Celtic v Livingston, Live updates


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  1. Sid 9.44pm



    When I went home & away as a kid I didn’t have a choice mate






    My wife, 2 two step daughters & best granddaughter in the world are all … Huns :-)



    My daughter going against her mother & two big sisters is pretty amazing …



    She has a such a wee Tim … still canny believe she has now ditched me for the Buckie Thistle & Livvy game .. I think that Johnbay fae CQN started it ,.. he got her first ticket

  2. ut the Hoops gaffer has some major concerns heading into the business end of the season. Carter-Vickers sat out the cup win after pulling up in training on Saturday while a timescale can’t be put on skipper McGregor’s Achilles problem.



    Rodgers hopes the international break will buy the pair time – with the countdown on until the Old Firm showdown on April 7. When asked about the McGregor uncertainty, the Irishman said: “It always is if you have your top players and your captain not available.



    “Of course, there will be other players who can come in, but the level that he brings the game to is beyond what a lot of our players can do. Fingers crossed again we can get to the bottom of that and he’ll be available after the international break.”



    Rodgers revealed Celts are taking no chances over Carter-Vickers given the defender’s injury woes this season. The centre-back will go for a scan and he could be out of the USA international squad at the end of the month. Rodgers said: “We were just going through something very light on Saturday and he felt something in the back of his leg.

  3. Competitive game today and a good win. I thought we were poor defensively, but Livingstone make it hard. They’re a physical side and this was their cup final today. Well done to the bhoys for getting through, more convincingly than the score suggests. Special mention to Jamesy who did great when he came on. Lifted our game a gear or two at the right time.

  4. David 66 9.57pm



    Funnily enough BRRB said we’d would always agree






    Delaney’s Dunky … might be not be with us but he is my type of CQN

  5. I watched the Sevco game tonight only because I was in the pub and they were showing it.


    Without a doubt, the fix is in.


    Missed our game today and relied on CQN for my fix. We won but it didn’t make for good reading.


    But the thing that’s REALLY pissing me off is Brendan coming out, week after week with the reasons why we didn’t play well….today, Matt was ill all week, Kuhn has come in when not having played too many games….and so it goes on. If Brendan, just once came out and said, “I got the shape/formation/tactics/team selection wrong”, I’d have a lot more respect and a lot more hope if he appreciated that sometimes it’s HIM that got it wrong

  6. GFTB at 9:58


    Yep, grandson is itching to go to Celtic on his own….and sneak in with the ultras.


    He”s allowed to go to the odd QOTS game with his football team friends and stands next to the QOTS ^ultras^ – who have a banner, and I kid you not, which reads “Queen of the South Ultras – We know Our Manners” Also we know how to behave.


    Different world!

  7. 31003 10.28pm



    Am enjoying this Brendan … still a top notch manager but I feel this time around he can be bothered with all the shoite ..


    Brendan bolted … many of us gutted



    But in my opinion…. Am delighted he is back


    (I wouldn’t that posted that a few ago) but as fan it’s easy



    100% behind Brendan …



    I shall not be moved 🎵🎵🎵🎵

  8. Back to Basics - Glass Half Full on

    Goodnight CQN.



    We won today.






    St Johnstone next.

  9. Scaniel 10.49pm



    I do not tell lies .. the donkey sanctuary has been mentioned for the kids school trips 👍

  10. spikeysauldman on




    i would love more of the celtic support to come on the demos and agree that most have not


    but that wasnt your original point


    you wished that those who do protest at the games would stop “moaning”



    You mentioned that there were blue noses at the demo last week but that they dont take their politics to the game – just some politics ? and how did they get to motherwell for the game ? the demo finished about 3pm ?


    the only guys i heard talking about football were 2 old guys bemoaning how pish celtic were and the main speaker at the emirates, who mentined that his last game was Lisbon 67 and that Beitar Jerusalem’s fans were worse than the “bigots at Ibrox”



    (No Surrender rings out on Sportscene as Fabio Silva scores now –



  11. Sid 9.44pm



    Mate … I dint think you really like Celtic



    You only appear when the Huns win…



    But Fair play … the blog is OPEN to all



    “ Oh! and Sevco’s penalty was a joke”





    “Sevco” ?



    What or who is “Sevco”?



    I see “Rangers” on the tickets. 👀️



    I see “Rangers” on the TV screen. 👀️



    Apart from some document locked away in some never to be seen again Masonic Hampden safe, where is this “Sevco” ?



    I used to be of the mind of don’t worry Celtic will guide us through this “Sevco” issue and then we’ll know where we as fans stand and what the club’s thinking is as to how we approach this toxic issue.



    But 12 years down the road and Celtic’s CEO has made a single Glib joke about Rory Bremner and……..that’s it! 👀️






    That terminology is as stupifying as Hibs fans singing.…



    “Glasgow Rangers, You Let Your Club Die.”



    If they let their club die then why sing Glasgow Rangers at the Rangers fans? 👀️



    What has Sevco to do with us Tims?



    Well “Sevco” has been used since 2012 as a “it wizny us that did it”…decoy, squirrel, etc, which brazenly allows the Huns to walk away from the biggest sporting crime and happy clappy Tims are going along with the same club lie cover up tickets lol 👀️



    The Celtic FC silent narrative about the Rangers – Sevco issue has been condoned by 60,000 lazy empty heads who said nothing so long as Celtic were winning a one horse league, against a Rangers team full of 4th division players which could never be seriously described as a horse level team like Celtic were…in the one horse league.



    Being Glib is to Lie and Distort and Tailor a narrative which is used to Deceive or Cheat….or to Trick….the more empty heads…the stronger the narrative…and on it goes…history rewritten…in the little fake and fawning bubble full of fearty cowards who are the world champions of dancing around the big fat truth filled elephant who now lives in every room that these fearties enter…what a way to live.



    A Hun treble exorcism this season rammed right up youz…is the least punishment that you deserve…clapping and kneeling for whatever BBC Woke bandwagon rolls along with next…banging pots and pans for Hospitals full of Doctors and Nurses dancing up and down the wards of empty beds…making Tik Tok videos laughing their asses off at youz….then calling you an anti vaxxer if you take a stroke just after being jabbed or if your close friend that you pleaded with to not take the vaxx gets it and takes a siezure and falls to the ground and smashing his head wide open on the clinic floor with the syringe still in his arm…and be called a anti vaxxer for saying he was ok up until he got the vaxx?!?! 👀️



    Glib monsters are mass murdering anybody who isn’t one of them…Glib is to be Cheap and Deceptive….or Hunlike.



    Who poured all of the Toxic Stinking Glib juice into 60,000 Celtic fans drinking water tanks?



    When did this happen to Celtic fans that made them Glibly dance around the big truth filled Elephants in all of the rooms that 60,000 Celtic fans are living in or happen to enter?



    It started after 1994 when we thought that the good guys had won… when we laughed at Michael Kelly when he said..…



    “The history books will record that March 4th 1994 will be recalled as the day that Celtic actually lost its soul…and fans won’t realise this until many years into the future.” 👀️



    MK wasn’t the guy to take the club forward…but he was spot on when he said this to Paul Cooney on STV Sports news on 4tn March 1994.



    We have become Glib FC with carefully planted Glibster’s on blogs to smear anyone who dares to ask a question which puts a Glibster’s nose out of joint.



    Dr SFTB said..…



    “Oh don’t listen to these Trolls…etc, etc.”



    We used to be called Malcontents back in the day.




  13. B78 still pedalling the non exec shite about his hero, who is about 1 medal behind Bobby Lennox by his going…geez peace

  14. Good morning bhoys from a cool 5 degree but dry at the moment Garngad.



    Re yesterday, I am our biggest critic (because I know we could be so much better, with good leadership from top to bottom) but a win is a win and as I said we need ro start taking chances and burying teams.


    But let’s now build on this with another win on Saturday, if and its a big if we win all our remaining league games we win the league.


    If we do nit then was it the killers (I predict a riot). After everything that has happened this season.



    D. :)

  15. Celtic





    Joe Hart




    Alistair Johnston




    Tomoki Iwata




    Carl Starfelt




    Greg Taylor




    Matt O’Riley




    Callum McGregor




    Reo Hatate




    Joao Pedro Jota




    Kyogo Furuhashi




    Daizen Maeda









    Sead Haksabanovic (s 76′)




    Liel Abada (s 46′)




    David Turnbull (s 76′)




    Hyeon-Gyu Oh (s 59′)




    Alexander Bernabei




    Benjamin Siegrist




    James Forrest (s 90′)




    Anthony Ralston




    Stephen Welsh






    Between injuries and sales, the team yesterday was a shadow of what we had. I am normally a happy clapper, but if Calmac is now out (CCV and Hatate probably out as well) , then I’m afraid I have to join the naysayers.

  16. lets all do the huddle on

    I see “Rangers” on the tickets




    i could print tickets saying “LADTH King of Scotland”



    It doesnt make me King of Scotland

  17. lets all do the huddle on

    That terminology is as stupifying as Hibs fans singing.…



    “Glasgow Rangers, You Let Your Club Die.”



    If they let their club die then why sing Glasgow Rangers at the Rangers fans




    an accurate historical reference



    every club sings historical songs



    i think we may have a few as well!

  18. PeterLatchfordsBelly on

    The team is poor and highly unlikely to win the league. It has been asset stripped over the past year and huge profits generated by the plc. These are simply facts. I know Lawwell’s buddies like Burnley are uncomfortable about said facts being referenced, but hey, see you in court Petrocelli.



    The same will tell you Mark Lawwell gifted us Ange. Perhaps, but even then only after his pater made such a right royal a*se of recruiting Lennon’s successor. So two and a half cheers for that one.



    And all of the available evidence now points to Ange masking Lawwell the Younger’s weakness as Head of Recruitment. Left to his own devices it was a bit of a a 💩show that didn’t last long.



    I am very optimistic about young Daniel Kelly. The fact Rodgers is bleeding him in at this age tells me he’s got something and there’s nothing better than bringing through our own. CalMac, Jamesy F, KT, all legends. Hopefully we’ll be saying the same about Daniel in a few years.



    However, it speaks volumes that he’s now ahead of Thiago Holm. Same that Scales and Welsh are picked ahead of Lagerbielke and Nawrocki.



    Credit where it’s due though. if Yang and now Kuhn can continue to show the form of their most recent performances maybe young Lawwell’s rep may be restored somewhat. It’s taken too long for Yang in particular to make an impact, but he was excellent against Motherwell and Dundee and had started well vs Hertz. I thought Kuhn was a joy to watch yesterday. More of the same at and we might yet sneak the title against the odds and be able to say Mark L had an eye for a player after all.

  19. It’s mid March and we’re in the hunt for a double. Injuries piling up but still we’re winning.



    3 points Saturday and into a two week break which will hopefully allow us to get players back.



    Going to Ibrox and winning will result in the biggest melt down in Scottish Sporting history. Toys will be being thrown everywhere and we’ll be drowning in statements.



    Make it happen, Celtic.

  20. BURNLEY78 on 10TH MARCH 2024 5:15 PM



    Usual negative shite on here from hun trolls or negative types who could not even be arsed to go and support the team.



    If ever a team needed supported it is ours right now. Bereft of a captain and the best player of past 2 years and with a talismanic striker off the boil. We have media inspired shite stirring of the highest order creating an anti board agenda amongst fans …… whatever that even means but still many of our lot dance to the tune and can see nothing but negative from their cosy living room seats. Credit the folks who at least went along today. Especially those getting behind the team around the 80th minute or so.




    So true Burnley78,we are through.


    Was priveleged to be there for a tough win


    The updates are a horrendous readback.


    Now the huns voice their loathing in diarrhoeticly poor irish,or by quoting reports from the rekkkord,the shitewiper that gave us thugs and thieves.know your history hunscum.



    How did you support Celtic when down?


    I got on my keyboard and put the boot in


    Truly laughable,stick to your playstations fuds.




  21. An Tearmann on 11th March 2024 10:04 am



    Tell us about the time you recommended Zico to the CEO of the Kashima Antlers when you were sea skiing with Eddie the Eagle on the Arctic Ocean champ.



    Cringe inducing spoofer.

  22. LETS ALL DO THE HUDDLE on 11TH MARCH 2024 9:16 AM


    I see “Rangers” on the tickets




    i could print tickets saying “LADTH King of Scotland”



    It doesnt make me King of Scotland





    Poor kev,


    So wants Celtic to comment on another clubs ending.death,liquidation,shitinoot.


    It is not going to happen,ever,in any context




    Celtic were not involved.


    All that brought about the demise of the club valued at One Hundred Pence that played out of ibrox,was originated and sourced there,they brought it totally on themseves,self harming to the end.



    Great Granpa kev j will be asked in 100 years time how come rainjurz had 4 years looking for a ball on the hedge at Brechin,same ol Alloa always cheating,play off defeats and a petrofac cup win.All as a different newclub recognized as so by UEFA,and in company law with a new scottish companies reg number.


    Kev j knows it at moment but it goes against the wall of repeated shoite vomited daily,a hard truth for a unionist born under a unionjack and will question until it dies under his unionjack,




  23. Gimpy Fearon



    Tell us(in poor irish) of you being a £700 season book holder who gives gaelic updates and daily record reports during matches


    Wonderful self analysis eh fearon et al


    cringe(your irish)


    Inducing(rekkkord articles as your own writing)


    Spoofer(your range of fake monikers )


    Easy on the mirror Troll.

  24. An Tearmann on 11th March 2024 10:50 am



    Says the guy with the moniker in Gaeilge and can’t speak a word of it.




    Cringe inducing spoofer indeed.

  25. An Dun



    Sound analysis and positive too,we played poorly yest and won,as you point out we are still in two trophies.Many around us focussing on the what if instead of whats to do.


    As you say just do it.




  26. Gimpy



    cringe(your irish)



    Inducing(rekkkord articles as your own writing)



    Spoofer(your range of fake monikers)



    Give a shout when next using your imaginary season ticket,and we will talk some of your imaginary irish,dont think rhat will happen as all you do is type flatulence in a wide range of monikers troll

  27. An Tearmann on 11th March 2024 11:09 am



    Your seethe at being called out on here is delicious. Cringe inducing spoofer.



    I see you are scavenging around the blog looking for allies this morning, this is a common occurrence with you when your absolute cac bó gets called out.



    Write us a few lines of poetry, oh omnipotent one. Not in the mother tongue, nay, nay, nay. the use of a Gaeilge moniker is for mere virtue signalling purposes, something you excel at on here.

  28. Peter Latchford’s Belly @ 9.37am



    “The team is poor and highly unlikely to win the league. It has been asset stripped over the past year and huge profits generated by the plc. These are simply facts. I know Lawwell’s buddies like Burnley are uncomfortable about said facts being referenced, but hey, see you in court Petrocelli.”





    Well, at the risk of being boxed in as a Friend of Lawwell, I do not disagree with some of your assertions- just disagree that they are facts. And one of the assertions is hyperbolic.



    “Highly unlikely to win the league”??? the best odds I can find are 13/8 against. That can never be translated into “highly unlikely” far less be made a fact.



    The more moderate truth is:-



    Brendan Rodgers and the team got us into a good league position earlier this season,



    Sevco have gone on a great run of results, without looking too brilliant, since Clement was appointed and we have been on a poor run of performance for a couple of months with some sporadic outbursts of football in between.



    At present, Sevco are narrow favourites but have a 2 point lead with 9 games to play.



    None of our ancestors would ever give up a league or get distracted by any of the failings of our Board (the huge unexplained profits & the lack of major impact, so far, by the players we bought) in such a title race, and you are also one of those fans who would not want to be mistaken for a towel thrower.