I don’t get the flares thing. It’s not a part of my going-to-see-Celtic tradition. But if it was my thing, I’d have the courage of my convictions, I wouldn’t hide the fact.
There are consequences of bringing flares to football games, always has been. By not having the courage to openly ignite them, those consequences are not personalised to the individuals who regard this as an integral part of what they do at a football game, they are visited upon everyone in the vicinity, as well as the club.
The problem with flares at Celtic games is those who bring them hide the fact – as they clearly know there are consequences, and presumably aren’t too interested in taking responsibility for them. ‘Keen on flares, not keen enough to stand up for them’, is why the issue persists.
I get the attraction to bright, shiny, things, but this isn’t a campaign to bring the vote to disenfranchised people against a force who will execute the offender on sight. It’s about bringing a flare to a football game. If it’s so important, do it openly. If you think Health and Safety are simply wrong, find the evidence and use it in court. Have the courage to change something. I know lots of Celtic fans who have had the courage to put their name to something they believed in, in recent years. It’s seldom easy, but it has been done.
But in the years of this debate no one has ever pointed to evidence that igniting flares in a football ground is a clever thing to do. It’s just a ‘look at me’ exercise, ‘But don’t look at my face’, of course.
Episode 5 of ‘A Celtic State of Mind’ finds Paul John Dykes and Kevin Graham discussing a variety of topical subjects concerning Celtic Football Club, including:
* What now for the Green Brigade?
* Dedryck Boyata – Are reinforcements on route?
* Virgil van Dijk – The windfall cometh;
* Emilio Izaguirre – Moving on.
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last post should say will not, apologies
Maureen made me think that way.
Mo is
Powerful. so Powerful
Sorry you’ve lost me?
So how many on here thought the banner with paddy (genius) on it was good
If you cannot see the implications of placing a Brendan Rodgers image alongside that of a masked gunman then there is no explanation you will accept.
‘For those who understand, no explanation is needed. For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible.’
Those Huns beside us want to be like us.
Subtleness is the Best way……… Don’t EVER think you are better.
I’m Adamant about that.
There was an opportunity for people to get around the table; the club was trying to mediate that.
It was blown, completely.
I know a few things I’m not going to post, but the risk to the safety certificate was very real, unfortunately, and that’s major consequences which the club couldn’t ignore. The problem with the Green Brigade area, and one that the Safe Standing zone had exacerbated, is that a lot of people who don’t belong in that section move to that section during games.
The club knows that’s a problem and has been trying to get a grip on it for a while … hence enhanced security around the area.
That, in itself, violates HSE regs. Just those extra bodies. That alone could have a stand shut. The flares makes it worse by several degrees of magnitude.
Canamalar has suggested that the Green Brigade is a creature of the club, or at least its creation. I tend to agree, in principle. They’ve been indulged for a long time, and perhaps even at the expense of other fan groups. There’s a lot of jealousy floating around amidst the anger today, it would be crazy not to acknowledge that and only the blind won’t recognise it …. a lot of people feel some chickens have come home to roost big time, and a lot of schadenfreude even from Celtic fans.
All that stuff is nonsense, and today it was rendered unimportant.
The Green Brigade is fully aware now of the club’s feelings. They are fully aware that there are major pressures on the club as a result of some of their actions. And they don’t care. The club can accept that, continue to indulge them and pay the price on multiple fronts including with their own credibility or they deal with the matter.
If the GB were a creation of the club it’s an experiment that’s clearly escaped the lab, but the upside of that is that it should be easy enough to resolve; one surgical strike and it’s done.
We’ll see.
So how many on here thought the banner with paddy (genius) on it was good
It was a simple question, do you have an answer?
Definitely. Had bother wi them at Hamilton and in pub in Dingwall last year. One was followed into toilet and strong word was had in ear.
DD-the TIMREAPER called fans knuckle draggers earlier,it was an attempt at a joke
Can you tell us what was offensive about the Brendan banner?
From short my discussion with Anne, the Brendan banner as a stand alone banner was not offensive but in the setting of masked gunmen on adjacent banners it took on another interpretation altogether, ow had they been on the same banner then that connotation would be inescapable but they were not so a leap is required to interpret politics and to take offence.
So maybe you can answer a version of your own question, was there anything wrong with the Brendan banner ?
Not for me that banner..
What is the guiding political group behind the GB? The head guys must have come from a political group or tradition , likely on the far left.
Anyone know?
To depict any Irishman like that is asking for bother. The Celtic View and The Green Brigade both erred.
Looking back you have to see the influence of PL’s 2 Head Goons, ex Police DCI’s and 1who i know for a fact is not Celtic minded.While letting the GB blossom, we allowed FOCUS to use our support as a Training Academy for these clowns.It should have been Club led and driven in a positive way.It is a shambles now, and i can seethe GB being binned before Christmas.
Yes, the toilet wars…
What happened?
Celtic took photos of areas around Celtic Park that the away supporters go before the match*.
They took photos of the toilets after the Match.
They charged Sevco £35,000 for the damage.
Sevco and the MSSM complained, there was an Old Firm agreement in place that meant each Club repairs and pays for the Damage inflicted by the away support.
Celtic did not stand for the agreement they had with Rangers FC (il), when the “Old Firm” was alive.
*Apparently they allege we smash up our own toilets to make them look bad:)))
When Celtic Supporters went to Ibrox they left the place cleaner than they found it and lit tea candles to add ambience.
Now, that IS smart and Funny behaviour from Celtic Supporters.
Celtic 2 – 0 Sevco Rangers
Hail Hail
How do you know the other banner was a gunman? Where was the gun?
Looked like Frank Spencer in Ray Bans.
Canalamar- so there is no link to the banner on Wednesday, to posters/grafitti from The Troubles? You must see that mate?HH
DD- agree…not the Frank Spencer post….:))
BADA BING-I think it’s a one of get it right up you linfield,so what did you think of the Celtics view of paddy
At least no one is defending the setting off of flares – just dangerous and stupid imho
The banners weren’t a great idea but are being hijacked to steer attention away from REAL issues.Have you heard a peep about the title stripping or tax evasion or anything else for that matter over the past few days?Just a shame Celtic supporters are so hasty to join the circus.
Paris – Thinka ’bout It
Was that you just avoiding a question that if answered made a mockery of your point and motives for asking
Rarely post, I’m not a troll, a hack or a zombie.
Given the backdrop to Wednesday’s game the rebs were inevitable. Having watched bonfires with Celtic effigies, racist banners and given their behaviour the previous week at Windsor park. It was a great opportunity to get it up them and their ‘culture’.
Will this happen at every European night here on in? In my opinion, no. Would I like it to?
Probably not. Would the singing have landed us a UEFA reprimand? No.
The problem is the GB want to be noticed on a bigger stage, hence the European nights are for the big contentious banners. If it’s going to piss off Brendan then they’ve overplayed their hand big style.
I also can’t understand why they don’t get involved in the big issues around corruption and lack of governance in Scottish football. That’s truly baffled me, although their statement today mentions it but it’s not something they highlight generally.
CHAIRBHOY-so we say nothing and take the blue pound,but fek me if put up a banner #back of the bus
I don’t know what statement people read today, but in the one I read the GB basically told the board to do one, told UEFA to do one, told the police to do one and told their critics in the Celtic support to do one. If there was anyone in that statement they missed, someone enlighten me.
Safety Advisory Group.
Statement said that GB had taken steps to ensure safety. As such they were acknowledging some risk but deciding that they were best qualified to deal with it.
why dont you have a chat with br and see how he feels about it.
On this issue that this is a manufactured controversy to “distract” from the title stripping argument …
Who exactly has it distracted?
I’m still on the case. Auldheid is still on the case. Paul and David are still on the case. Phil and TSFM are still doing what they do. Joe McHugh is still highlighting it. E-Tims are banging the drum loudly. The Trust and the Association are now fully behind the campaign.
I don’t know a single person who this HAS distracted who’s head wasn’t already somewhere else.
Whether Celtic are winning, whether all’s at peace in the world, or if we’re sinking into a crisis of our making, a lot people still have their eyes on the ball and what needs to be done.
If some of you feel distracted, I suggest taking some time out, deep breathing and returning with a clear head, and getting back in the game. But I repeat, nobody is distracted by this. The fact y’all are still talking about it, and making the comparison between how the GB have been treated and how the Sevconuts are still getting off scott free shows just how little anybody has been diverted from the path.
That one is a red herring.
IMO the Green Brigade made a big mistake with their statement.They should had put it back into Celtics court.
They should’ve apologised ,accepted they were wrong then ask Celtic to treat all supporters of clubs who come to Celtic Park and display loutish behaviour the same way,ie.2 game ban.
Bada Bing 7.55pm
Poor show bringing Brendan into things
GB do far more good than bad, just a pity the good is never publicised as much as the odd error(s)
Apply the rules to all
Improper registrations against the rules
Fairhill Bhoy- to be honest i was not aware of the CV pic with Paddy, as DD has said both ill advised mate.I am guessing Brendan would have been mortified to see that banner on Wednesday.HH
IMO the Green Brigade made a big mistake with their statement.They should had put it back into Celtics court.
They should’ve apologised ,accepted they were wrong ……
Has the GB ever apologised or accepted wrongdoing, error of judgment ?
I think Brendan brought himself into with his statement naw??
For every right there is a wrong
Etc, etc,etc.
We can argue the point till the cows come home and we are never going to change our minds.
At the end of the day it was a banner, nobody was hurt, yet they have us fighting among ourselfs.
And we call the huns thick, wise up bhoys, united they can’t beat us, hence they are trying and succeeding to divide us and we are falling for it hook line and sinker.
I genuinely knew nothing about the link to snipers so it simply looked like a road traffic sign to me, I don’t even remember any controversy over the clubs depiction of Paddy McCourt so for me it could have been an unfortunate collage as much as a deliberate attempt to offend Celtic supporters.
Gerry- very true, i think the GB have done great things, in and out of CP, they had a great chance to be a long term part of the Celtic Story, but going by their statement,i think they will be out of CP before Christmas, i really hope i am wrong HH
Oliver Stone just announced a 3 hour docu-drama to be made revealing the Green Brigade involvment in the JFK assassination.
Funding to come from an un-named Scottish Plc.
i think you have to have the persons permission before you put their image on a banner, t shirt etc.