Media and Spartak take hit for underestimating Celtic


Celtic’s win in Moscow on Tuesday has caused an interesting introspection in Russia, with both Spartak and some in the Russian media coming under scrutiny.  The pre-match tone was set by comments we reported from former Spartak player and coach, Andrey Tikhonov, who, on the day of the draw, said:

“Barcelona are favourites from the group. We and Benfica will be fighting for second place.

“Celtic are outsiders. The Champions League competition is about very good technical football.  It has nothing to do with running after the ball that somebody kicked forward.”

Another former Spartak player and Soviet international, who now works as a technical analyst and all-round raconteur , Aleksandr Bubnov, had a completely different take on Celtic, Spartak and the Russian and Scottish media.

Bubnov told Russian television:

“Spartak players thought they could push Celtic defenders around like toys.  They played long crosses forward like the idiots.  Celtic defenders knocked back everything.  It was like training for Celtic, they were on holiday.

“When Celtic attacked for the first time, de Zeeuw thought that Insarualde would stop the Celtic player, Insarualde thought Pareja will stop him.  When Celtic scored de Zeew asked, ‘Where was Pareja ?’  Pesjakov answered de Zeeuw, “You forgot?  Pareja is still at the lunch, he will be back for the second half.”

Bubnov criticised TV analysts who before the game debated whether Celtic would survive in the bottom half of the Russian premier division or a lower division.  He added:

“We were told by the experts that Spartak will shut Celtic out, kill them and bury outside the stadium.  They are experts, they watch games, they take money for this kind of analysis.  They told us Celtic are one story heroes.

“They talked about Rangers relegated to the fourth Division for financial cheating.  You see how they do things there?  What fantastic salvation. You are cheaters Rangers?  OK, go and take long rest.  Those in charge are professionals, nobody would help Rangers. They don’t go to the president, or the prime minister.

“Cherdantsev (TV expert) never played football.  You heard him, Spartak players and all these experts. ‘No problem, champions of Scotland?  Who are Celtic, who are Scotland?

“Experts?  Did they watch Celtic against Benfica? Benfica are top in Portugal, Celtic drew with them.  Even the stupid Scottish experts came here and told us Spartak would win 2-0.”

When asked how Spartak should play in the return game against Celtic, Bubnov suggested:

“You need to close wings and play carefully at the back. Celtic will not perform like Spartak did against Barcelona. They played and let the other team play.

“Neil Lennon was very smart coach.  He closed Spartak options on the wings.  Emeri (Spartak manager) should close Celtic wings.  Emeri’s tactics was move wingers to the centre to leave more room for attacks from left and right defenders.  But, our defenders were poor and slow.

“Emeri was stupid, he moved Aiden McGeady and Dmitri Kombarov to the centre because Neil Lennon closed wings.  What happened? They both played out of position and Kombarov scored an own goal.”

“Spartak were open on the wings and there was a brothel at the back.  Neil Lennon did what he wanted to do with Spartak”

Conversational Russian is apparently rich with imagery.

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    Don’t understand your post. I never mentioned you at all tonight. Let’s all take a chill pill and “Listen to the Lion” (Van de Man). I am with Kojo and Saltires on the Aidan debate…..that is my democratic right. No-one is doubting wee Aidan’s Celtic credentials and it is somewhat disingenuous to suggest otherwise. Where I disagree with Saltires is about Paddy…..he (Paddy (not Saltires :-))always has me on the edge of my seat, for good or bad, when he is on the ball. It’s when he is off the ball that I get frustrated. Tempted to throw in a grenade (for badness) at this juncture and tell everyone why I don’t like Rory McIlroy….but I won’t. So there…

  2. hoopsmon



    I really believe they have been told to refuse more appeals…



    I hadn’t lost an ESA appeal this year and have lost 3 in a row, admittedly they where borderline but should have won at least 1 if not 2…



    I have just decided to ask for a statement of reasons, better now that they are recorded imo..

  3. bt,great reply to garcia lorca,as rod stewart sings its in your heart,its in your soul,cheers ak.

  4. Bt.



    I went next door to mc mutries real pockets n zips.ha.






    if my ma new you were a good Tim she would have paid your busfare.



    god rest her.hh

  5. Celtic67n68



    thought one of my better posts had beem ignored… o))



    maybe they thought it was just another BT alcohol induced response…

  6. Seville67


    20:52 on


    4 October, 2012




    20:58 on


    4 October, 2012





    Dinnae listen ….you’ll benefit from that approach …trust me …



    Btw any channel that employs G Dalziel deserves to be ignored …completely



    I agree wholeheartedly give the tabloid MSM a miss, breathe the fresh air

  7. saltires en sevilla



    Grow up you’re the one that canny follow your own argument such is your hatred for one of our own, so why don’t you tuck up your wee sheep in bed and gie’s aw peace wi’ yer bile!



    Watch you don’t let yer mask slip any further…

  8. BT, no time to read back ,any info on the Cup Draw to-day stul in Sunny Costa del Sol.


    Awerabest PJ

  9. Blantyretim


    Exhaust them. At some point they have to be taken to law. It’s criminal in some cases. They’re reliant on people “giving up”. Barstewards of the First Order in the name of profit.

  10. BT


    Don’t even think about it, each “loss” (for want of a better word) must be difficult to take, for the individual involved as well as yourself, but without people like yourself fighting their corner the percentages swing further against them, sure it’s been a tough tough week, but there will (unfortunately) be opportunities aplenty to assist in more successful outcomes.


    Keep up the good fight mo chara.



  11. hoopsmon & Che



    I will bhoys but with the new reforms coming in I can only see it getting worse..



    Housing associations are more interested in the bedroom tax and the money they will loose weekly in reduced rental…

  12. seville67 20.52



    your post was bang on



    a caller near the end asked them 3 times if they thaught r.c.ogilvie


    was fit for purpose, each time a deathly silence,delahunt then cut


    the guy off without an answer


    makes you wonder if ogilvie has a hold over these so called journos

  13. saltires en sevilla on




    I was delighted to see him go for that kind of money …Lenny was less than upset!


    I already said a decent player – I like his trickery but never a team player – never ever that



    Were you surprised he crashed and burned on Tuesday – I wasn’t and Ill point you to the post on here where i predicted same



    Lenny had him well Sussed out



    The money he brought in is his legacy at Celtic



    Do to know if he gets on well with Charlie?

  14. I work with a few rabid Sevco supporters, dear oh dear they are getting more rabid



    They really are now voicing strong opposition to any league restructuring which means they are advanced to the SPL or a division below, its all about integrity apparently:0))))



    With the supporters from other clubs also ready to show their objections to any reconstruction plans, where now for Regan and Doncaster with league reconstruction?

  15. BT,Thankyou once again, OMG !couldnae get a stiffer test ( tung in cheek ).


    Awerabest PJ

  16. City Cash Tailors mentioned. My wee Nana ran their computer in the 70’s. Filled a whole room it did. Raked in aw that money spent oan aw that lovely fashion-wear back then!!

  17. Che


    21:08 on


    4 October, 2012


    BT please Keep up the good fight mo chara.





    Absolutely some of our most vulnerable people in our society need the good guys fighting for them BT, never give up.

  18. BT


    My Mum has already been ‘warned’ that she will have to pay more for her “spare” bedroom. A mother of five with ten grandchildren and one great grandchild. Worked all her days. Why are we putting up with this? Beats me.

  19. Guys looking for help to watch game v hearts on sunday in Santa Eulalia Ibiza



    Anyone know pub i can see game on sunday thanks in advance

  20. Celtic’s Fraser Forster has been included in England’s squad for the World Cup qualifiers against Poland and San Marino. Photograph: Ian Walton/Getty Images




    When Brian Clive Forster QC was appointed as a circuit judge his son grew wearily accustomed to one particular joke. “Hope you won’t be spending as much time sitting on the bench as your dad,” quipped many of those crossing Fraser Forster’s path. Five years on from his father’s elevation, the family have another cause for celebration.



    Forster’s inclusion in the England squad comes after Roy Hodgson faced concerted lobbying to select the 6ft 7in goalkeeper from both the FA’s outgoing head of elite development, Gareth Southgate, and Celtic’s manager, Neil Lennon. Following two seasons on loan at Celtic from Newcastle United, Forster signed for Lennon’s side in a £2m transfer this summer. The fact that he never made a first-team appearance in six years at St James’ Park conceals the high regard with which the 24-year-old was held on Tyneside.



    Had the outstanding Tim Krul been poached by a leading club during the close season, Forster would have been Alan Pardew’s first-choice keeper at Newcastle. Instead he bid his slightly reluctant farewells and embarked on a Champions League adventure with Celtic that perhaps finally persuaded Hodgson to summon him south of Hadrian’s Wall.



    Paul Lambert may wonder why England’s coach took so long. Aston Villa’s manager had Forster on loan at Carrow Road during the 2009-10 season during which Forster helped Norwich out of League One, keeping 18 clean sheets in 38 league appearances.



    Born in Hexham, Northumberland, he was privately educated at Newcastle’s Royal Grammar School. A promising cricketer and rugby player Forster did not take up goalkeeping until the age of 13. “As a family we’re not really football oriented,” his father has said. Initially coaches wondered if Forster junior might be too small for the position. “I was never the tallest until later in my teens,” Fraser has recalled. “Then, at about 15 I started growing and didn’t stop.”



    By then he had joined the famous Wallsend Boys Club. Evenings at Wallsend offered a very different environment from the RGS but as Forster senior once reflected: “Fraser is a very laid back character who takes most thing in his stride and won’t take too much heed of what anyone might say.”



    Newcastle United proved the next stop but the presence of Shay Given, Steve Harper and Krul made things rather crowded for a young man who had abandoned the idea of attending university in order to turn professional. There were days when Forster senior telephoned Glenn Roeder, Newcastle’s former academy director, to question his son’s progress. Patience was advised and unglamorous loan spells at Stockport and Bristol Rovers were augmented by numerous outings as a Newcastle substitute.



    It would prove a sometimes frustrating induction but Forster’s amalgam of brilliant shot-stopping and intimidating size have placed him within touching distance of England’s 2014 World Cup squad.

  21. BT



    Sorry have a pile of work to be handed in tomorrow so trying to get some of it done.



    Was going to go to 6pm vigil then pick up TGCW in Halfway on the way in so could pick you up if that suits?

  22. lionroars67


    21:13 on


    4 October, 2012


    They really are now voicing strong opposition to any league restructuring which means they are advanced to the SPL or a division below, its all about integrity apparently:0))))






    anyone who ever played any level of pyramid structure football will know its a hard, almost unheard of task to progress from the 4th to the 1st tier over 4 seasons.



    zombies might get out the 3rd this time, but they wont get out the 2nd with the same squad of players next season.

  23. j67- it’s the formula.



    I know Davie Provan pretty well – I know he takes a lot of stick from Celtic fans but he left Clyde because he wouldn’t go along with the anti- Celtic stuff.



    I can also tell you that he was a Rangers fans as a boy but the night we beat Rangers 4-2 to win the league with 10 men his old man was on the park as a Celtic fan while his brother was in the Rangers end. But he became a Celtic man. 2 years ago his opinion was that Scottish football was not worth watching and his interest is more in playing golf.



    I asked him why he does not stand up for Celtic more and he said there are a couple of reasons.



    1. The SSB formula – Annoy Celtic fans and the call in, annoy Rangers fans and the switch off. He did rip Darryl King to shreds one night after Celtic beat Rangers- fan with a mic was his comment.


    2. He could never be the BFDJ of Celtic as he finds that cheerleader with a mic just stupid.



    He also pointed out that he is a big mate of Derek.



    So I agree with the guys who say don’t listen – I tend not to but forgot my ipod for the car tonight. My comment was more around the fact that they have not moved on in 6 months.



    James Sanderson must be spinning in his grave at the thought of someone with as low an IQ as Gordon Dalziel being a pundit.




  24. hoopsmon



    Its a long hard fight….



    PiP will also mean more appeals… I despair at times… o(

  25. Saint Stivs


    21:25 on


    4 October, 2012



    They have their pick of the referee grade 1 pool every game, only SFL team which gets this privilege



    Gretna ran through the leagues



    I wish i could go along with your view, however i think they will progress through the divisions to much in their favour

  26. He Jude


    that SP was dissing the Beatles…





    ole pabbers will be looking down on you with daggers…



    God bless Steve(Pabs)

  27. tim in the chamber on

    Hoopsmon & BT



    I was under the impression the bedroom tax only affected people of working age who were on Housing Benefit. Maybe I have picked that up wrong….

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