I don’t post on here often, but I linger occasionally, and he doesn’t treat anyone on this blog who holds a different view than he does with any respect or regard. His first reaction to the mere mention of my name tonight was to make it personal, that’s what he did.
And I’m not going to pretend to regard that as anything other than snide behaviour. He doesn’t want a debate or a discussion about the merits of an argument.
I’ll debate anybody who wants a proper discussion. But this blog is no longer a proper forum for those discussions, in case you haven’t noticed. It’s full of Celtic fans telling other Celtic fans that they aren’t Celtic fans just because they hold a different point of view.
I used to love coming on here. Debating and discussing stuff on here sharpened my own thinking and broadened my views. This was THE Celtic site to come to if you wanted to talk about the club and not just to trade rumours and talk about who was on form and who wasn’t, or who we should sign or not … it was filled with intelligence and everyone respected everyone else.
This was a place for big issues to be debated by people who were razor sharp.
I don’t see too many of these people left here anymore. I do see a lot of bitchery and bullying and sarcasm where there used to be questions and probing and where people genuinely wanted to hear each others point of view instead of shouting it down.
You know how sad it makes me that we don’t have a place like that anymore? You have no idea how sad it makes me that we can’t do that on this site any longer.
It was Yeats who said “the best lack all conviction whilst the worst are full of passionate intensity.” It pisses me off that I only post here now with the flak jacket on, cause there’s no other way when the mere sight of my name on this blog sends some people off their nut.
I feel like a stranger in a strange land on here, and I remember when Dave, Paul and I started the magazine together. This felt a family then. Even after I left that project I still considered this a wonderful place to come and talk about this club, and now I don’t feel like this is a community any longer.
But I linger because in amongst all the animosity and the irrational hatred that some of these people have for each other you do still get a flash of insight and intelligence, and even mutual respect.
By God though, this has fallen far from where it was. A lot of the best people have gone, and a lot of them left because they feel the same way as me, that this has a ceased to be a friendly place.
And yeah, that does make me sad. Believe that, don’t believe it, whatever lol … but it is true.
Aaah and there it is, the final proof of how senseless your attempts at argument are.
I’ve been writing online, under my own name, for over ten years. I’ve pissed off the other side enough to get on the Enemies Lists. I’ve pissed off the Green Brigade. I’ve pissed off the Lennon fan club. I’ve pissed off the Lawwell fan club, all under my own name. I’m easy to find.
You will NEVER be able to accuse me of hiding, and I turn that offer down I don’t do so because I’m afraid or whatever else you might have convinced yourself is the case … it’s because I don’t feel like spending a night in the company of people who will patronise me and sneer at me.
It’s not my idea of a pleasent evening, being in a room full of people who wouldn’t shake my hand or look me in the eye without some sarcastic comment. I’ll pass.
But if I even had an inkling that it would be a good evening full of animated discussion but not rancour, I’d take you up on that in two seconds flat, because nothing is better – NOTHING is better – than siting with a group of like minded people talking about something you love.
Saint Stivs on
Aye but yeats said.
spikeysauldman on
top post JF and agreed with much of it…tho not sure its solely the posters to blame – and i believe you, believe it or not :)
spikeysauldman on
If only we had signed Yeats and not Nat Phillips :)
For a long time this season- I think we struggled to win 3 games in a row. Since we lost to Hearts in mid-Decemebr we have won 6 games in a row- 5 of them in the SPFL. I know we don’t have European competition to disrupt the run, but it still seems a strange time to proclaim a crisis. And, yes, we were very poor on Saturday but we won.
I have no idea about how well PL gets on with BR or how poorly ML is rated by BR or DD and, since I suspect that most people are as equally ignorant as my poor self (I have seen no evidence otherwise that people have much reliable inside info) I can dismiss the fish-wife gossip and just judge the football where I see good results and poor performances. That is a much better pairing than its opposite- good performances and poor results.
There is no filter for internet rumours. As I understand it- some guy painted an imaginary situation on Facebook or Twitter or via the medium of dance on Tik Tok that creatively place Celtic in crisis and emergency talks taking place with BR leaving. Someone else, reading it and either not knowing or not caring whether it had substance or was completely fictional decided to send thie “info” to all his Celtic contacts. From there, others passed it on to their contacts. Me, being out of this loop, did not get any direct e-mail or post but I got to read it on Social Media. I didn’t know where it came from or whether it was true and, until it has any proven substance, I just refused to give it any head room.
Tomorrow, I could have egg on my face if BR actually resigns with pointed accusation at every Lawwell that ever lived and Lawelled but I’m prepared to take that risk because scepticism has served me better than gullibility over the years.
Peter Lawwell and Mark Lawwell are unlikely to have the power or influence to prevent us being Champions League winners or even winning more Euro games, however, before hte Lawwell Lover accusation flies, I will say again- refusing to believe they are the Devil incarnate does not make you a Lawwell Lover. I have said far too often, that PL is overpaid, has lied to our support and should not be currently at our club. I would not miss him if he left. I have no strong view on Mark Lawwell (apart from again the “he’s overpaid” line which I agree with).
But, I strongly suspect that the next suit who steps into either of their shoes, will, after a short honeymoon, inherit the same role as club scapegoat for failure.
“The one on why Klopp was leaving Liverpool was much worse :) ”
Bassas! naebody sent that to me either.
🎶I’m Nobody’s Child- naebody gossips with rumours running wild🎶
Greenpinata on
A big mad book fell on my napper today.
I only have my shelf to blame.😀
TexasTim on
Greenpinata I shee what you did there.
Btw – with all the yearning for former CQN years on the site tonight, it reminded me that I meant to ask whatever happened to Kojo?
I didn’t know him but remember he posted a lot in the late 2000’s and early in the 2010’s.
Can anyone share or did he just stop posting.
TexasTim on
49ers about to win the second ‘semi final’ of the day.
So it’s a Chiefs v 49ers Super Bowl in Vegas.
Greenpinata on
I fondly remember Kojo’s unique style of posting.
Imo, the site has not replaced the knowledge regarding our developing players that he/ she brought to the table.
David66 on
Good morning all from a very still (but birds chirping) 3 degree Garngad.
Have a good day all.
Ps from a pragmatist.
D. :)
scullybhoy on
2017: Celtic 4-0 Hearts, League; Celtic break Lisbon Lions Record: Brendan Rodgers’ side extended their unbeaten domestic run since the start of the season to 27 games, one more than Jock Stein’s all-conquering side of 1966/67.
bigrailroadblues on
Good morning all from Govanhill. Another week of fun and frolics starts now.
clunks on
“Your disrespect for the opinions of those of us who don’t see it through rose coloured specs is pathetic and shows you up.”
“You really are a pitiful little bitch aren’t you?”
Says more about you than you know lol
Greenpinata on
Curious and more curious.
Let me be clear, Ops wrong phrase. We all know a porky follows these words.
I’ll try again. I fully endorse the right of supporters to express their feelings. If they choose to boo then that is their perogative.
I don’t agree with it but I’ll defend their right to do so.
carpe diem 63 on
Rumours circulating in hun sites that Rodgers has flew out to some Swiss resort to meet with Dermot Desmond with a view to resigning ….could be malicious mischief making ….or what ? 🤔
Timbhoy163 on
On Saturday we didn’t lose the match against Ross County.3 points is all that counts,we need to stop arguing with our fellow supporters who like it or not are entitled to their opinions,
Bhoyjoebelfast on
CARPE DIEM 63 @9.22
Yes, got that sent to me last night from a pal in Port Glasgow.
carpe diem 63 on
Timbhoy163 ……Precisely …the bottom line is we are, by winning remaining in control of our own destiny and the Huns will attempt to deploy all their nefarious tactics to destabilise this…just keep winning Celts …by whatever means …and watch them implode with the pressure when we arrive at IPOX 🍀😎
An Tearmann on
Kojo made one to many racist comments and it was picked up on,he exited the blog shortly afterwards and didnt come back,around the same time its monikered twin the singing detective left via the Ubend too.
kevinlasvegas on
That’s been the story since Saturday night.
Who knows.
They will have their fingers crossed so will.peter.
Back to Basics - Glass Half Full on
Good morning CQN.
Great day to be a Tim.
Hope all on here … every last one o’ ye … have a great day.
GerryBhoy on
JF…….agree with much of your post. Not what it used to be. Times have changed …..sadly.
Back to Basics - Glass Half Full on
As for the “rumour” of Dermot flying out to bed Brendan.
Received it Saturday night.
So ridiculous it made me chuckle.
Unfortunately, some of our gullible will gulp … and then swallow it.
(Be careful now about those ads selling Ocean-front condos in Kansas)
But, importantly …. it shows the level of dark arts being deployed.
Our enemies smell division … and are desperately going for it … as they know they CANNOT win against a united Celtic.
Hail Hail
Keep The Faith
Back to Basics - Glass Half Full on
“Beg Brendan”
Dermot – it was a typo
Please don’t deploy the lawyers
bigrailroadblues on
Good morning from the Queens Park Cafe. I hope ye are all hale and hearty and have a super day. I love Mondays!😁👍🍻
carpe diem 63 on
Celtic …Celtic ….that’s the team for me …Celtic Celtic …onto victory….they are the finest team in Scotland 🍀
An Tearmann on
JF…….agree with much of your post. Not what it used to be. Times have changed …..sadly.
A not to dissimilar rant by James the last time flounced.we only need to look at the 3or4 pages now for full blog whereas that used to be my first teabreak.they all still go to CP,maybe not on here tho.
643 Comments- Pages:
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Most disjointed since rfc died.
From a board p.o.v i thought we lost it @10.
May be wrong.
I don’t post on here often, but I linger occasionally, and he doesn’t treat anyone on this blog who holds a different view than he does with any respect or regard. His first reaction to the mere mention of my name tonight was to make it personal, that’s what he did.
And I’m not going to pretend to regard that as anything other than snide behaviour. He doesn’t want a debate or a discussion about the merits of an argument.
I’ll debate anybody who wants a proper discussion. But this blog is no longer a proper forum for those discussions, in case you haven’t noticed. It’s full of Celtic fans telling other Celtic fans that they aren’t Celtic fans just because they hold a different point of view.
I used to love coming on here. Debating and discussing stuff on here sharpened my own thinking and broadened my views. This was THE Celtic site to come to if you wanted to talk about the club and not just to trade rumours and talk about who was on form and who wasn’t, or who we should sign or not … it was filled with intelligence and everyone respected everyone else.
This was a place for big issues to be debated by people who were razor sharp.
I don’t see too many of these people left here anymore. I do see a lot of bitchery and bullying and sarcasm where there used to be questions and probing and where people genuinely wanted to hear each others point of view instead of shouting it down.
You know how sad it makes me that we don’t have a place like that anymore? You have no idea how sad it makes me that we can’t do that on this site any longer.
It was Yeats who said “the best lack all conviction whilst the worst are full of passionate intensity.” It pisses me off that I only post here now with the flak jacket on, cause there’s no other way when the mere sight of my name on this blog sends some people off their nut.
I feel like a stranger in a strange land on here, and I remember when Dave, Paul and I started the magazine together. This felt a family then. Even after I left that project I still considered this a wonderful place to come and talk about this club, and now I don’t feel like this is a community any longer.
But I linger because in amongst all the animosity and the irrational hatred that some of these people have for each other you do still get a flash of insight and intelligence, and even mutual respect.
By God though, this has fallen far from where it was. A lot of the best people have gone, and a lot of them left because they feel the same way as me, that this has a ceased to be a friendly place.
And yeah, that does make me sad. Believe that, don’t believe it, whatever lol … but it is true.
Aaah and there it is, the final proof of how senseless your attempts at argument are.
I’ve been writing online, under my own name, for over ten years. I’ve pissed off the other side enough to get on the Enemies Lists. I’ve pissed off the Green Brigade. I’ve pissed off the Lennon fan club. I’ve pissed off the Lawwell fan club, all under my own name. I’m easy to find.
You will NEVER be able to accuse me of hiding, and I turn that offer down I don’t do so because I’m afraid or whatever else you might have convinced yourself is the case … it’s because I don’t feel like spending a night in the company of people who will patronise me and sneer at me.
It’s not my idea of a pleasent evening, being in a room full of people who wouldn’t shake my hand or look me in the eye without some sarcastic comment. I’ll pass.
But if I even had an inkling that it would be a good evening full of animated discussion but not rancour, I’d take you up on that in two seconds flat, because nothing is better – NOTHING is better – than siting with a group of like minded people talking about something you love.
Aye but yeats said.
top post JF and agreed with much of it…tho not sure its solely the posters to blame – and i believe you, believe it or not :)
If only we had signed Yeats and not Nat Phillips :)
Keep on keeping on my friend, agree or disagree on the points, we love Celtic.
That is our common bond, and it’s everything.
Hehe. Nat Phillips, dear God … as if this generation wasn’t scarred enough by Shane Duffy.
another crying shame, just read that Ron Yeats was diagnosed with Alzheimers in 2024 – never seen him play but have read a few bits and pieces on hi…
For a long time this season- I think we struggled to win 3 games in a row. Since we lost to Hearts in mid-Decemebr we have won 6 games in a row- 5 of them in the SPFL. I know we don’t have European competition to disrupt the run, but it still seems a strange time to proclaim a crisis. And, yes, we were very poor on Saturday but we won.
I have no idea about how well PL gets on with BR or how poorly ML is rated by BR or DD and, since I suspect that most people are as equally ignorant as my poor self (I have seen no evidence otherwise that people have much reliable inside info) I can dismiss the fish-wife gossip and just judge the football where I see good results and poor performances. That is a much better pairing than its opposite- good performances and poor results.
There is no filter for internet rumours. As I understand it- some guy painted an imaginary situation on Facebook or Twitter or via the medium of dance on Tik Tok that creatively place Celtic in crisis and emergency talks taking place with BR leaving. Someone else, reading it and either not knowing or not caring whether it had substance or was completely fictional decided to send thie “info” to all his Celtic contacts. From there, others passed it on to their contacts. Me, being out of this loop, did not get any direct e-mail or post but I got to read it on Social Media. I didn’t know where it came from or whether it was true and, until it has any proven substance, I just refused to give it any head room.
Tomorrow, I could have egg on my face if BR actually resigns with pointed accusation at every Lawwell that ever lived and Lawelled but I’m prepared to take that risk because scepticism has served me better than gullibility over the years.
Peter Lawwell and Mark Lawwell are unlikely to have the power or influence to prevent us being Champions League winners or even winning more Euro games, however, before hte Lawwell Lover accusation flies, I will say again- refusing to believe they are the Devil incarnate does not make you a Lawwell Lover. I have said far too often, that PL is overpaid, has lied to our support and should not be currently at our club. I would not miss him if he left. I have no strong view on Mark Lawwell (apart from again the “he’s overpaid” line which I agree with).
But, I strongly suspect that the next suit who steps into either of their shoes, will, after a short honeymoon, inherit the same role as club scapegoat for failure.
I just suspec
The one on why Klopp was leaving Liverpool was much worse :)
That sort of stuff … the writers have a better imagination than me.
James Forrest
“The one on why Klopp was leaving Liverpool was much worse :) ”
Bassas! naebody sent that to me either.
🎶I’m Nobody’s Child- naebody gossips with rumours running wild🎶
A big mad book fell on my napper today.
I only have my shelf to blame.😀
Greenpinata I shee what you did there.
Btw – with all the yearning for former CQN years on the site tonight, it reminded me that I meant to ask whatever happened to Kojo?
I didn’t know him but remember he posted a lot in the late 2000’s and early in the 2010’s.
Can anyone share or did he just stop posting.
49ers about to win the second ‘semi final’ of the day.
So it’s a Chiefs v 49ers Super Bowl in Vegas.
I fondly remember Kojo’s unique style of posting.
Imo, the site has not replaced the knowledge regarding our developing players that he/ she brought to the table.
Good morning all from a very still (but birds chirping) 3 degree Garngad.
Have a good day all.
Ps from a pragmatist.
D. :)
2017: Celtic 4-0 Hearts, League; Celtic break Lisbon Lions Record: Brendan Rodgers’ side extended their unbeaten domestic run since the start of the season to 27 games, one more than Jock Stein’s all-conquering side of 1966/67.
Good morning all from Govanhill. Another week of fun and frolics starts now.
“Your disrespect for the opinions of those of us who don’t see it through rose coloured specs is pathetic and shows you up.”
“You really are a pitiful little bitch aren’t you?”
Says more about you than you know lol
Curious and more curious.
Let me be clear, Ops wrong phrase. We all know a porky follows these words.
I’ll try again. I fully endorse the right of supporters to express their feelings. If they choose to boo then that is their perogative.
I don’t agree with it but I’ll defend their right to do so.
Rumours circulating in hun sites that Rodgers has flew out to some Swiss resort to meet with Dermot Desmond with a view to resigning ….could be malicious mischief making ….or what ? 🤔
On Saturday we didn’t lose the match against Ross County.3 points is all that counts,we need to stop arguing with our fellow supporters who like it or not are entitled to their opinions,
CARPE DIEM 63 @9.22
Yes, got that sent to me last night from a pal in Port Glasgow.
Timbhoy163 ……Precisely …the bottom line is we are, by winning remaining in control of our own destiny and the Huns will attempt to deploy all their nefarious tactics to destabilise this…just keep winning Celts …by whatever means …and watch them implode with the pressure when we arrive at IPOX 🍀😎
Kojo made one to many racist comments and it was picked up on,he exited the blog shortly afterwards and didnt come back,around the same time its monikered twin the singing detective left via the Ubend too.
That’s been the story since Saturday night.
Who knows.
They will have their fingers crossed so will.peter.
Good morning CQN.
Great day to be a Tim.
Hope all on here … every last one o’ ye … have a great day.
JF…….agree with much of your post. Not what it used to be. Times have changed …..sadly.
As for the “rumour” of Dermot flying out to bed Brendan.
Received it Saturday night.
So ridiculous it made me chuckle.
Unfortunately, some of our gullible will gulp … and then swallow it.
(Be careful now about those ads selling Ocean-front condos in Kansas)
But, importantly …. it shows the level of dark arts being deployed.
Our enemies smell division … and are desperately going for it … as they know they CANNOT win against a united Celtic.
Hail Hail
Keep The Faith
“Beg Brendan”
Dermot – it was a typo
Please don’t deploy the lawyers
Good morning from the Queens Park Cafe. I hope ye are all hale and hearty and have a super day. I love Mondays!😁👍🍻
Celtic …Celtic ….that’s the team for me …Celtic Celtic …onto victory….they are the finest team in Scotland 🍀
JF…….agree with much of your post. Not what it used to be. Times have changed …..sadly.
A not to dissimilar rant by James the last time flounced.we only need to look at the 3or4 pages now for full blog whereas that used to be my first teabreak.they all still go to CP,maybe not on here tho.
new article posted.