Europa door ajar for Celtic


When we drew Maribor I wrote about their performance in last season’s Europa League, when they were eliminated by eventual winners, Sevilla.  Our man, Blaz, in Slovenia, also warned me that this was a settled team who had improved since ending Rangers’ interest in European football three years ago.

I watched Red Bull Salzburg destroy Ajax in Amsterdam last season with some sublime football, and my pal in Austria tells me not to put too much store in their 3-0 humbling by Malmo, who, apparently, rode their luck to an incredible degree.  Having said that, on the balance of probabilities, they are by far the top seed we would have chosen.

As Croatia Zagreb, Dinamo Zagreb bossed Celtic out of the Champions League play-off round in 1998, our first attempt at the tournament.  Zagreb’s stock has fallen since, so while you could make a good case to suggest we are far from ready to tackle any European team right now, this is a good draw.  They are also not Legia Warsaw, which would have been an unwelcome confrontation at this time.

So far, so good.  Then we draw a complete unknown from pot 4, who happened to eliminate Lyon in the last round.

Between now and the middle of next month Celtic have to be ready for these challenges.  We have an opportunity to progress in the Europa League, earn some badly needed coefficient points, and revenue in the second half of the season.

Bring it on.

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  1. the glorious balance sheet on

    manihoop 2326:-



    No chance of Steven Fletcher coming to Celtic unless he takes a mammoth pay cut.


    Peter Lawwell was asked by the Daily Record yesterday if Celtic had tried to sign a £6m to £8m striker and if so, what are the difficulties involved in doing this.



    Peter Lawwell in response said that as an example it would cost £6m to £7m to sign Steven Fletcher and he is on £37,000 per week.



    I wouldn`t rule out van Dijk going to Sunderland but it will be a straight cash deal I expect.

  2. TET






    Just havin a few drinks and wee lurk



    Good to see so many Yes voters i was beginnin to think the majority on here were unionists




  3. macjay1 for Neil Lennon on



    23:26 on


    30 August, 2014


    Thinking Naismith is a seriously good player…….






    I wanted him when he left the hun during their bogof phase which may rear it`s ugly,and I do mean ugly,head again.

  4. gordon64



    23:29 on 30 August, 2014



    Disagree with the punch line and not sure how he can speak so badly of the establishment that he was happy to be part of. As he said too, all Politicians and all Politics are about the preserve of a few with no care for the majority – Salmond et al will do the same mate.

  5. Magnificentseven on

    Delaneys Dunky





    23:29 on



    30 August, 2014








    Aye bud, I know.




    I know you do and no harm in calling him out but the guy is just a waster who is here to mix it up, the definition of a troll……………….. but don’t worry he will go away and Wikipedia something to show you his depth of knowledge :-)

  6. iPaddy McCourt on

    On the subject of meeting of CQNers, I met Captain Beefheart the other night before the Maribor game and we shared a few beers. Poor guy had to sit and listen to me and my mates arguing about the referendum half the night. A gentleman and a right good Tim.

  7. Tet…



    You have never met me either mate, but can assure you I’m not Ernie Lynch



    Dunno….He might well have failed all his exams at Uni…..I never failed any but in the general scheme of things…..a driving licence at a young age is sometimes a better qualification than any degree……particularly nowadays.



    He might well be a train driver.




  8. Sftbs






    Same place as you.



    Kk said the bookies are into 4/1 as most generous.



    I agreed and said some are as skinny as 3’s.



    Glad to see ye posting :)

  9. Right SFTB



    Your one of the most measured and analytically astute posters on here (IMO)…..why is it a No from yourself?


    Convince me ;)

  10. 16 roads - Celtic über alles... on




    23:22 on 30 August, 2014






    Possibly so,but I think that it’s just a wee bit different from an election or council plebiscite.



    Labour, Tory,Westminster blah,blah, blah.



    Only interested in what they can take from the ordinary person.



    England is only in Scotland for England’s own selfish reasons.



    Hence the obvious panic case Scotland does vote for independence.




  11. I really enjoy the to and fro I have with most on here, Ernie included.


    I would happily sit down over a pint and discuss all things Celtic and politics with him.



    SFTB’s, the Yes vote may loose the vote, but they have won the argument.


    By a distance.




    23:42 on 30 August, 2014






    Many simply don’t want another Tory government. It’s almost certain.’







    What odds are the bookies offering on a Tory government?

  13. Kilbowie Kelt will vote YES on



    4/1 is now the best price on the High Street.


    There is still 21/5 on the exchanges but that price is subject to a 5% deduction.


    I have no doubt that the 4/1 will quickly disappear as the big day approaches.


    I advised taking the 5/1 that was available 6 months ago on this site.

  14. setting free the bears for res. 12 & oscar knox but saying no to cqn racists



    Clever, I don’t take sides though, I just vote for what is best for myself and my kids.



    I didn’t realise it was about what side of the fence I sit on politically…every day on here is……

  15. Sipsini, as you know, it isn’t about political divides.


    I agree with you, for my kids, and theirs we will do better alone.



    Ourselves Alone, strikes a chord.


    ToneLoc #FearlessOscarKnox



    Just a quick one for any thick voters, you are not voting for a political party or person , GOT IT !!!!



    I am voting for a political objective.

  17. Paolo, instinct is what drives evolution, no one ever thought about a finger opposing a thumb, or cooking food.


    So go with the heart.

  18. Gordon64



    Thanks – he had my two brothers and me doing his back garden last week barking out orders. It was like travelling back in time when we were young kids back in the Spittal and he was to be obeyed!!! Hope you are good too – not seen you or ‘driving miss daisy’ recently?




    23:47 on 30 August, 2014



    Monetary policy will be dictated by the Bank of England though, won’t it?



    And the Scots will have no control over it whatsoever.



    We will in fact become the vassal state the nats claim we are at the moment.

  20. 16 roads – Celtic über alles…


    23:41 on


    30 August, 2014





    23:22 on 30 August, 2014






    Possibly so,but I think that it’s just a wee bit different from an election or council plebiscite.



    Labour, Tory,Westminster blah,blah, blah.



    Only interested in what they can take from the ordinary person.



    England is only in Scotland for England’s own selfish reasons.



    Hence the obvious panic case Scotland does vote for independence.







    You’re right – it’s certainly different from the usual election. It’s more important. I have a relative who regularly uses the “we never get the government we vote for” argument. I was imagining what it would be like if we did, and I can’t see the Scottish parliament being any different from what it is right now. I think the reason for that is that many traditionally Labour-supporting Scots were turned off the Labour Party by New Labour – ironically architected by two people with Scottish heritage. So the notion that we will, after a Yes vote, get a leftist government is not an argument I buy.

  21. Arsenal ready to outbid Man City for David Marshall on deadline day




    Who’d a thunk it,ey?




    Love the Eastend Glasgow Bhoys doing well.

  22. Doc



    23:50 on 30 August, 2014



    ‘instinct is what drives evolution’








    I thought it was random mutation and natural selection.



    Maybe it’s different for nats.



    Most things seem to be.

  23. prestonpans bhoys dam justice for the 5 on

    ToneLoc #FearlessOscarKnox


    23:48 on


    30 August, 2014



    I remember talking to a SNP MSP and said ” you are mechanism ” to to indy that’s it. After indy you are on your own,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  24. This site has become disgusting. It is supposed to be a Celtic site, not a political debating site and a place where drunks slag each other, back and forth. Could the offenders just relax, please please.


    Celtic forever

  25. Gordon64



    23:54 on 30 August, 2014



    ‘In an Independent Scotland


    will PoundStrechers need to change it’s name ?’








    That will be one of those things no one will ever know.

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