I don’t get the flares thing. It’s not a part of my going-to-see-Celtic tradition. But if it was my thing, I’d have the courage of my convictions, I wouldn’t hide the fact.
There are consequences of bringing flares to football games, always has been. By not having the courage to openly ignite them, those consequences are not personalised to the individuals who regard this as an integral part of what they do at a football game, they are visited upon everyone in the vicinity, as well as the club.
The problem with flares at Celtic games is those who bring them hide the fact – as they clearly know there are consequences, and presumably aren’t too interested in taking responsibility for them. ‘Keen on flares, not keen enough to stand up for them’, is why the issue persists.
I get the attraction to bright, shiny, things, but this isn’t a campaign to bring the vote to disenfranchised people against a force who will execute the offender on sight. It’s about bringing a flare to a football game. If it’s so important, do it openly. If you think Health and Safety are simply wrong, find the evidence and use it in court. Have the courage to change something. I know lots of Celtic fans who have had the courage to put their name to something they believed in, in recent years. It’s seldom easy, but it has been done.
But in the years of this debate no one has ever pointed to evidence that igniting flares in a football ground is a clever thing to do. It’s just a ‘look at me’ exercise, ‘But don’t look at my face’, of course.
Episode 5 of ‘A Celtic State of Mind’ finds Paul John Dykes and Kevin Graham discussing a variety of topical subjects concerning Celtic Football Club, including:
* What now for the Green Brigade?
* Dedryck Boyata – Are reinforcements on route?
* Virgil van Dijk – The windfall cometh;
* Emilio Izaguirre – Moving on.
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Personally, I don’t buy the club will have permitted banners that they will have known will lead to Uefa sanctions just to distract fans from EBT/title stripping issue. It will all have blown over in a couple of weeks, whereas the EBT/title stripping issue will not. Two separate issues in my opinion.
You are like Pope Francis in comparison:)
I think me and you could sort this out, sit down with the GB, talk it over:)
What do you say?
Uni Ultra speak with fork toungs, break peace treaty many times, Tonto had enough, I get painted ponys ready, this gonny make Game of Thrones look like chity chity bang bang , Tonto breaks peace pipe.
This will be Brendan last season
Moonbeamswd on 22nd July 2017 3:21 pm
Very intelligent statement from the Uni Bhoys of the GB.
The old age pensioner blue pill libido raisers will be up!
Petec. I’m sure you are unaware of the awareness of members of the GB and their knowledge of Palestine and/or Israel.
I know Nothing Danny. I’d much rather it be that way when it comes to Israel. I could go tonto.
Thank You so much for helping my old Dad see the Hoops with his AMAZING GrandSon.
That awkward moment when Martin Neimuller gets quoted
Said this before, its them Trotskyists. But nobody ever sees them. They are like the wee elves in that old shoemakers shop:)
At least a few of them must be aged 101 by now, but still dangerous:)
Im on the case.
Brilliant from Lawless – 3-0 Jags after 33 mins
The UEFA fines are chicken feed compare to their desired £10M a year and total control of the narrative.
A wee snippet from that GB statement about the police and stewards blocking passages as witness by other supporters and the board openly blamed the supporters, the board lied to try and demonise its own supporters. That is the sad state of affairs and we have flares being lit up all over the blog by brain dead Plc sycophants.
The Green Man says SACK THE Board on 22nd July 2017 3:30 pm
You are like Pope Francis in comparison:)
The Almighty is incredible….. he puts in place a dude that will tackle EVERY manufactured World nonsense. hahahaha.
Whats the Solution?
Christ is all powerful.
The more you read the GB statement the more nonsense it is.
“took precautions when using flares” – really? like telling the club you were going to use them, having extinguishers nearby, using trained operators and letting them off underneath a presumably non-flame-retardant banner?
It looks like the Plc’s policies might have woken up the younger element of the support to the value of protesting.
God help us if the GB and the young fellas take up #Strip the Titles, the cheating etc.
Hopefully Mr Lawwell and Co have thought this through, looking at the talk on Twitter you might have let the gene out of the bottle.
You never answered my question.
Do you want to be cheated by the huns, or do you want truth and justice?
Darkness or Light?
Im with the Light:)
Really poor Statement from the GB. What was needed was a short Statement with an apology, some humility and an acceptance that things need to change. However what we have now is more questions than answers,
Firstly, they did not directly acknowledge the Brendan at work and paramilitary banners. If they are suggesting those banner were not theirs then why not tell us so? Then we have an admission that they knew full well the flares used during the Hearts game were wrong and likely to cause problems, yet proceeded anyway. They seem to be suggesting they had the risk in hand. A preposterous position they have no authority to manage the risk inside the stadium. There is then a further admission that there has been dialogue with the Club re the flares which blows out the water the idea the this issue was used in yesterdays Statement as a stick a beat them with. The attacks on former Board members are unacceptable for a Club that is ‘open to all’. Finally the statement concludes with ‘We can assure all that we will be back in Celtic Park soon enough and that we will never allow our style nor our politics to ever be diluted’. I’m afraid that last statement is the nail in their coffin.
Brilliant free kick from Spittal – 4-0 Jags after 37 mins
!988 – 5-4-3-2-1
This is my last post on this – I’m retired (spent 20 years in H&S/HSE related work). It feels as if I’ve spent hours trying to advise a Client on their obligations/ responsibilities when seeking; ISO9001/ Constructionline/ CHAS Accreditation.
Simple link: http://www.hse.gov.uk/riddor/examples-reportable-incidents.htm
I will reproduce the RIDDOR sub-link for you:
Sporting injuries
Q. Are sporting injuries reportable?
A. No, if the injury arose out of the normal participation of the activity. Injuries should be reported if they were due to defective equipment or failings in the organisation and management of an event.
Note: I’ve read your links – collapsing the scrum in rugby has always been a moot/ contentious point (hence recent rule changes). The referee liability (a legal opinion) makes no reference to the HSE.
The HSE Public Register – I’m well aware of. In fact I’ve been involved in a number of defence and prosecution cases in the past. If you scroll through the Register you will find that the majority relate to dangerous practice (often construction). Injuries relating to; falls from height (predominantly roofs), collapsing; buildings, walls, scaffolding, excavations – others relating to; asbestos, electricity, plant.
Good luck if you decide to pursue this with the HSE – but don’t hold your breath!
I’ve witnessed death-defying incidents on sites in the past that the HSE never got round to investigating – they don’t have the manpower.
I’m off oot! Too much like unpaid work for me. :-)
Embramike, Thistle ‘s 3rd and 4th goals were excellent finishes
The Green Man says SACK THE Board on 22nd July 2017 3:37 pm
You never answered my question.
Do you want to be cheated by the huns, or do you want truth and justice?
Darkness or Light?
Im with the Light:)
I wouldn’t be @ Celtic Park unless it was for Aidan, my Son.
Do you attend?
Two thoughts:
1 I agree that the Board can’t ignore clear rule breaches if they impact Celtic, and must act upon them. But, then, why not act on the SFA and SPFL who are ignoring rules, and have cost Celtic tens of millions of pounds.
2. I suspect that if fans saw the Club doing the right thing sometimes, the GB might be less antagonistic towards the Board. I’ll admit this point Is more subjective.. and harder to prove, but I don’t think it is unreasonable.
3. Our Board HAVE ignored a large group of fans who regularly break all sorts of laws at our Stadium and have done so for years. .. zombies fans. How do we reconcile this?
Okay … three points, not two
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1mX5fVSELY"Incredible
St Mirren fans off to the pub, wise men…….
The negativity towards the Green Brigade in this Country was clear from the start.
They made us stronger and harder to beat, so they had to go…almost there :-(
You know my position.
Followed the bhoys home and away for 40 odd years.
But, i couldnt handle the hun cheating.
I will return, when the PLC stand up for Celtic…Like im doing right now:)
I stand on a simple principle of truth and justice.
Thats it.
Hail Hail to you and Aiden:)
The Sean Connery impersonator at the golf rips ma knittin
oh ffs not again
Always like when someone mentions ‘grow up’ or ‘immature’.On a blog about a group of grown men who dress in matching outfits and try to put a ball in the net of another set of adult men in different coloured kits.Oh,how mature.
Towards the end of the season things were going so well on the park that the blog became a wee bit boring…lovely, positive, adoring posts…yuk!…now, two games in and we are up to our knees in in-fighting and controversy…love it!… Much more interesting for the lurkers and posters…However, it’s a shame we couldn’t unite to overthrow this whole corrupt regime over at Hampden…but I doubt it will ever happen…corruption continues and the fans still turn up and pay their money…it’s an addiction which is exploited by the blazers for personal gain…
Football is nothing without the fans…or…fans are nothing without football?
Remove the titles just like Stewart Milne removed his wig…(a wig is another form of cheating)…
The sooner Peter gets his gig with Campbell at UEFA the better!
I had no clue.
The Hasshins were www in on it it early Ds.
I’d rather know NOTHING now. Christ says so much to so Many.
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUkzeevo0eA"Winter in July
What £10M a year? Champions League money? The board want rid of the GB as they think this enhances their chances of qualifying? Not for me mate, I personally think it more reaction and than conniving. Not to say I am dismissing your theory, I am a bit of conspiracist at heart, its just the angles don’t align on this one for me.
Not having a go and it made me chuckle, but you criticise the board for demonising its own supporters and refer to some of your fellow supporters and blog members as brain dead plc sycophants.
Anybody got thoughts on our first 11 from the current squad?
Therein lies the problem. There is so much that the GB could do as a force for good. For example, they could have issued a short apology today, then later on started a movement on the title striping issue which would united everyone. Instead we have a statement that reads we will continue to do as we please. Not good enough.
Poll on video Celts.com
Are Celtic right to ban the Green Brigade for two matches?
Yes. 9664
No. 4574
Yes. But this ain’t the place to discuss trivial matters. :-@)))
Embramike, Thistle ‘s 3rd and 4th goals were excellent finishes
If Jags continue playing like this in the coming season they would be pushing for European place
great post.