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  1. The Blogger Formerly Known As GM on

    Job done.



    Aside from the result there are a few positives- Meada hopefully coming in to form and we may not have wasted 3.5m on Kuhn.



    On the downside, we should never ever be in a position where we have players of the ability of Scales and Welsh playing together as our central defence.

  2. Weebobbycollins on

    O’Reily and Bernardo very disappointing today as were Scales and Welsh. Forrest was bright when he came on. There seemed to be a lack of leadership in the team. I’d be very worried if Calum’s injury is long term, to say nothing of Carter-Vicker’s hamstring problem.

  3. An Dun.


    I would send Bernardo back now. No pace, no desire. Apart from his great goal against the huns he has offered very little.


    STEBHOY on 10TH MARCH 2024 4:40 PM


    OH and huge thanks to Joe Hart!! his save at 2-2 kept us in the cup!





    OH wasn’t playing.

  5. stpatricksbhoy on

    Great to go through well done Dazien Maeda same old problem we have no physical defenders.

  6. Usual negative shite on here from hun trolls or negative types who could not even be arsed to go and support the team.



    If ever a team needed supported it is ours right now. Bereft of a captain and the best player of past 2 years and with a talismanic striker off the boil. We have media inspired shite stirring of the highest order creating an anti board agenda amongst fans …… whatever that even means but still many of our lot dance to the tune and can see nothing but negative from their cosy living room seats. Credit the folks who at least went along today. Especially those getting behind the team around the 80th minute or so.

  7. AN DÚN on 10TH MARCH 2024 4:46 PM


    Bernardo will be heading back to Portugal in just over 2 months.




    The way he ducked out that header tells all, not good enough

  8. glendalystonsils on

    When I saw the line up I shuddered , and continued to shudder any time Livy’s big lumps ran at or lumped a ball into our bargain basement defence . Our cardboard cut- out central defence unassisted by 5 a side Matt and sleepy Bernardo (please don’t spend any summer transfer money on him!)


    Daizen does everything at 100 mph , sometimes it works , sometimes it doesn’t . Today it mostly worked . Kuhn also did himself a big favour after a couple of meh appearances .


    Job done though … through to the semis , although our chances of SC and league silverware hang in the balance with the playing resources currently available .


    Massive work to be done in the summer .

  9. BURNLEY78 @5.15pm


    My thoughts entirely.


    It was a cup tie. Livi played out of their skin. They had nothing to lose.



  10. Fourstonecoppi



    Looks like a gumshield to me but, if not, he’ll give big Jurgen Klopp a run for his money.

  11. And right on cue after scraping past the worse team in the league . . . .. the apologists make an appearance.



    There will be a clean out of the board at the end of the season, whether some on here like it or not.



    The fans will make certain of that. Enough is enough.

  12. That was quite a physical mismatch today.


    Glad to be through, though can’t see that defence winning too many trophies.


    When we stopped crossing high and started low cut backs, we were dangerous.


    The double is still on!

  13. The Hoops are without Callum McGregor for the rest of the season while Cameron Carter-Vickers missed out with injury and Rodgers reckons those absences had their part to play in a poor performance from his team. But he was quick to stress it was the result that matters – even though he understands the demand to play better. He told Viaplay after the game “We got there in the end, the scoreline makes it look more comfortable than it was.

  14. the long wait is over on

    G fearon



    The Hoops are without Callum McGregor for the rest of the season






    Is that official ?

  15. Tom McLaughlin on

    Reading back, a prominent CQNer, whom I shall not name, slaughtered O’Reilly (sic) — can’t even spell his name — for looking miserable while playing.



    I can’t think many players in my lifetime who smiled while running with the ball. Maybe Matt should buy a clown’s mask for his next appearance in a Celtic jersey.

  16. When I heard on the radio it was and achilees injury for Cal I thought were not seeing him again this season.

  17. the long wait is over on

    G fearon



    Cheers but no quote from BR on the DR reporting it as fact.



    Might well be true but I won’t rely on that rag alone if you don’t mind.




  18. `Might well be true but I won’t rely on that rag alone if you don’t mind.`




    Unfortunately, too many Celtic fans do.

  19. Hibs player gets boot in face v huns game as he is about to head into the empty net .


    Did the huns player get sent off and a penalty given- don’t be stupid.


    A good argument for Rodgers v the Sfa!!!





  20. Hibs only goal threat stretchered off. No rerun of incident to see what happened. Free to Hibs in good area.