Ronny, this is your starting point


Ronny Deila seems to be more upset at the poor performance yesterday than I was. My expectation on hearing the team matched what we saw. We have taken big steps to turn things around in recent weeks but, Ronny, this is your starting point, and it’s not as high as you might have thought.

Hopefully we’ll be back to something more recognisable as a full squad on Wedenesday, including Wakasooooooo.

Blog on the go this week, email delays too.

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  1. mike in toronto



    16:59 on 22 September, 2014



    Davidopolous ….



    I didn’t take any office when you questioned my words…. but when someone questions my ellipsis (es? ) … well, them’s fighting words! :)








    Usually when I get things wrong on here I tie barbed wire round my underpants and flagellate myself on the floor. It’s a wonder I get anything else done…

  2. Dontbrattbakkinanger on

    I’d rather have a kiss



    From dead Matty’s ellipsis



    Than you in your finery



    DBBIA/ Liege and Lief CSC




  3. mike in toronto



    16:59 on 22 September, 2014



    Davidopolous ….



    I didn’t take any office when you questioned my words…. but when someone questions my ellipsis (es? ) … well, them’s fighting words! :)








    Usually when I get things wrong on here I tie barbed wire round my underpants and flagellate myself on the floor. It’s a wonder I get anything else done…



    Not really sure how to respond to that …. so, I’ll just sit here and hope my clients show up very soon!



    Hail Hail

  4. Magnificentseven on






    17:06 on



    22 September, 2014





    philivertus your a fucking wanker die soon




    seems like Darwin gave up on you, beat it

  5. mike in toronto



    17:07 on 22 September, 2014



    mike in toronto



    16:59 on 22 September, 2014



    Davidopolous ….



    I didn’t take any office when you questioned my words…. but when someone questions my ellipsis (es? ) … well, them’s fighting words! :)








    Usually when I get things wrong on here I tie barbed wire round my underpants and flagellate myself on the floor. It’s a wonder I get anything else done…



    Not really sure how to respond to that …. so, I’ll just sit here and hope my clients show up very soon!



    Hail Hail





    Haha. Enjoy your meeting.

  6. the singing detective demands the resignation of campbell ogilvie –



    That’s just gingerphobic hate speech. Gingers are no more likely to attack you than any of nature’s other apex predators. (thumbsup)



    fritzsong – Salmond is a big man, but he’s in bad shape.



    It’d need to be The Sturgeon.



    And I wouldn’t bet against her. She’s a nippy sweetie. (thumbsup)

  7. Gene's a Bhoy's name on



    totally unacceptable language





    surprised you repeated it

  8. Magnificentseven on

    Gene’s a Bhoy’s name





    17:12 on



    22 September, 2014







    totally unacceptable language





    surprised you repeated it




    Gene, you are correct I should have resisted cutting and pasting, apologies

  9. mike in toronto



    17:07 on 22 September, 2014



    mike in toronto



    16:59 on 22 September, 2014



    Davidopolous ….



    I didn’t take any office when you questioned my words…. but when someone questions my ellipsis (es? ) … well, them’s fighting words! :)








    Usually when I get things wrong on here I tie barbed wire round my underpants and flagellate myself on the floor. It’s a wonder I get anything else done…



    Not really sure how to respond to that …. so, I’ll just sit here and hope my clients show up very soon!



    Hail Hail





    Haha. Enjoy your meeting.





    Good on you for keeping the old practice of mortification alive ….



    but wasn’t watching that first half enough suffering for any man?!



    Hail hail



    Paenitentiam Agere(and clients haven’t shown up yet) CSC

  10. Living_in_the_Love_of_the_Commons_People on

    I see the Scottish people are getting it in the neck from our resident right wing cheeky boy.



    Slurs of the nudge-nudge, wink-wink variety being being leveled at the Scottish in general and Scottish “wummin” in particular.



    If those two wee blonde lassies, holding up the Saltire while defying the baying scum are anything to go by, I’ll stick with the Scottish “wummin” over you, your insults and your corrupt and sneering Prime Minister, who just happens to be a cousin of Lizzie.



    Indeed, I’m quick to get offended by yours slurs of Scottish women. Half of my family just happen to fall into that description, including my Scots/Irish 78 year old mum who voted to throw out your millionaire play boys darn sarf.



    And before you tell me it was just a wee joke and to lighten up, I lived in Southampton for two years, working my way up the ladder. If I learned one thing, it’s that the most insiduous form of bigotry that some of our neighbors indulge in is of the wink and nudge variety.



    You and Ernie Lynch, may, or may not be the same person, but a common disdain of the Scots is evident and your posting styles curiously similar.







    13:39 on 22 September, 2014



    The sharp suited man







    My Dear *Bournesoup*….



    Thanks For The Endearing Vintage Holiday Snap….





    Of That Old Crone ‘Doon-The-Water’…




    Suitably Reading The ‘Grauniad’…



    [ Surely Ol’ DBBIA has less ‘foliage’ these days..? Ed ]



  12. Gene’s a Bhoy’s Name.



    At 17.12




    This Sainted Spot.. is in .. Regression?



    Ah hiv Noticed that Non Drawing Room Language is Creeping inae



    More n More of Several Subcribers’ Submissions.’



    This … I.. Regret..



    Yes, Virginia..



    This Forum is oan a Downer.. which ..



    Ah Hate Tae Say…But Ah wull..



    Wull End .. Badly..



    If Something is Not Down. Aboot..









    Regression …into… a “Coarner Boy” HAVEN.





  13. Whilst I appreciate LG and KC have a level of skill and technique which allows them to thrive in domestic football, their ability is not such that it can compensate for their limitations in Europe.



    With them we will never succeed in Europe.



    Without them we will win the league and ‘may’ build a team worthy if the name in Europe.

  14. guernica



    17:22 on 22 September, 2014



    Whilst I appreciate LG and KC have a level of skill and technique which allows them to thrive in domestic football, their ability is not such that it can compensate for their limitations in Europe.



    With them we will never succeed in Europe.



    Without them we will win the league and ‘may’ build a team worthy if the name in Europe.






    Oooh, controversial…but agreed.

  15. Syd Negakev



    17:23 on 22 September, 2014






    What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.



    Pretty much so I’d say. :-)








    I’m still trying to get my head round it, but the man has done very well for himself. Punching above (below?) his weight for sure.

  16. Playing catch up big 2 posts from previous deserve a big Hail Hail and here here IMHO!






    12:01 on 22 September, 2014


    Did any of you at the game on Saturday pay any attention to the wee bhoys in Celtic strips who displayed their skills in the centre circle at half time. Although they were all great there was one very small kid whose skill level was unbelievable for his age. His speed, control and trickery were spellbinding. Many around me in the main stand broke off from our conversations to watch him. I know that many youngsters fall by the wayside as they grow up and they don’t achieve the potential in football but if that wee bhoy makes it I hope I’m still around to see him perform for Celtic. Good luck to him and the others who took part on Saturday.






    coolmore mafia



    13:09 on 22 September, 2014


    Booing Celtic is like keying your own car



    HH jamesgang

  17. Davidopoulos



    ‘Make ’em laugh’ is the way to get them.



    I’ve had quite a few laugh at me over the years…but not in a good way. :-(

  18. masty is neil lennon and both of us are supporting wee oscar on



    like all huns, you just couldn’t help yourself.

  19. traditionalist88 on

    The Swinging D1ckhead



    You’re an imposter and naebody likes you.



    Not my fault ya HUN b.

  20. Thunder Road



    Several of us are now barred for multi voting. You need to keep going until you reach the limit.






    Every Cloud……… if poor language keeps going Kojo (or at least one of his personas) takes a bath….




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