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  1. Gerryfaethebrig on

    67heaven 7.21



    Great to hear about Dembelle…..players appreciating the fans (especially the kids) is what it should be about

  2. There’s no way in hell Bernie would’ve won against any Republican nominee, Clinton was the sensible option out of the two. Maybe not the best choice but certainly the one that had the most likely chance of winning.

  3. Well thankfully that was an extremely short mall visit.


    Seeing a full car park and whingeing about crowds breathing, sneezing, sniffling and maybe even farting, had Mrs ‘GG excuse me and have me just drop her off.


    Deo Gratias

  4. macjay1 for Neil Lennon on

    THE_HUDDLE on 5TH NOVEMBER 2016 7:41 PM



    You`re probably right.


    I was criticising the underhand tactics and motivation of the Clinton campaign .


    One word . Sleekit .



    In any case , if you vote for Hill. , what you will get is Bill.


    And , in actual fact , that would probably not be such a bad thing.



    Hill will , in all probability , be indicted soon after her election.



    Vlad. will be smiling.

  5. On Scott Brown fitness for Auld Enemy clash. I personally would rather he didn’t play, especially so after today’s knock.



    However, if he wants to play then as a Celtic fan first and foremost and assuming he is fit, I hope he plays to his best possible, rips the English national side a new one and justifies his wish to come back after retiring from International friendlies.




  6. MoonbeamsWD ‘Stand up on 15 for the GB’ on 5th November 2016 7:53 pm



    On Scott Brown fitness for Auld Enemy clash. I personally would rather he didn’t play, especially so after today’s knock.


    However, if he wants to play then as a Celtic fan first and foremost and assuming he is fit, I hope he plays to his best possible, rips the English national side a new one and justifies his wish to come back after retiring from International friendlies.




    I hope Brown doesn’t play, got a feeling that England will put 4 or 5 past this Scotland team. Brown doesn’t need to be involved in that.

  7. Sixtaeseven



    ” However, the incontinence of the officials is unexcusable (sic) ”






    No wonder they’re shite!



    Why hasn’t this been leaked to the press??

  8. I just can’t believe it….



    Just seen the official crime count….who counts these things?



    John Grieg by any chance?







  9. Bollox to all this guff on the most corrupt elections ever.Big companies,multi nationals decide who will be president.The choice facing the American people should tell you everything.


    Wittering on about this on the day our kids won 21 ,0.The Hoops gubbed the dirtiest team in the league,in spite of a closet with a whistle.We gained anothe 2 points on Hearts,not that its needed,and Man City stumble again at home.


    Armstrong was tremendous today,but his finishing was woeful.


    Wee break now,to see if the injuries are OK.

  10. Leigh Griffiths scored 40 goals last season for his club. Now he only seems to get the occasional game for club and none whatsoever for his country. If the Scotland manager was a hun we’d be comparing the situation to some of our more illustrious players who were rarely picked for their country.



    Why is he now sidelined?

  11. i'vehadtochangemyname on

    ‘ into submission in a one-sided second-half at Parkhead this afternoon.’



    how good does that feel compared to recent times and I know ronnie was witness to the greatest improvement in recent times, LG, but there is a celtnaissance her beyond anything I’ve experienced, SA – not saying he’s the maestro but he skipped the shi* out of the german team and then there’s brooninho, cg, or maybe a talented manager knows how to reap rewards, fuppit anyway our stand is safe and sinklar can find space I can’t see, did you see some of cg’s passes today, holy shi* , inch perfect , he is a celt celt celt . kee ran tear knee’s mam, please mollycoddle him ‘cos he is strong and in him is the chin and lungs of messr B. Auld and T Burns and misses tierney, I’m telling ya now, kee ran will score a goal of importance you couldn’t cry, not to mention the axes we don’t see upon which dembeleee swivels, pray mrs tear knee for the tear in kee ran’s heel, we know he’s achillles.




  12. i'vehadtochangemyname on






    great news , I think the one thing br knows is the value of competition

  13. Gerryfaethebrig on

    Moonbeams 7.53pm



    Totally agree, I don’t care a jot about international football, although would prefer Scotland to win than lose, as I am Scottish…. But in my opinion Scott has is helping his old manager out, obviously Scotland are better with the best Scottish player in the country playing, whether they beat England or not yet again I don’t really care but Broony is telling his old mentor am here if you need me



    England 0 Scotland 1 (Broony in the 67th minute)

  14. It was illegal not to celebrate Bonfire Night until the 1950s in Britain. I wonder why that was?




  15. Gerryfaethebrig on

    The Huddle 7.55



    This Engurlund team put 2 by Malta, this Scotland team put 5 by the Maltese



    Not sure where you get your optimism from



    Scotland might not be the best but Engurlund are pretty not good

  16. Gooooood evening CQN


    Goood 2nd half display today, I thought we also done ok in 1st


    Agree with the many comments on referee and ICT – time Celtic spoke out on this.



    Also good to see Pog’s Bhoy Ruaridh up on the big screen asa 22nd birthday surprise



    Hail Hail




    As poor as Scotland are have you seen England recently? short on form confidence and quality, and the crowd at wembley could easily turn on them

  18. I used to have a wee bit respect for ICT but their tactics today consisted of hurting our players which they were abetted in their actions by an incompetent referee. We were lucky to survive that game with none of our players being more seriously injured.

  19. HT,



    We were told in primary school about why 5th November was Bonfire Night. (In the 50s) Miss Brogan didn’t pull her punches that we shouldn’t be at a bonfire. Sad to say, I love(d) fires and squibs and went.

  20. Celtic played well today considering the tackles and the clueless ref, very poor from the opening few tackles with the foot left in to Paddy getting slammed in the 80th min just out side the box 2 feet from the ref, horrible wee man with a whistle, ICT can play and pass but they are also masters of the dark arts, vigors and the keeper time wasting were both very poor tactics by foran. If they played like that in every game they would be second in this league, Only turn up against one team from Glasgow.




  21. Gerryfaethebrig on

    Natknow 8.06



    Dembelle wasn’t getting a game, the Griff picked up an injury, Dembelle came in started scoring



    Or is it more complicated ?



    By the way I would have Leigh Griffiths in any Celtic starting 11

  22. Margaret McGill on

    Isn’t it ironic that many Tims perceive the American system as corrupt bit our beloved PLC are the bees knees?




    100% agree with regards to the griff, I’d even have him in the SS position and rest SS for a game or two, Looks a big tired.




  24. Margaret McGill on

    WEEMAN67 on 5TH NOVEMBER 2016 7:22 PM



    I was always under the impression that African Americans were American


    Latino Americans were American


    And Asian Americans were American ?



    Are you suggesting if they need social security or in your terminology “freebies” they should go back to their own country?


    I’m sure the United States of Apache have a deeper opinion than you.



    Isn’t it ironic that many Tims perceive the American system as corrupt bit our beloved PLC are the bees knees?



    any evidence or data to support this?

  26. Our game plan was scuppered early doors with the horrendous tackle on Lustig. It forced BR into making a change. And by putting Armstrong to right back he won a watch.

  27. Gerryfaethebrig on 5th November 2016 8:19 pm


    This Engurlund team put 2 by Malta, this Scotland team put 5 by the Maltese


    Not sure where you get your optimism from


    Scotland might not be the best but Engurlund are pretty not good




    I dont give a poop what the score will be, but if I’m shoving a few coins on the result, it will be England by at least 3 goals, probably more.

  28. Margaret McGill on



    Calvinistic Scotland didn’t encourage the frivolity of Christmas until the 20th century


    Something like bah hunbug

  29. GG


    Well done for the pics of the goals. Brilliant and appreciated. At gowff today with Shuggie Jnr and got result at 5pm. Still there on LMS thanks to Chelsea. Hotting up now, will take Barca at home to Third Lanark next week.

  30. At the game today my bhoy remarked on how tall the ICT team were and how average they are at football.”Why” says he,”are their players so one footed?I’m 13 and can kick with with both feet because I practised.”


    I suggested that as they are tall and not very good at football that they might be better trying basketball.


    He laughed and said that if they did then they could play it in America and by beating other American teams become World Champions because that’s what happens with other sports there.They play Canadian teams as well I reminded him.


    ICT and US sports are funny.And rubbish.



    Isn’t it ironic that many Tims perceive the American system as corrupt bit our beloved PLC are the bees knees?




    Even for you that is one of the most stupid posts I have ever seen on here.What a ridiculous analogy.

  32. After the first half I thought that we were going to be in for a turgid second half.



    The MIB Ludge Combo was playing a blinder.


    Breaking up the game, wild ICT tackles not punished, SB breathing on someone and a foul been given, time wasting turned into an art form from 10 mins in.


    Had all the hallmarks of a set up to make us lose players / points.



    Consequently good to get a win.


    Not so good to see players on the end of a kicking.


    The ML tackle from behind / above looked as if the ICT player left the boot in to catch him just above the ankle. Looked very cheap and very targeted.



    The MIB x 3 really need to be called out on their performance.


    It was shocking from start to finish.




    Natknow 8.06



    Dembelle wasn’t getting a game, the Griff picked up an injury, Dembelle came in started scoring



    Or is it more complicated ?



    By the way I would have Leigh Griffiths in any Celtic starting 11




    Mibbe no.



    Though I notice Dembele isn;t getting a game for Scotland either?




  34. I can’t argue with BRs tactics but playing LG in a deeper position didn’t work for me. Btw our central defence looked solid as a a rock.

  35. Gerryfaethebrig on




    I don’t really care who starts for Scoland, but if any of our players are playing I tend to be more interested, plus I do love WGS

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