Look at me, but not at my face


I don’t get the flares thing. It’s not a part of my going-to-see-Celtic tradition. But if it was my thing, I’d have the courage of my convictions, I wouldn’t hide the fact.

There are consequences of bringing flares to football games, always has been. By not having the courage to openly ignite them, those consequences are not personalised to the individuals who regard this as an integral part of what they do at a football game, they are visited upon everyone in the vicinity, as well as the club.

The problem with flares at Celtic games is those who bring them hide the fact – as they clearly know there are consequences, and presumably aren’t too interested in taking responsibility for them. ‘Keen on flares, not keen enough to stand up for them’, is why the issue persists.

I get the attraction to bright, shiny, things, but this isn’t a campaign to bring the vote to disenfranchised people against a force who will execute the offender on sight. It’s about bringing a flare to a football game. If it’s so important, do it openly. If you think Health and Safety are simply wrong, find the evidence and use it in court. Have the courage to change something.  I know lots of Celtic fans who have had the courage to put their name to something they believed in, in recent years.  It’s seldom easy, but it has been done.

But in the years of this debate no one has ever pointed to evidence that igniting flares in a football ground is a clever thing to do. It’s just a ‘look at me’ exercise, ‘But don’t look at my face’, of course.


Episode 5 of ‘A Celtic State of Mind’ finds Paul John Dykes and Kevin Graham discussing a variety of topical subjects concerning Celtic Football Club, including:

* What now for the Green Brigade?
* Dedryck Boyata – Are reinforcements on route?
* Virgil van Dijk – The windfall cometh;
* Emilio Izaguirre – Moving on.


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  1. Sionnach Abu on

    I’m outie


    I was rockin’ and rollin’.


    I am Nothing.




    God Bless Every CQNer. ;)))




    Come back Petec ;-)


    “The more I see, the less I know. The more I like to let it go”


    Your words, not mine.



  2. Sionnach abu.



    ‘Sniper at work’


    Is that the same roadsigns which used to populate the border areas?


    Which were adapted by the ‘silly wee bhoys’in the standing area to include him without his permission.Silly wee bhoys they are not tho some are hiding behind them.








    Hi mate.what to do?


    Your suggestion of a judicial review of what may I ask?


    I fear a review without any word from our club as their thoughts would be asked.


    I would also hope our majority shareholder may step up and empower his 44% shareholding base?(silence on an ongoing basis is not on) maybe Des O Brien as number2 shareholder will step up.


    The pressure is on them.no amount of 1 against 41 chat veers away from that point.Murray’s cheating tenure must have a light shone on it.an action by say Des o brien will bring 21st century business management to our game which is ran by 19th century bowling club rules and cheating at present.


    Hope your well.



    Moderator I would be content if you tell me a post of mine is deleted as my , 4.05am one was highlighting sectarianism on cqn.


    With thanks




  3. Sionnach Abu on

    I suggest a change of banner tact. When all else fails, bullets, bombs, peace treaties, Let’s try kill them with humour.





    I honestly don’t know. There is more than one Moderator (each independent and unknown to one another) – we don’t compare deletions. Each has a set of rules (directives) from P67 – we then delete according to interpretation of the breach and on occasion where a subject matter is getting out of hand.


    Our primary objective is to see CQN run in a civilised manner – not descend into a blog where; antagonism, bullying, racism, sexism, language violations etc, etc become the order of the day.

  5. The Green Brigade wurny there last week at the Lyon game, how did that work oot ?


    53,000 season tickets = no action against, 25 years of Murray Mibbery.


    53,000 season ticket money to a complicit PLC board, is like replacing Jr Capo with, Simple Simon.












    and awe the other faceless wonders who put hee haw on the table but, take everything aff it.


    Brendan’s a pawn but, is he a willing one ?


    Neil Francis Lennon was flung under a bus by the PLC board because he had the cheek to, prove that his team were being cheated by the MIBs.


    And still, there are some on here who think that, the PLC are on the case because there’s going to be an inquiry ?


    Simple Simons right enough.


    The only reason that there is an inquiry is, so that the PLC can slink their way past the AGM unscathed.


    The ghosts of the JUNGLE wept.


    Not a rebel in sight, so, so sad.



  6. Moderator 4.27am



    Thank you for your considered reply.


    I want to operate within cqn rules.


    All I ask is that if I have been deleted to tell me.not your logic,just 4.05am An Tearmann post deleted.with thanks in advance


    Hail hail

  7. In the week small hours I posted on the CQN article regarding the Continuity Myth vis~a~vis the SPL Commission. It was a bit waffley so I will have another go to make my point, cause I think it’s important.



    1. The SPL Commission advances the view that a Club, even if it’s the same legal entity as it’s Owner and Operator can be transferred to another Owner and Operator



    2. The Commision suggests that Sevco Scotland bought Rangers FC (I’ll play their game a bit for the purpose of clarity and refer to this Club as “Football Club”) when it bought the basket of assets on 14 June 2012



    3. Points 1 & 2 are there to give the notion that Oldco was the original Owner and Operator of Rangers “Football Club and Newco became the subsequent Owner and Operator of the same “Football Club”



    4. The definitions as they are stated refer only to Clubs that are members of the SPL i.e. Not UEFA nor The SFA definitions



    5. The SPL Commission states that it was Oldco they were soley dealing with as regards their Jurisdiction of the “Football Club”



    6. NewCo was never a member of the SPL so the SPL’s definition of a Club never applied to them



    7. The SPL states that Rangers ceased to be a “Football Club” on 3 August 2012 when Oldco transferred it’s SPL share to Dundee FC



    8. The duplicitous notion that Newco could have bought Rangers “Football Club” and become the Owner and Operator in 14 June 2012 and that Rangers “Football Club” were a member of the SPL until 3 August 2012 is -incompatible; Newco was never a member of the SPL, illogical; The “Football Club” could not be Owned and Operated by two Companies at the same time and disingenuous; there was no need for the SPL Commission to define the “Football Club” in terms of it’s possiblity of being transferred and potentiality of a New Owner and Operator, it was irrelevant to the Commission.



    I believe the above was deliberately advanced to abet the Continuity Myth.



    From the Commission…



    “On 14 June 2012 a newly incorporated company, Sevco Scotland Limited, purchased substantially all the business and assets of Oldco, including Rangers FC, by entering into an asset sale and purchase agreement with the joint administrators. The name of Sevco Scotland Limited was subsequently changed to The Rangers Football Club Limited. We shall refer to this company as Newco.”



    So the SPL Commission are stating that Sevco Scotland bought Rangers FC, 14 June 2012 implying it bought the “Football Club”.



    However According to the SPL, Rangers “Football Club” was contractually a member of the SPL until 3 August 2012. Now that has to be as Oldco because…



    At the outset, Mr McKenzie accepted – as he was bound to do – that the SPL has no direct jurisdiction in relation to Newco: Newco is not and never has been a member of the SPL, is not and never has been bound by its Rules, and is accordingly not liable to have any sanction imposed on it for any alleged breach of the Rules.



    Therefore from it’s inception until the 3 August 2012 the SPL regarded Oldco as the “Football Clubs” Owner and Operator.



    On that date Rangers “Football Clubs” Share in the SPL went to Dundee FC, from that point Rangers Football Club ceased to be as far as the SPL was concerned. Newco were never the Owner and Operator of Rangers “Football Club” within the SPL.



    So all that’s written in the Commission’s report about an owner and operator transferring a Club to another owner and operator is just supposition.



    It was supposed to get people to think that Rangers “Football Club” was bought from the Administrators along with the other Rangers FC PLC assets by Charles Green’s Sevco Scotland Ltd.



    Of course it worked, any same Club myth adherents quote this – one example when people questioned Sevco Rangers Advertising as “Scotland’s most successful Club” and “Rangers Then, Rangers Now, Rangers Forever…”



    The Advertising Standards Authority Ruling Quotes the SPL Commission, even though the Commision has stated that Newco was never a member.



    If Newco was never a member how can the definition of a Football Club by the SPL be construed on Newco? It can’t, never could.



    They provided an extract from a Decision concerning RFC, by an Independent Commission appointed by the Scottish Premier League, in which it was stated that “in common speech a Club is treated as a recognisable entity which is capable of being owned and operated and which continues in existence despite its transfer to another owner and operator”. [Now this is just expounding a possibility, it doesn’t say this happened to Rangers “Football Club” we know as far as the SPL are concerned it didn’t happen, Newco were NEVER in the SPL] They said the Commission had clearly stated that the same Club continued, regardless of the legal entity that owned and operated it and, therefore, that RFC had continued in existence since 1872.[But of course, they didn’t say that at all]



    They did however work enough Sophistry to make it sound like they did.



    So for Clarity – The LNS Commission that is oft quoted as proof of the same Club, is in fact the documents that proves that Rangers FC could not have been bought by Charles Green in his basket of assets as, according to the SPL, the Club was a member of the SPL until 3 August 2012.



    Interesting how much time and effort the Commision took defining the irrelevant Structure of Newco (again- never a member) and failed in their basic scope of examining EBT payments and Sporting Advantage.



    We Need a REVIEW



    Hail Hail

  8. macjay1 for Neil Lennon on

    CHAIRBHOY on 24TH JULY 2017 6:40 AM



    Kudos , pal.



    Lot of brainpower in there.



    We all deserve justice.

  9. WHEN the huns at the sfa an d spfl tell us there will be no title stripping etc, I would be looking to take them to Court for a refund and compensatio for all of the years that I was cheated she. paying for my season book, when the game was rigged in favour of THEM.


    Would any of the bright legal Bhoys on here be prepared to act for me in Court against this corrupt mob ?


    If yes, and I win, then the floodgates would hope to the tens of thousands if other Celti. supporters to do likewise ?


    Now wouldn’t that be a good start, in ringin g down these corrupt bassas ?

  10. MACJAY1 @ 6:49 AM,



    Thanks MacJay… hope all’s good down under.



    I think it’s worth pointing out that…



    …“On 14 June 2012 a newly incorporated company, Sevco Scotland Limited, purchased substantially all the business and assets of Oldco, including Rangers FC,…



    This is not necessarily wrong. Sevco Scotland bought the IP (intellectual property) of Rangers FC PLC, it includes the Right to use the Name “Rangers FC”.



    It doesn’t of course mean it’s the same Club.



    We need a REVIEW



    Hail Hail

  11. “He that always gives way to others will end in having no principles of his own. ”




  12. The progression under Brendan has been admirable. As early as the Imps game we got to see what he was about. Horrendous result. No panic. Calm assessment of where we were and what was needed, and a comfortable passage through to next round.


    In the final qualifier we showed we were moving from the team who always seemed to find a way to lose, to a team who can find a way to win.



    In the groups I think Brendan made his one and only mistake to date. Going with a 5-4-1 v Barca.


    I can’t remember who played Barca the game before we went to the Nou Camp, but they’d gone 5-4-1 and done well. We simply didn’t have the experience to carry out that system and the outcome was the one and only thrashing in BR’s reign.


    We competed much better at home v the Spaniards.


    The home defeat to Borrusia saw us outplayed but on the return leg in Germany, it was another sign that Brendan could assess the problem and react successfully.


    The 2 draws v the English billionaire side were admirable.


    That last defeat was in November . That’s 8 months ago.


    All of the above suggests we will despatch Rosenberg. Better teams than them failed to beat us under Brendan. Even taking a narrow lead into the return leg will see me confident we will go through.


    What a difference a year makes.

  13. Jonty


    Just read that story on news now


    Chelsea had a £40m offer for Moussa rejected in Jan


    Now we are talking £20 with Marseille



    Hahahahahaha hahahahahaha



    Oh Goood Morning CQN


    I’ve got work to get on with

  14. Chairbhoy @ 6:40



    Thanks for you r efforts in compiling that post.


    Wouldn`t it be good if the MSSM produced such an article?


    In spite of the Internet allowing access to many more viewpoints, the Media is still a very powerful opinion shaper.




  15. TONTINE TIM on 23RD JULY 2017 11:34 PM


    BANKIEBHOY1 on 23RD JULY 2017 5:50 PM



    Careful……huns will try and exploit any opportunity. Arguably the GB made a mistake, we should not let the sleekits in to divide and conquer any further.






    I’m with ye Captain.




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