Celtic interim accounts out, ups and downs


Celtic’s revenue for the interim six months to 31 December 2013 fell 11% to £44.8m (2012: £50.1m), while operational expenses also fell, by 7%, to £34.3m.  The club had £5.7m cash in the bank, £5.6m more than a year earlier.

A few factors behind the figures:

We played fewer home games, 16 as opposed to 19 the previous season, and although you may pay your season ticket up front, the club only recognises the income when games are played (cash at bank is recognised as soon as your payment lands).

Profit was up to an incredible £21.3m, from £14.9m), largely as a consequence of the sale of Victor Wanyama, Gary Hooper and Kelvin Wilson last summer.  Without wanting to go into the who ‘A word’ (it’s not 2004), money coming in from player sales goes straight to profit whereas money going out on player purchases hits profit gradually over the period of the player’s contract.

Investment in players was almost identical to the previous year, £5.0m from a 2012 figure of £4.7m.

Financially these are great figures but there are potential weaknesses lurking.  The club are absolutely dependent on reaching the Champions League group stages more seasons than not.  This brings significant revenue – and supports whatever player valuations the club will be able to achieve should they sell.  It also acts as the most effective tool to attract talent to Scottish football.

Finishing fourth in the Champions League, not second, is the most significant factor in the interim drop, but it will have a more significant impact on the second part of the season, which will be without a knock out stage round.

Celtic are still repointing the club away from the arms face they fought with a lemming club but they have delivered the key on-field objectives, which in itself takes care of the finances.

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  1. jist in fae the jiggin’



    Help Ma Boab!



    Neil, Plays… Sammi n Stokesie…



    Nae..Pukki.. ???



    Nae.. Lee, eethur.



    Whit’s goin’ Oan..???



    Has Neil Loast his Wits??






    Worth considering.. Ah think.



    Sammi,wull Slow doon the flow.. He is the Finger in the Dyke..


    The Coark in the Boattle..







  2. Big Nan:



    Apologies for getting back to you, one of my mates had an accident and I had to go pick up his boy whilst he went to hospital.



    It has been parked full stop, as far as I am concerned. I have been offered explanation as to why it was parked by private e-mail, I publically declined the offer because if somebody tried to muzzle me in such a way I would be totally pissed off AND the last thing I would do is respect confidentiality.



    But why those who offered to explain to me why it was ‘parked’ can’t publically tell every Celtic Supporter why it was ‘parked’ SCREAMS volumes.

  3. Joe Filippis Haircut on

    I dont think we should blame anyone if resolution 12 has been parked at least they had a go.However, from the beginning they were up against pretty smart business men who have spent there lives parking issues they did not wish to become involved in. H.H.

  4. Brogan Rogan Trevino and Hogan supports Oscar Knox, MacKenzie Furniss and anyone else who fights Neuroblastoma:



    If wrong has been done, and Celtic accept that wrong has been done… you’re a lawyer, why haven’t Celtic put the whole issue into the hands of aggressive lawyers?

  5. afternoon bhoys and ghirls. speeding south on the train just now. somehow I’ve managed to double book my silver wedding anniversary weekend ! anyway , gonna spend my weekend in the company of the best and most understanding woman I know and rely on you guys keeping me up to date.



    I think Neil is giving Sammi and Tony a chance to prove they want to play for the team. If they don’t pull their weight ,expect Leigh on early in 2nd half.



    Hail Hail



    sannabhoy (silver surfer csc)

  6. Big Nan



    Celtic chased up the requisitioners for a meeting after the last one on which everyone was updated generally or individually if they wanted detail and there is tons of that which had to be read in order to get to where things stand.



    There is a further meeting at end of Feb when canalamar is in the UK.



    It could have been earlier with his consent but given he was due back it seemed right to delay.



    One of the problems that causes folk to get upset is that Celtic like to operate under the radar.



    Their cooperation is needed to see this through and whilst it is understandable folk want to know what is happening that has to be balanced against getting a result that resolves the issue.



    Nature does abhor a vacumn and because Celtic operate under the radar ( and why is an issue is one you will understand ) it causes folk to give their own meaning to the silence and that is not necessarily a true reflection of events.



    Two examples. On Res12 it only came out after it reached the agenda that Celtic had written to the SFA in Dec 2011. That had never been said before but if it had then claims that Celtic were not tackling the SFA could not be made. I think they could tackle harder but the point is they did ask questions but kept quiet.



    On the OBB the response to the Open Meeting showed that Celtic wrote to the FM in April to be involved in the review of the legislation and the CEO had met the relevant Minister twice in June and Oct 2013 to present their and supporters concerns. Perhaps Perhaps they will be accused of not doing enough but the fact that they did act in 2013,even if unsuccessful in getting an earlier review again removes any argument that they are unaware of feelings and questions the strength of the one that they are complicit. The full response will I understand go on the CST web site.



    Why the policy of under the radar operating exists is one that needs examined. Celtic must see some benefit in it but at what emotional cost?



    The main cost is the lack of trust that results because of non communication. That is not the policy on the part of the Res12 requisitioners but it is one that has to be observed to see matters through and whilst you might not trust Celtic the requisitioners need to be trusted and they in turn are trusting Celtic.

  7. Like this line up. Probably strongest back four (personally I’d have a fit CM before Efe, but not much in it).



    Hopefully Sammi has been better in training than last couple of games.



    Johannsen looks a prospect.



    KC hat trick, of course!!

  8. Joe Filippis Haircut





    12:12 on



    8 February, 2014





    I dont think we should blame anyone if resolution 12 has been parked at




    If it has been parked I wish someone had told those pursuing it, including the Company Secretary.

  9. lxT7LLrrllliiilrlrllllrljgWWWW00MWWQ08DR3b800WWWWWWWWWWWWWWHlrlxrxtS1txvTvjvTtY77vrv7T7TcLTLllllii




















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  10. TEST





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