Scottish football on solid ground


Any away win by a Scottish club in the Netherlands is noteworthy but Aberdeen’s win last night is even more significant. It is a sign that a recovery is underway in one of Scottish football’s perennial underachievers. St Johnstone’s result is more of the same after last year’s achievements. Motherwell’s sorry exit is a lesson on being unprepared….

If Celtic can reach the Champions League group stage for the third successive season, there’s reason to believe our game is on solid ground after the years of excess and abandon.

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  1. blantyretim is praying for the Knox family on



    lennybhoy is on it I believe.


    Zbyszek sad that we are unable to make it over but things looking up.



    obviously as we are not going over…8)

  2. The Huddle




    Yes.. We kin only get wit the Market wull Allow.. fur oor Treasures..



    That is Some kinda.. Rule..






    Wan day.. may Turn up..during the Next Transfer Negos.. fur Wan or baith of oor Treasures… Who Knows??



    Celtic, May hiv…



    mair than WAN Suitor fur ..oor Treasure au Jour…




    N…When That Happens..



 ’s “Katie.. Bar the Door!” time



    WHOOPEE.. Yippee… !!!!!!



    fir… Competiion… wid Mean… Higher Transfer Fees..fur us.. at last..






    EETHER ,



    By ACCIDENT..or.. DESIGN..( Ah ,masel.. Pop fur.. DESIGN..ed)



    By some Quirk of Fate.. if ye like.. which Ah DON’T Like..



    There is Alwiz..oanly



    WAN.. interested Party,,who is Involved.. when a Bid Comes in .. fur Wan of oor









    well.. That Explains ..



    The Low Ball Bids that we keep getting. It explain it..



    but.. Ah still Don’t Like it.. wan wee bit..



    Ah know’s Frustratin.. but..



    Here we ur.. Stuck … wi An Unhappy Player.. who has Dreams at Night of Coontin awe the Moolah he wull Get.. wance he Heads fur the Tall n Uncut..


    n is jist Itchin tae spend some of the Imaginary Income he wull be getting..



    n .. usually.. a Time Limit.. is Loomin in the shadows.. Threatin us..



    So we are Stuck. we must relent..n mak a decision.



    So..we Reluctantly… succumb.. Haud up oor Hands..



    N…. Inevitably, go fur the “Half o’ the Loaf..” rather than getting stuck..



    wi a Dozen o’ Hoggs.. Morning Rolls.. when the time cloak runs Doon.



    If we don’t unload oor Unhappy wanderer…. Fast..



    So..there ye Hiv it



    Ah hope that This Time




    the Fix is NO in..



    N ..we wull Actually Hiv Mair that WAN bidder.. fur the Services of



    Virgil n Forster..



    But..Ah hae MA doots..



    Ah still think ther is Some kinda Conspiracy abounding..



    It is Uncanny… Ah say .. how we only ever get



    WAN .. Live ‘un.. who shows Interest In wan of oor Treasures..



    But, that is Jist Me..



    Nice Chatting,pal.







  3. ‘GG



    Cheers and continuing good health, although mine is a Pinot Grigio.



    As Eileen Twain would sing, “God bless the child”



    ShaniaTwain CSC

  4. Was going to watch the game in b/tyre KSC ….not tomorrow !! Seemingly the knob of a barman is in a foul mood and wullnae let mae ston it the bar , the oothoose is startin to lose its bricks , haha see ye the morra knobbby ;)))) diz yir wife know aboot wee amy-t !

  5. Sorry Kojo I seen my name but I can’t decipher so can’t respond, sure it was all good stuff though.



    You ever thought about writing normal like? :O)

  6. Steinreignedsupreme on

    Invercelt 23:25 on 25 July, 2014



    Unfortunately I’m just about to head off or I would engage you in some of those points.



    Although for many on the blog it will be a relief not to see any major debate on this topic.



    Maybe another time.



    Of course Israel has the right to exist. But Israel does not want peace.

  7. Clash city bhoy



    Your suggestion re bbc is a really good one.



    The realistic opportunity is when celtic vs rangers ( new version) is on the agenda.

  8. blantyretim is praying for the Knox family on



    mrs bt said yer barred..



    ya dobber..

  9. Neganon



    From last night. You never answered my question.



    What players who would make a difference vs legia would want to come play for Celtic in SPL ?

  10. blantyretim is praying for the Knox family on



    in case you didn’t recognise the adonis frame that I am now sporting if was I who shouted over as you left the posh door Tuesday.



    hmmmm o)

  11. marspapa



    How ye doin buddy, wee chicks due to hatch ramorra, hopefully. Widnae be surprise if we got f all. Ye cannie beat nature. :-))



    Weefra HH praying to Wee Oscar.

  12. Tom McLaughlin



    Whether deliberate or not…it was very funny…



    It also set the scene for all the great stuff that came afterwards, which is entirely in keeping with the best traditions of this sainted place. (copyright Kojo)



    I think you will henceforth be known as Woosh McLaughlin..



    You should really be awarding the Woosh award to best riposte.



    Thanks for the fun.




  13. So Looking forward to 60 plus at murrayfield on 5th



    Already got 6 friends who have never seen the hoops and 4 other ‘once a season types’ going along.



    It’s going to be special. Also a record CL attendance for Celtic in Scotland I believe.

  14. BT.


    I’ve chastised the young podium chaser,he


    just laughs.


    Waiting on yer song . HH.

  15. Kilbowie Kelt will vote YES on

    A lot of people think that Herod was a monster for all those innocent children that he massacred.



    But does nobody try to see it from Herod’s perspective ?



    O me miserum !!

  16. Blantyre Tim.



    I am sorry I did not get chance to pop over for chat. My son was with me and his mum was giving me some grief as our attendance of the game had not received official clearance apparently.

  17. Clashcitybhoy on




    23:41 on 25 July, 2014


    So Looking forward to 60 plus at murrayfield on 5th



    Already got 6 friends who have never seen the hoops and 4 other ‘once a season types’ going along.





    Where do you fit in :-)

  18. Blantyre Tim



    I will not be in the posh seats for the game on 5th or 6th ( unsure of date ) but we have a big crowd of ‘potential converts’ going along. Already asking me about ‘tailgate’ options, so not sure they really get it !

  19. angel gabriel



    I appreciate the input. I disagree that ignoring has been or will be effective. I was off this blog for 9 months- it stopped nothing of his input. We have lost a lot of decent posters because of it.






    PF Ayr




    “Spend what we bring in



    Come out of each transfer window stronger



    Wind and piss”




    I am open to correction but I believe the promise made was that the club will spend money that we bring in (it did not specify that it would be on players) and that our aim was to come out of each transfer window stronger i.e. an aspiration rather than a guarantee.

  20. blantyretim is praying for the Knox family on




    I have been asking about free transfers/bosmans from Spain for years now.Celtic can pay better wages with or without CL money than the Spanish teams, I wish and hope that we have a scout in Spain getting these players signed up, we should have scouts in all areas of Europe and afar.



    we can’t always rely on buying after we quality into CL.



    if we fail do we sell 2 players for 20m to compensate for what we don’t rely on?

  21. Dallas Dallas where the heck is Dallas on

    Weefra, I hope you and your family, including the livestock, are well after the celebration of your mum’s life. The sun shone brightly for her farewell.



    I couldn’t get to sleep the other night because of this couple of pensioners giving each other a huge hug then arguing but I couldn’t work out where they were apart from a better place than here.



    Hopefully, our team can gee us all up this upcoming season with Ronny’s ideas put into practice succesfully on the pitch.

  22. Clash City Bhoy



    LoL. We don’t all work for big corporate giants that give us luxury of days aff at weekends my friend.



    But now that our wee distillery is nearly complete I will be back more often I hope.



    Our first single malt will be produced on 16th September so plea my of season to go after that.

  23. rwe


    23:34 on 25 July, 2014


    Thanks laddie although it’s Corona I’ve been drinking as it’s my boy’s preference.


    So I’m on my third with impunity.


    How was Longboat Key?


    I missed my usual trip to Marathon in the Keys and I’m longing for a wee trip to a sandy beach with 75 degree water and some dolphins and rays.


    Maybe in September if I get cleared for travel.

  24. Newsflash:



    All Celtic players are for sale.



    If Barcelona came in with a 2M bid for Callum McGregor then he’d be gone.



    This is the real world of football that Celtic inhabit.



    Spending money on players is a black hole that pleases nobody, I mean nobody.



    The player(s) would only come to Celtic conditionally (Chgampions League and then buy out price).



    The fans would demand instant and consistent performances and success on the field.



    The naysayer/financial conservatives would be in the doldrums before the poor guy kicked a ball.



    The manager would be hanging his own future on one peg only.



    The bean counters would need sedatives to go to work every day.



    There would be internal Armageddon if the poor thing got injured early on and the 15million lay on the physio’s treatment table for most of the season.



    We will not do a Leeds Utd and cannot we do a Man Utd, therefore we have to try and do an Ajax.



    A long road but….



    Just a rhetorical opinion.





  25. Blantyre Tim



    I think that the late start of EPL and esp la liga means many agents will push it to the wore to get their guys deals in the big leagues before looking wider to spl etc.

  26. blantyretim is praying for the Knox family on



    your barred until I stop work then you must buy tohg drink..


    In fact just buy him drink and my opinion is as usual worthless.


    Hope to see Kelly tomorrow, oops, of course I meant you..

  27. dallas dallas



    Could’ne have put that better masell. Lol. Yes indeed, hopefully Ronny will produce what we all hope for. I have great expectations and confidence that he will achieve what he has set out to do. I believe he will make us a force to be reckoned with in Europe. Just MO you understand. KTF



    Weefra HH praying to Wee Oscar.

  28. angelgabriel



    23:09 on 25 July, 2014,



    As you said, you need vouched for by someone to be accepted on the huddleboard, some on here would call that a clique… That’s maybe the reason I read Cqn.



    There’s erudite posters, knowledge to be learned, bampots, infiltraiters, halfwits, people in need of a bit of solice and mostly, people that love Celtic.



    Oh, moonhowlers toooo.



    That’s why I enjoy Paul’s site. HH

  29. ‘GG



    Longboat Key was superb…but it seems such a long time ago now.



    We arrived back in Charlotte on the Saturday and at 11.00am on the Monday we had 4 adult and one child visitor from Scotland for a week. By the Tuesday, Mrs Rwe had gone to NY for her work and left me with them for the week. I barely survived. House guests who think that putting their empty beer bottles in the trash is woman’s work do not get invited back.



    Glad that you are celebrating.. :o)



    Must look up googlemap for Marathon.




  30. blantyretim is praying for the Knox family on



    thats why I think we should get them in early, we know we can’t pay epl wages but we can pay better than la liga when your on the last 6 months of a contract.



    Spanish football is like Scotland,

  31. blantyretim is praying for the Knox family on



    seems I was the cause of 74 arrests which resulted in oldtim being unable to access any pubs after the match on Tuesday.


    Apart from chewingcumgate of course…

  32. Delaneys Dunky on




    I would recommend Benicassima Festival to everyone. All the acts you would get at T in the Park, but a crowd of Hippy Doobie brothers & sisters in the sun by the beach. Peace & Love festival. Truly blew me away. Paolo Nutini is a God to the Spaniards. He had them eating out his hand. Magic.

  33. macjay1 for Neil Lennon on

    setting free the bears for Res. 12 & Oscar Knox but saying no to CQN racists


    13:50 on


    25 July, 2014






    This discussion arose from the apparent support of the G.B. for the Palestinian cause and the subsequent assertion that the G.B.were anti fascist and anti racist.


    Reasonable ,I would have thought to point out that ,not A Mufti,but THe Grand Mufti,was a staunch, vocal and active supporter of Hitler`s and spent some of the war years in Berlin.


    Yasser Arafat was related to him.Grandchild or perhaps nephew.


    Now ,how does that sit with the anti-fascist stance of the G.B.?



    It was I who raised this subject,not T.S.D.He merely sought to point out some other aspects of Palestinian support for the German war effort.


    Strange that the prevailing and ,to my mind, perfectly reasonable attitude to the current victimisation of Palestinians is not reflected on a personal basis to individuals who have the effrontery to disagree with the party line.

  34. ....PFayr supports WeeOscar on







    We’re doing precious little to accomplish our aim then

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