Balde, Hooper, summer challenges


13 June and Celtic have signed a striker!  Do we have some important games coming up early in the season?  6’4” Amido Balde joined Sporting Lisbon three years ago but never made an appearance for the club.

After three loan deals he joined Vitoria Guimaraes a year ago, where he caught the eye of Celtic scouts.  At 22-years-old, he is right in the sweet spot of Celtic’s recruitment strategy: fully developed physically, old enough to be considered prime first team material but with many years of prime football ahead.

Playing for Celtic is quite different than playing for Vitoria Guimaraes, so it may take Amido a period of adjustment to settle into life as a Glasgow sporting celebrity, but he is clearly the man Neil Lennon and the scouts wanted.  Based on that, I’m happy.

Despite what could be described as cover, and the fact that the player has declined a new contract, I’m still not happy to sell Gary Hooper.  We have lots to do this summer before that moves up the agenda.

Welcome to Celtic, Amido.

The raffle for a signed Celtic top in aid of 1254125 ends early tomorrow morning. THIS IS THE LAST CALL FOR TICKETS, which cost only £1 each. Get in there…..

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  1. starry plough


    19:57 on


    14 June, 2013



    Maybe you can give the troops the Euro numbers tonight if you can predict what others say before they open their mouths.



    So you’ve never moaned about the SFA breaking rules for sevco ?



    You’ve never moaned about Campbell Ogilvie on here ?



    Yeah you have, but at least I’m trying to create movement whereas others just talk talk and do more talk and moan for the sake of it.



    You my friend are just as bad as the rest of us, we sit and crave the bad news for sevco but when the shit hits the fan no one is interested.



    See if we all put in the same energy in as we do trying to prove they are a new club the blazers would’ve been removed by now.



    No doubt when more rules are broke and sevco are back at the top and we have to deal with the same corrupt refs giving them a helping hand you’ll be the first on here to moan.



    Now is our chance to show that lot we mean business and what do we do ? nothing again it disgusting.



    We teach our kids to grow up and say rules are rules but now its changed to say rules are to be broken to save 1 stinking corrupt club no chance.



    Where is our club in all of this ? How many times have others on here said our club is waiting patiently.



    Its bullshit and if our club would’ve nipped this sham in the bud long ago that lot at the SFA wouldn’t have got away with half the stuff they have.



    So don’t worry i wont go on about it anymore and i hope others do the same and stop moaning about rules, CO, the SFA its pointless because no one wants to change it.



    I cant wait until season starts and our manager is first to be charged for something trivial, the moaners will be out in force.



    But again whats the point in moaning about 1 rule for us and another for them because its always been the same and it’ll never change because me, you, the club and every fan let them away with it.

  2. Starry



    Mmmmmm yes that occurred to me too!!






    I knew someone would do that!!!! :-)

  3. hamiltontim



    20:17 on 14 June, 2013


    Some times I genuinely think that people come on here purely for the purpose of disagreeing with as many other posters as possible.






    I strongly disagree with that .

  4. Wefra,



    Thanks. I have written too much already but I do try to respond to people. You may be one of the lucky ones as many have been treated unfairly. I don’t dispute(how could I?) that this country has bigots. However every country does. Everyday we get absurd predictions of doom from people telling us that we will be enslaved by the mason, hun masses.



    Singing Detective, I don’t know about An Stol’s general contributions but he seems fine to me.



    Thanks to everybody for keeping matters cordial.

  5. HT



    Totally agree in some cases.



    We’d be stupid to believe that everyone posting on here thinks well of Celtic and the extended Celtic family.

  6. the long wait is over on










    I knew someone would do that!!!! :-)





    Naw ye didnae…







  7. Joe Filippis Haircut on

    I am a Celtic supporter and I feel that our club get a raw deal in Scottish football I have been following the Ibrokes fiasco and of course Charlotte Fakes.I have also in my working life fell foul of the masonic hand shakers more than once if you are fortunate enough never to have had that problem I am pleased for you and long may it continue.As for what to do about the raw deal we get, I am not clever enough and do not have enough influence to know what to do about it.However,if and its a huge if the Celtic support could be united and take action I believe we could get change but there is little chance of that hapenning we cant even get unity on CQN.H.H.

  8. a swarm o’ blog bashers………….who’d a thunk it?




    on a quiet night too…..

  9. leftclicktic on

    posters on TSFM discussing Charlottes latest document




    the redacted bits can easily be unredacted by copying and pasting into a word doc .




    June 14, 2013 at 6:17 pm


    Document removed already?





    Emm …. It was …. to correct a wee small issue (Metadata) …. and then back again ….. sorted



    As a result some like myself have the full document (including Metadata) without the name of the person and the company removed …. and the missing bits off the end ….



    Not sure why this person was removed or the company name removed ….. as i have not come across them previous …… Curious !

  10. Joe Filippis



    Supporters from both sides have to unite and take action.



    Otherwise we are still fighting each other and scoring points thus.



    Until we an get to a point where we can all sit down and make common points and share the love bigotry will always be here.

  11. squire danaher on

    John oneil – you have made the following two comments in the last hour or so



    This site is full of bombast about persecution and impending carnage towards Celtic supporters.



    Clunks, I am in a minority here but I just do not believe Scotland is full of bigots.





    Apropos of nothing



    Squire-ess and I were out last night and travelled into Glasgow by train.



    Two middle aged men got on at what would be described as the supposedly desirable areas of williamwood and Whitecraigs



    They were essentially pub-bore types who we quickly ascertained were on their way – like us to the Neil Young gig at the secc



    Their conversation turned to what I assume was a question on that evening’s edition of the BBC quiz show Pointless, where contestants were required to name scottish football teams



    The more overtly WASP-ish of the two commented contemptuously when Celtic had been mentioned as an answer



    “They weren’t asking about Irish”



    A pair of middle aged men – probably not dissimilar in profile to many on here – but anti-Celtic and anti-Irish bigotry and hatred dripping from their very pore, on their way to a concert by an individual opposed to hatred and oppression



    John – either open your eyes or get out more.

  12. TLWIO



    Chancer :-)






    Thought you were golfing??






    I’m too naive for this here place!!

  13. starry plough


    20:33 on


    14 June, 2013



    I’ve been trying for 2 years but I’m still waiting on replies :))

  14. Joe Filippis Haircut on

    clunks. I agree partly with what you say however,as we have by far the largest support Scottish football need us.Now as the customers who are putting the most cash ( which is King ) into the game we should be listened to.The powers that be depend on the fact that we cannot be united in a common cause to perpetrate there biased actions.I agree if we could get other clubs supporters involved that would help but we have little or no chance of that hapenning until we are united in a common cause.H.H.

  15. hen1rik



    What with Henrik, creators create they go ahead and do it, they don’t wait for permission or for their pals to join them.



    MAke it concrete whatever it is your trying to do, give it a focus and people will join you.



    Coming on here saying “what are we going to do” is not getting any response is it..



    If you came on here with a concrete idea I would join you or not depending on what it was and how I felt about it..

  16. starry plough


    20:33 on


    14 June, 2013



    I’ve asked a few on twitter so lets see if anything comes of it.

  17. Squire, open your ears – Neil Young is dire(except for ‘On the beach’). Seriously though… Two men equates to an entire nation of bigots? Every country has people who detest other people. Scotland is no different Squire. I have experienced numerous, similar experiences. Does that ensure I can tarnish an entire nation as being full of oppressive bigots? No. There are a minority of morons. We have plenty of our own Squire. As for getting out more; accuse me of many things but not that. Squire, I live often in a country where people can tell about actual persecution. I listened to a Soviet dissident tell me how his rulers tortured and imprisoned him. I witness active police racism everyday. Thanks Squire but I do get out. It gives perspective.



    Neil Young defending the

  18. joe filippis haircut



    I am not talking about what is good for Scottish football. Sports in general are designed to distract the masses from what is wrong with society as a whole. The old divide and conquer. Romans did it with gladiators and the Greeks with the Olympics.




    So we are in agreement then?



    The only way we can and should drive forward is as a nation unite and agree to drive out the petty hates and intolerances that exist.



    How we can do that is the multi million billion dollar question. Coz if we as a people are one we are unstoppable and the only thing left to do is to love one another.

  19. WeefratheTim on

    May I just say, that I have had a wonderful career and life while being a died in the wool Celtic Supporter and Catholic. Now retired, I am totally enjoying all my years of hard work (51) to be exact, with 3 months unemployed in all those years. IMHO, if you want to work, you will find work. And I have been a Labour Voter all my life.



    Weefra HH

  20. Squire, I was also going to say that Neil Young supported Reagan. Many socialists here would say that Reagan certainly did not defend people from hatred.

  21. The Tribute Act’s pint-sized professional promoter will almost certainly have spent time on this Dear Green Place and so will his full-time social media community managers…………………..I’m sure they’ll declare themselves honestly.




  22. Doctor Whatfor on




    Supersorry. Just read the other smerterses.


    Oh for an original thought!!!

  23. WeefratheTim


    Wur yae a Mulk bhoy, an Paper Bhoy as well, jist like masell, good on yae,ma Man.


    Awerabest PJ

  24. There’s far too many folk disagreeing with me I think I’ll flounce!!!



    Btw for any Irish Republicans the 32nd Hunger Strike Commemoration Parade leaves from Royston tomorrow at 11:30am.

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