The proposed new deal the Guardian report Sky TV and the SPFL are close to agreeing would see a modest uptick of £2m per season to £29.5m.
For that, Sky can broadcast 60 games each year, instead of the current 48 games. Each club would also be able to sell five pay per view (PPV) games.
The analysts I have read is universally hostile. The deal does not compare favourably with similar sized European countries, the average cost per broadcast game drops and there is little account for inflation.
The analysis is also mostly lazy as our misses the point. Scottish football TV audiences are all about two tribes. Viewing figures become noticeable only when they meet.
Oh for an AZ Alkmaar, to bring drama to Celtic games from midtable.
The SPFL sell TV rights in an open and competitive market. It is absurd to bemoan the deal and not recognise the harsh fact that it was better than all others on offer.
It’s all clubs take up their five PPV options, some will be playing to a TV audience of hundreds, perhaps dozens.
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Boss’s press conference from today, Hatate and Welsh back in training but unlikely for the weekend…
Matt O’Riley Presser
£25mill SKY TV money — just how much do we get?
Looking at £5mill / £4mill? / £3mill?
Even at £5mill the money is not transformational.
PL spaffed that kind of money up against quite a few walls.
No mental kick off times if we passed on it?
Bournemouth v Brighton Hove Albion, early born mid season, nothing riding on it.
What would the viewing figures be? It is of less interest to me than most other games I could think of across Scotland or indeed the other European leagues.
I happened to watch a couple of EPL games in full last weekend and man City aside I saw alot of bang average football fir the buck that was spent on the players on show. Everton v Chelsea was a particular lowlight. MOTD highlights are very good at making the product look better than it often is and i think SKY benefit massivley from that too. Scottish football gets little of the razzmatazz and nowhere near the production values put into it.
Is there a realistic way out of the deal with the Sky Devil?
Football could be doing much much better in Scotland bur I’m not sure the administrative talent is there that can deliver.
I’ve more questions than answers I’m afraid because I don’t have the vision or talent either.
Sky paid Thierry Henri more than the winners of the SPFL
Matt O’R saying Ross county didn’t water the pitch. Doesn’t help the games image either!!!
Kyogo and the RC goalscorer both tried knee slides in celebration and skinned their knees. Not a good look for the highlights!
Apologies, didn’t realise BOURNESOUPRECIPE had already posted the link.
It’s up to the home side to decide whether to water the pitch or not – whatever they think gives them an advantage.
I remember Vale not watering before a game — we still lost.
Players shouldn’t be doing knee slides anyway
Interesting article about viewership in the Belgian Jupiler Pro League where fans can pay 129Euro a season or 12.99Euro a month to watch any game across their top 3 leagues. Average number of viewers per weekend is 746,000. TV deal is worth £86mil/year
For comparison, as per
sky’s official number of viewers in Scotland was 268,503 per game shown last season. That number i assume doesnt include IPTV, hooky streams etc.
Wonder what the total would be if a service:
showed all the games
scheduled for peak audience
I suspect its not unreasonable to expect more than 500,000 initially per weekend.
We should be looking at the deals countries such as Belgium have signed up to. The argument about neighbouring England doesnt make sense. They all show the EPL. The production and infrastructure costs of getting the games into our homes are now scalable per audience size too.
£30m/season seriously undervalues our game. Hopefully whoever is in charge of the next tv rights deal is doing their homework. I hope the clubs can agree to a package that not only brings in the correct value but also means we can see all our teams games live.
And we get rid of Kris Boyd………….whats not to like
Whits this hooky streams thingy…..😬
!!BADA BING!! on 12TH AUGUST 2022 5:49 PM
Whits this hooky streams thingy…..😬
Mine comes on an amazon fire stick………………….love giving that evil empire sky a salut
The normal at away grounds when Celtic are in town is not to water the pitch . Remember Craig Levein mocking Brendan Rodgers for complaining.
Plastic pitches are another matter entirely and McKinnes will try and take advantage
LR- app i have is exceptional 👍
75 years of age ? madness…………..writing books ?
Al Jazeera English@AJEnglish
Salman Rushdie, the author whose writing led to death threats, has been attacked on stage as he was about to give a lecture in New York state.
US police have confirmed Rushdie suffered an ‘apparent stab wound’ to the neck ⤵️
aff oot enjoy your evening
NORWEGIAN football…thats NORWEGIAN..have just signed a 6 year deal worth 548 million US dollars ..24 million for womens football……we are getting royally shafted….NORWEGIAN football will stretch way out in front of us !!
If pitch is not treated to the point of being unplayable – responsibility lies with ref not home club.
Celtic should phone Kilmarnock and “make them an offer”
Water the pitch and, in return, none of our people (while checking it) will accidentally lift a section of your carpet with their bare fingers.
That way you (Killie) won’t get it right up the ass from Sky when the match is postponed at 90 minutes notice.
“Premier league classics from the 90s” anyone?
Before we can assess the impact of transmitting our own games, it would be useful to determine the number of subscribers to Celtic TV. I assume these figures are closely guarded within the Celtic media team.
We would need to compensate the opposing team should we manage to negotiate our own rights and probably pay a fee to the dinosaurs at Hampden.
Hopefully any negotiations would allow us to pursue other market opportunities such as Japan for full game and highlight packages.
Just called the wife Dundee United, cos she kicks aff every 10 minutes
Gene – it should and could be written into the rules that pitches are watered for the sake of the game.
As for players sliding on their knees to celebrate, I agree. Firm handshakes all round should be the accepted etiquette for the scoring team.
By the by, will the cost of living crisis impact subscription TV?
Not a problem the more the merrier
The huns could have ended knee slides in the shards of glass game.
Mind that CSC
And a firm slap on the back
!!Bada Bing!! on 12th August 2022 6:29 pm
Just called the wife Dundee United, cos she kicks aff every 10 minutes
Cruel but funny.
Hope big tam rogic is of the best and most gifted midfielders to ever play for the hoops.a wizard on the ball.unplayable.wish the big man was still here 🍀🍀🇮🇪
Contrast between Ange’s performance at media conference and some of the MSM questioners is stark.
They’ve got all week to prepare a maximum of two questions …
… and still can’t deliver?
Is it written into their contracts that “em” and “err” must make up 15% of total words spoken?
Back to
Perhaps we should do what the Huns do and give them the questions beforehand 🤔
Great news. Blantyre is in the running to host the Eurovision song contest. At Hastie’s Farm. A worthy venue. Let’s go Blantyre. It’s all go for G72.
Good morning Kev…if I had £49 for every time you posted the same old sanctimonious nonsense on here I could buy a bus to throw myself under so I didn’t have to read your drivel….have a good day.
Don’t know who, or where KEVJUNGLE is, I hope he is well, after uncovering a blatant deception in 2016, a deception so low, that even Timdoms over celebrated investigative journalists lol even they wouldnt touch this story, why would that be?
Are todays investigative journalists just like todays scientists ie they’ll say what their funders tell them to say?
Controlled opposition?
If not, why the silence on the scandal that KEVJUNGLE was hounded daily for trying to whistleblow since 2016?
You’ve been calling me Kev, that doesn’t make me Kev, I agree with a lot of what he said over the years, whereas others were hoping that their self preservationist, DAY OOT FIRST, CELTIC INTEGRITY LAST brigade, and it self centred dalliances with the oldfirm PLC board would never be spoke of, I assume its me you were talking about because nobody mentions this, brazen, deceitful, lazy, assisting of the PLC endorsement of The Same Club Lie 2016?!
Funny that eh?
442 Park The Bus is my name can’t you read that, or are currying favour wth the rest of `flock` who just cannot handle ANY inconvenient truths?/
Your another one who just can’t handle the truth.
The truth is….
Rangers walked away rom the biggest sporting crime ever and emerged without 1 single trophy being stripped, or £1 single paid back to HMRC??
Then, in 2016 Rangers emerged into the top league with Celtic and Celtic PLC retained Oldco prices onto tickets for games featuring Newco vs Celtic?
Why would Celtic PLC agree to price Newco the same as Oldco, at £49??
PLC saying Oldco = Newco, without saying any words?
PLC saying Oldco = Newco, is the PLC endorsement of The Same Club Lie 2016?
If that wasn’t bad enough, Celtic season ticket holders went along with PLC`s `manoeuvre` and paid Oldco prices for tickets to see Newco vs Celtic at, £49?
Why would Celtic season ticket holders financially back Celtic PLC`s endorsement that, Newco should be priced the same as Oldco?
When Tims bought £49 tickets in 2016, these fake singers of rebel songs, PLC financial backers, effectively transformed…
Timdom to Dimdom, such was the self-centred, self-preservationist, DAY OOT FIRST, CELTIC INTEGRITY LAST, fingers in their ears shouting nah na nah na nah, at the only person in the entirety of Timdom to call this out, namely, KEVUNGLE of CQN.
KEVJUNGLE was correct in his whistle blowing of this indelible stain on Celtic FC, and its `easily` mugged season ticket holders!
£49 – £52 – £55? next?
Surely Tims won’t pay £55 for a Newco dressed up as Oldco ticket?
Its never too late to get over yourself, put your hand up, admit you were mugged, and get a new board who will `hammer` this dreadful episode in Celtic’s history.
Or are Celtic season ticket holders content to help the PLC`s insidious cover up of the greatest ever sporting crime, keep David Murray out of prison, retain his knighthood, assist Newco to possess Oldco`s trophies, history, stadium, etc, etc?
Because, only uppity Tims appointing a new board were uppityness is the `first` requirement for a place on such a new Celtic board, a board that doesn’t do `back of the bus` rattling every cage necessary, making the Scottish MSM go on strike coz they can’t handle all of their delicious skelpings from the new uppity Celtic board.
Making Krankie resign in shame after a series of tankings from the new uppity Celtic board!
Making Celtic season ticket holders, and shareholders, aware, that if `any` Tim is outed as a Krankie clingon, then Sseason tickets, and, shares will be withrawn, effective immediately!
If you vote for a political party that openly, and, publicly delights in dumping their anti Celtic snash onto the club, then you are a clear and present danger to the well being of Celtic FC, and your presence should not be tolerated within any periphery of the club.
No Mercy to the hun filled anti Celtic swamp will be a prerequisite of character, to achieve `ANY` employment at the new uppity Tim driven Celtic board.
Or, the horrible alternative…..
Timmy can live on its knees helping the PLC to over up the greatest sporting crime ever, were Tim’s were the main victims of industrial cheating?
Why was KEVJUNGLE the bad guy for whistle blowing all of this, calamity of fk ups, PLC deception, oldfirm collusion, and lazy? dim? daft? oldfirm enthiasts? season ticket holders, who not only fell into line with the dodgy PLC, but didn’t breathe a single word of protest, r dissent during this crime wave?
Then they sing about the IRA`s armed struggle as though to use those gallant Irish heroes, as an attempt to express themselves as what?
The Republicans asked Timmy not to sing about the conflict, on these very pages as well, yet the….
If one of the annointed clique members had raised awareness of this criminality, by whistle blowing the PLC oldfirm ticket trap, would this crime have recieved greater awareness?
If throwinging Celtic’s integrity under the bus to snub a `non clique member` was the motive, then you have no clothes left to wear, and you don’t really love Celtic at all, you love clique status more than maintaining Celtic’s integrity, you do, and you know you do!
If not that, then why the blanket silence on this wave of criminality?
Why financially support a vechile that’sbeing used to cover up the greatest sporting crime ever?
Celtic supporters have been financing the cover up of Rangers FC`s criminality, since 2016!!!!
And these same Celtic supporters framed KEVJUNGLE , as a constant pain the ass for whistle blowing this criminality ??!!??
KEVJUNGLE is the only one in this movie who hasn’t souled out, yet he’s the bad guy??
Until this criminality is stopped, and if possible, reversed, then 53k Tims are helping Irish Tory`s who control Celtic PLC to cover up the crimes of David Murray, and Rangers FC, who cheated you out of 20+ trophies and almost closed Celtic down!!!!
I wish KEVJUNGLE was here to properly convey this issue, his words were far better than anything that I can string togeher, as he had to do every day until he resigned from CQN, in agreement on the blog with the Moderator.
Coclusion – Rebels My Ass CSC
Gene – it should and could be written into the rules that pitches are watered for the sake of the game.
As for players sliding on their knees to celebrate, I agree. Firm handshakes all round should be the accepted etiquette for the scoring team.
C’mon…….get a life man
Celebrating is not only a release, it’s a giruy to the opposition fans who’ve been abusing you and your team for the entire match
Zat rat absoloot nuttah kev trumpet oan again?
Get a grip yoo ya absoloot dafty
Saym pash dayin dayoot
Nyoo skript recwired pronto ya nugget
By ra way kev
Yoo wur nivir a jungo boay