it’s so important, do it openly. If you think Health and Safety are simply wrong, find the evidence and use it in court. Have the courage to change something. I know lots of Celtic fans who have had the courage to put their name to something they believed in, in recent years. It’s seldom easy, but it has been done.
But in the years of this debate no one has ever pointed to evidence that igniting flares in a football ground is a clever thing to do. It’s just a ‘look at me’ exercise, ‘But don’t look at my face’, of course.
Episode 5 of ‘A Celtic State of Mind’ finds Paul John Dykes and Kevin Graham discussing a variety of topical subjects concerning Celtic Football Club, including:
* What now for the Green Brigade?
* Dedryck Boyata – Are reinforcements on route?
* Virgil van Dijk – The windfall cometh;
* Emilio Izaguirre – Moving on.
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Flares and face masks are very much part of the Ultra culture, especially in Italy where I have been on the wrong end of their, far right in style, organisation, bullying and violence – which at times has been murderous. (The first game I attended involved a firework that had been adapted to carry a metal spike so that when it was ignited the spike flew across the stadium into the skull of a random supporter killing him.) Why anyone would want the word Ultra or their pyro antics associated with themselves as individuals or their group beats me.
I’ve missed the blog!
Returned today after a conversation on a train with a young man from the ticket office who recognised me from supporting the famous..
Was interested to see in print fellow supporters interpretations of the announcement from the PLC.
Timing is everything!
After the hearts game I scoured the www highway for snippets of discussion on said “flares” (they emitted light and smoke)…. Nothing, nada, ziltch.
Cup final came(we became invincibles) and went till boom last Saturday. On a miserable afternoon in paradise no GB, no atmosphere.0-4 :-( Like it or not they are tantamount to our present being.
I Don’t agree with the pyro, but like any young beingS (2006) they need guidance at pivotal times.. The blanket ban by our board of directors, behind Health and safety, behind security, behind police, behind a media invitation, behind bloggers, behind comment or, behind the deflection of the substantiated cheating of a former member club of the SFA. IS NOT THE ANSWER.
I sit in block 109 and stadium security is lax. The amount of youngsters trying to gain access to the standing area is rarely noted. Lyon game stewards were not even persuing illegal entrants as there was no gb in there.
Wednesday game the old trick of tap the steward on the shoulder and distract him was a little less effective.
Republicanism will never die at Celtic. It’s in our essence. In fact I submit to it growing in our ranks to this land beyond the sea
Hail Hail troops
This HSE Squirrel has been answered previously – read the following extract:
The HSW Act and safety during the field of play
Health and safety law does not cover safety matters arising out of the sport or activity itself eg damaging a wrist during a boxing match or being injured following a bad tackle during football training. Note that a duty of care under the common (civil) law may apply.
Full HSE Sports Guidance can be read via the following link:
Legislation (Rules) are set by Governing Bodies (for football); FIFA, UEFA, National Associations – these are primary. Any secondary intervention would be as a result of RISK to an operative (worker/footballer) and/or the public by other Legislative Bodies such as; Local Authority, Fire, Police etc.
The HSE are bottom of the pecking-order when it comes to dictating H&S Policy on the field of play (competitive and/or contact sport).
CFC are up again for fan behaviour done by the uni Ultras for the 10th time, what part of this don’t you get,? stop deflecting, .
Who wants it?
Who wants a rewind.
Dinnae Listen to me, Listen to Him.
Shut up. ;))
thetimreaper on 22nd July 2017 11:35 am
Celtic manager Brendan Rodgers said: “It’s really disappointing that we are talking about stadium safety and paramilitary banners rather than our progress into the next round of Europe.
“The fans have a responsibility to behave in the stadium and I would urge everyone involved to see the damage this is causing to the club. Hopefully this is a wake-up call.
“The players thrive on the cauldron that the fans create at Celtic Park but there are clearly boundaries that you can’t step over. Everyone knows that pyrotechnics, unacceptable banners and ignoring stewards who are enforcing basic stadium safety measures are simply not on. I really hope that the fans take this on board. It would be a real shame if they forced the club to take more permanent action to ensure safety and protect the Club’s standing in European football, which is what we should all be aiming to promote.”
F’n Listen or the Greatest since Jock will walk away, IMO.
takin’ liberties.
Pipe down – do whit yer good @…. Listen to the olde Junglist.
Mike in Toronto
Don’t know if tou found the podacst yet….
There’s a link to the latest one under the latest article – perhaps you can find it from there.
Failing that, if you’re using an Apple device, just search in the ‘Podcast’ app and type in CQN – all episodes are available. Probably the same for android devices.
I take it the Board will not be selling any tickets to the scum support for the game at Celtic Park.Obscene,illicit,sectarian banners.Sectarian,bigoted ,disgusting ,songsheet.Serial destroyers of Stadium amenities.Blockers of passageways.
Surely they will?. Wont they?
What makes you think BRs opinion is any more informed than anyone else’s, that statement betrays your double standards as to how much proof is required by yourself for making judgement calls. You determine BRs opinion is informed based on whet exactly?
Especially when the facts of the matter displayed on the and in the Plcs statement and refusal to subject supporters to the dangers inherent in the fact that very little has changed when it comes to that mob contradicting his opinion
Correct mate, all of this will not sit well with Brendan and that is a big worry.
Pedro where do you sit in southstand. I Sat in the parents and children area there for years.
Hail Hail
TURKEYBHOY on 22ND JULY 2017 12:08 PM
TURKEYBHOY on 22ND JULY 2017 11:44 AM
Well .
On the other hand , with respect , I`d rather listen to and take cognisance of the informed opinion of Brendan Rodgers than your opinion .
And so , with respect , would the rest of the world
You know this,how?.
So now BR has an “Informed opinion”.Is it anymore informed than anyone on here.He did not approve of the banners,so what?.So did people on here.Some did approve.So is it only the ones who agreed with BR that have an”Informed opinion”?.The ones that dont are sadly,uninformed.
Ok , mate.
Hate to break this to you , but …….gulp ………….Haven`t seen your latest ” our man on the spot ” reflections on any of the news channels .
How come ?
Sack your agent .
AULDHEID on 22ND JULY 2017 10:15 AM
QUONNO on 22ND JULY 2017 9:58 AM
GORDON64 on 22ND JULY 2017 9:40 AM
The Board is more than happy to use any fallout as a smokescreen to bury Res 12.
You don’t know that. Perhaps it’s the silence that makes you believe that but it’s only a meaning you have given the silence.
My belief, which may be wrong, is they will have to act, or face charges as Directors of not acting to protect the best interests of Celtic.
But with a much better understanding now of what they are up against I give the silence a different meaning.
It’s been a bit of an eye opener the lengths some will go to in order to preserve their way. Verging on criminal and born of incredibe hubris.
We can only wait and see. My money is on the PLC joining the move along, nothing to see here, brigade.
You don’t know how right you are on your last post, others like the uni Ultras would just love that.
He could walk, and that would be just great eh?
What makes you think BRs opinion is any more informed than anyone else’s, that statement betrays your double standards as to how much proof is required by yourself for making judgement calls. You determine BRs opinion is informed based on whet exactly?
Especially when the facts of the matter displayed on the and in the Plcs statement and refusal to subject supporters to the dangers inherent in the fact that very little has changed when it comes to that mob contradicting his opinion.
You`re serious ?
BR`s opinion is an informed opinion .
See above.
Brendan doesn’t do walking away
Tony some of they ultras you speak off are young disenfranchised working men. Rebelling! As you do when your young.
Support and inclusion. Not exclusion
Bit of a “shrugs shoulders” response to the decision of the club to close part of the standing area for a couple of matches. Quel surprise. You can only take the piss for so long before you provoke a response.
The natural assumption is that those who’s season tickets are in the closed section will be given an alternative seat in the stadium. There are after all, thousands of seats which are not season-ticketed, and neither Rosenborg nor Hearts are likely to take them all.
It would be naturally unjust if those many whose behaviour is not in question, were penalised for the questionable behaviour of others.
Good clear post B,
It seems the closer we get to the prize, the stronger the urge to shoot ourselves in the foot..
Eyes on the prize not on petty point scoring.The fact that Brendan commented on the banner in the way he did is very revealing to me:( A big opportunity for the GB to learn and grow.It’s how you grow through the mistakes and stumbles that will lead to enough unity to get this job done!
We gift wrapped the media a perfect opportunity to shift the focus to us and not the long overdue move towards justice for the game..
Jaikets aff and come ahead has never been the Celtic approach but we are now reaching the critical mass point and actions will speak louder than words.
My faith may be naive and I may well be shot to pieces in the future but the alternative for me is too desperate to contemplate.
Don’t let us down Celtic..
Mike in Toronto
Podcast is here…
We are not supposed to be shocked by this statement from yourself I hope?
We can only wait and see. My money is on the PLC joining the move along, nothing to see here, brigade.
Turkeybhoy on 22nd July 2017 12:02 pm
Well whatever,the GB will not be there on Wednesday,so it will be up to the rest of the support to back the team for the complete 90 minutes.
Wull it,Aye.
I’m taking a holiday from Work.
The Celtic Support will be on it. Even if it is just me, I know it won’t be Howevaah.
This Celtic team being built is just sizzling with Kwality.
Get the team on the pitch Rocking…. then the whole crowd will be Singing.
The way it should be.
Are these guys for real ?
Celtic supporters who think they know better about the interests of Celtic than the best ( imho ) coach we have had since Jock ?
Delusions of grandeur .
Time to bale out .
Tony some of they ultras you speak off are young disenfranchised working men. Rebelling! As you do when your young.
Support and incl
As I was myself when I was a young man, but was never anyone’s message boy, I gave it all I had, (still do) and never cost my club a penny on fines, I would never have associated with the Uni mob ran into many of them in my day ok guys but didn’t hang around with them.
If we were talking about players or tactics or anything football then yes I’d agree informed opinion but politics?
Give it a rest, there is zero proof he is any more informed than a parrot.
I mean for crying out loud there are plenty out there that spout the biggest load of crap with what they consider authority bourne of ignorance and illinformed nonsense.
In fact you are the ideal example :)
TONYDONNELLY67 on 22ND JULY 2017 12:23 PM
Perhaps the answer is to ban all university graduates and undergraduates from CP.
That would get rid of the problem for sure.
PICINISCO @ 12.08.
A post that chimed with me .
Given your moniker – Lazio or Roma ?
Best part of 18 years in Italy and I’m sick to the back teeth of Ultras -Far right , far left , anarchist and bog standard we like violence nut jobs .
I was at the wowee crazy Catania v Palermo game in 2007 . Guns , flares , explosive devices, tear gas , stabbings , a policeman murdered with a piece of a broken sink and a bolt from a nail gun .. Absolutely insane .The fighting and the violence continued into the early hours of the morning -eventually the Mafia stopped it -they were p’d off that their Sant Agata celebrations had been spoiled by Tear Gas
Tony D
Respect ye,
Olde Junglist yer self.
Mumski says about how Dad bunked school Less and less now. Those teachers must have been uber Brutal for that Man to bunk.
Unfortunately he was always working to take me to see the Celtic. He had a lot of mouths to feed.
God Bless the Grey Brigade.
Bateen/CQN mag
Just found it. Thanks. Obviously, It was 5am here .. at least that is my excuse for being a numpty.
Bateen … my autocorrect keeps changing your name to Bayern… so, Danke!
If we were talking about players or tactics or anything football then yes I’d agree informed opinion but politics?
Give it a rest, there is zero proof he is any more informed than a parrot.
I mean for crying out loud there are plenty out there that spout the biggest load of crap with what they consider authority bourne of ignorance and illinformed nonsense.
In fact you are the ideal example :)
OK , then.
Whatever you think .
As I said earlier , time to bale out .
ERNIE LYNCH on 22ND JULY 2017 12:41 PM
TONYDONNELLY67 on 22ND JULY 2017 12:23 PM
Perhaps the answer is to ban all university graduates and undergraduates from CP.
That would get rid of the problem for sure.
A bit harsh, but it’s not a bad idea :))
I can’t believe I read this on CQN.
“Yes, and a week later the Ultras stooped way lower than Linfield fans, a thing I thought would never happen, but! It did.”
Did Ultras sing about people being pedophiles?
Did they throw coins and bottles at players?
Did they sing about being up to their knees in peoples blood?
Fred c dobbs
I was just readying a post with the very same sentiment, spooky
Fred C. Dobbs,
the Great FCD on. Magical.
This Deserves the French Connection. och. Moussa and Oliver…. Only if I had one more.
But they did portray our manager in a very dangerous manner that nutcases saw, plus his family in N I, but that’s ok, keep the deflection game going.
Yesterday’s Celtic statement started thus :
CELTIC FC is to close the ‘Green Brigade’ section of the stadium for the next two matches after serious incidents of unsafe behaviour at the last two competitive matches at Celtic Park.
The Club is writing to the 900 season-ticket holders affected to explain the Club’s position and next steps.
Have the fans been banned ? An area of the ground has been closed. Not the same as banning the fans from the ground ?
Nothing in the statement to say fans being banned that unless I’m missing something.
I went to uni and I support Celtic. Should I hand back my season ticket?
With all this health & safety talk, why are away supporters allowed to stand within all seated stadiums without any issues being raised or is that another blind eye watching .
Why is this allowed and we had to invest a lot of cash to install safe standing
In a feeding frenzy the truth is usually the first casualty.
Hail Hail.