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  1. Thought wee Pat Roberts was scintillating today, he stood up well to the bully boy tactics.

  2. HT


    Two points….I agree about Lustig , I even said to the lhad that he could have been hooked at half time, I feel it was only his height for set pieces that kept him on. However , what a way to prove me wrong, the only thing missing from his party piece was the beach ball on his head.


    Second point and more serious. I too came out the North Stand and was asked to walk between 4 police horses deployed side by side on an enclosed space. A very sinister move and all being filmed by a weedy looking officer from an elevated position above the horses? To me this was intimidation and an affront to me. Why were horses needed ? Our support was in good voice and spirits, no hint or suggestion of any event that may require mounted police to intervene.


    I do not understand the rules of where and when police horses are required. However I do know where and when they are not needed, today was one of the occasions when they were not required .


    Anyway a great day for Celtic. Thanks again to CD for the tickets.

  3. The Green Man says SACK THE Board on




    I do indeed separate the team and supporters from the board.


    The board…well, i wont go on, you know the rest.





  4. VFR800 is now a Monster 821 on




    Absolutely agree. It’s a juggernaut that seems unstoppable at the moment.



    As early as 4 minutes, Rodgers called one of the players over to the side to give him instructions. Within 90 seconds we were ahead; now maybe that’s coincidence but he will make changes as soon as he notices the need.



    No matter what the other managers do, Brendan Rodgers has the answer. No matter how well a player is performing, the manager wants better from him.



    I cannot wait to see how we will perform in Europe now. That’s the new benchmark!



    Prediction: we will win this league by more than 35 points and score over 100 goals. Our goal difference will be close to 75.



    The record of 25 straight league wins is under threat!




  5. HT


    Told you they would not like their beloved OBaFA repealed, in fact they have not followed what was voted on by MSP’s and in fact want to review all the laws around this, why are MSP’s allowing this to happen?

  6. the hooped crusader on

    Have to say we must admit we get a few decisions going our way.


    Remember Naka’s soft free kick at love street, or that Roy Aitken shy at hampden. I’m mean come on the list is, erm well that is the list.


    We’re a shower of lucky buggers so we are.


    Evenitselfout csc.

  7. prestonpans bhoys on

    HT @7:24



    That sounds very similar to the nonsense that happened after the game atMotherwell when a bhoy ran onto the park at halftime. The amount of effort to get him after the game was ridiculous

  8. Phyllis Dietrichson on

    HT – hope you’re well mon ami. I’m really distressed to hear that story about a police horse at the back of the North Stand. I was in the middle of an incident back in the day when the police completely lost the plot and charged down there on horseback (when it was the Jungle) – I’m not lying when I say I thought I was dead.



    On Mark Warburton, I don’t think he’s a hun, a bigot – he is what he is, an office jockey who thought he’d try his hand at Football Manager reality-style. Sevco canot sack him, they cannot attract any kind of half decent manager, they’re in a death roll.

  9. jeez_I_thought_blinker_was_pants on




    As much as the huns tend to go about big Roys “Shy” , they seem to forget it was their player who was at fault with a dodgy passback, Gary Stevens. We had lost possession by then.

  10. GlassTwoThirdsFull on

    fan-a-tic on 5th February 2017 7:40 pm




    My complaint?


    Brendan was outcoached in the first half.


    Lustig failed to stop crosses and KT sat in no mans land while they exposed space behind him.





    When I saw the line-up I thought GMS would be on the left (Roberts right and Sinclair middle).


    I don’t like playing inverted wingers on both sides as it relies too much on the full-backs getting forward (and exposing them defensively).


    I would only play GMS on the left. His strength is beating players and getting in crosses.

  11. Juve v Inter on BT Sport is providing some quality football viewing at the moment.


    Some good players on show, regrettable that the arsehole called Lichsteiner is also on the park.

  12. Margaret McGill on

    I consider myself one of the Agenda driven guys.


    I will always moan/complain about this PLC.


    These are indeed happy days due to Celtic supporters voting with their wallets not any PLC autonomous brilliant decision making.


    As for the football on the park no complaints for me and I said so after the game at 3:02 pm today. To me there is the club, the supporters and the PLC.


    I would guess a large ratio of Celtic supporters think its a holy trinity like thing but magically


    dont have the same conceptual difficulty when applying it to the huns.


    Of course many of the green hun sheep thickos on here will see this as a negative post.


    It is not.

  13. Gerryfaethebrig



    There is a risk that if any Tim chooses to record such situations then they could be arrested. I was threatened with it today despite having done nothing wrong.



    Jim Payne



    Today was a disgrace Jim, the closest I’ve seen to that day in Janefield Street. Sadly and worryingly this is going to get worse.

  14. Hamilton Tim



    Thanks for getting back. As with that night all those years ago utterly inexcusable as well as completely unnecessary.



    Away to bed. Early start tomorrow.







    All them years after Janefield street and the police are still doing the same twisted dangerous things. ah mean FFS who sanctions this bollocks..

  16. MWD



    I’m sure JP knows about it already mate.






    I’m glad you and your son enjoyed today. You’re completely correct, the actions at full time were appalling and completely unwarranted.






    I’m sorry mate but I don’t know your real name. Can you mail me at please.

  17. An Teach Solais on

    Re aggressive policing, perhaps videoing them with handheld recording eg mobile phones is easily detectable even by Plod.


    Often though that having a few “marshals” with lapel mini cameras might be less obvious but would provide evidence of robust or dangerous policing. HH

  18. The Green Man says SACK THE Board on




    Polis Scoddland, a law unto themselves.


    What do they care about people.







    I never give the PLC a thought when we have games to focus on. I don’t see our club as , fans, club and PLC. Doesn’t sound like a holy trinity to me.


    I just see a Celtic family: like every family there are good guys and Rank Badjins amongst the members. As long as we stick together, especially when we are threatened by outsiders, we can be a strong force.


    I am a dreamer but a believer in family ties. I will agree with and disagree with many of our family but will stand by them always.


    Back to the Juve game now. HH

  20. I find it really odd how much people claim to speak for the support about attitudes to our Board. Nowadays, I NEVER have conversations with anyone in or outside Celtic Park on that particular topic. Now back in the day (and I mean 40/50 years ago, right up to the coming of Fergus), it was a commonplace.



    Are our CEO and DD and the others doing something right?

  21. Prestonpans



    Motherwell was shocking but honestly what happened today was much, much worse.






    I spoke to a high ranking officer after things had calmed down. His response was to put his hand on my chest to push me away despite me doing nothing wrong. I asked how could he possibly justify one of his officers riding a horse into a large crowd in a confined space. He threatened to arrest me.

  22. Did they make it illegal to photograph the police in Scotland, because normally you can take photos of anyone in a public place, when you go into malls and stations then it can be a bit different but unless they ade a law about filming or photographing the police I don’t see how they can lit you ar threaten to lift you for doing that??




    So it’s just intimidation pure, football fans, scum, we do what we like..



    I was beulin’ at Celtic Park my ticket didn’t work and because I was asking the guy what to do and taking to long a PC decide he was getting involved and start barking orders at me.



    Crap way to police a game




  24. Maybe our hun loving board could help the huns solve the Warbiola conundrum?


    The huns need shot of him but can’t afford it.


    We should buy him for millions and with his much vaunted talent with youth he could take our Academy to the next level.


    Gives them a transfer kitty on top of Glibby’s 30 million so they can be a closer 2nd and we could have a conveyer belt of talent and sell for squillions and compete with the epl without shitey sky money.

  25. Margaret McGill on

    jmccormick on 5th February 2017 8:14 pm


    Yes I understand. However, the current Celtic PLC would sell you down the river and BTW thats the “Big Hoose must stay open mentality” mapped to the other side of Glasgow.

  26. Dessybhoy



    Indeed you did mate. In fairness James Kelly is doing his best. He phoned on Thursday night while we were having a FAC meeting, he’s still hopeful.








    Good evening my friend. Yep I was there that night in Janefield Street. Today was an example of the same incompetence and police brutality.

  27. HT


    Good luck , take care, dont let the b……s get you down or stop you supporting the team.

  28. STARRY, they can get you for taking photo of anything if they think under a Terrorism act. Similar to the catch Celtic supporters in the OBAF act.

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