Politics of the game encroaching on Neil Lennon


It is one thing for football fans and administrators to be embroiled in the politics of the game but it’s no wonder that Neil Lennon tires of such subjects.  His team are top of the SPL and in the knockout stages of the Champions League but he is being distracted by references to his club emanating from the lower leagues.  Maybe he should limit his comments on this subject to those of Walter Smith, “We wish the new Rangers Football Club every good fortune.”  Every “new” club deserves the same courtesy.

Can you imagine the reaction if Neil said the same!

Speaking of which, I see the man who has avoided trying to win friends among other clubs since his arrival in the game last year is now trying to influence people on league reconstruction.  Good luck with that.

We spoke over the weekend about well-run clubs in the SPL (Inverness, St Johnstone, Ross County, Motherwell), where managers come and go but results tend to remain buoyant.  Notably absent from this list was Dundee United, who have underachieved for years, but whose manager, Peter Houston, was today given permission to speak to English Championship side, Blackpool.  Houston has been unable to sprinkle magic dust over Tannadice so, if offered the Blackpool job, I expect him to accept.

United need to ask some fundamental questions should they be forced to replace their manager, like why they have vastly more resources than Motherwell, and appear to be able to produce prodigious young talent, but consistently fail to match the Lanarkshire side the in the league table.  They are a club in need of vision.
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  1. Canamalar I won’t exactly be dancing on that auld witches grave, but I may do a jig or two, in memory of the ten.



    Lest ye forget CSC

  2. Kojo,



    Ah, your synthetic philosphy shines through, to be on a warship in war, to smell it and to feel it all around you, that is conviction my boy not the safety of an armchair thousands of miles away with the back slapping and the hayhoe while others live the conviction of decisions made in comfort, I think it was John Steinbeck who penned “Books and philosophy are alright but they are a poor substitute for the real thing, life”. Leave your armchair behind and go and live it, your attitude will change towards all politicians. God bless. HH

  3. My dear,dear,dear,friend.. The Singing Detective.,.




    Pal.. Listen tae this..



    Mr. Obama, has noo threatened tae use.. the dreaded..’



    “Executive Order” ..Ploy, in his INITIAL attempt.. tae deprive the U.S. Citizens


    of gun Ownership..



    This Executive Order.. will be only.the First of Many..




    This is only the Start of His Campaign tae OutLaw all Public Ownership of Firearms.. a la . the United Kingdom..



    In order tae impose his Version of the U.S. Constitution.



    which is..



    Rule by Dictatorship.



    Me and Ma pals…hiv bin expecting, Mr.Obama tae show his True Colors.. during his



    Second Term..,






    By Jings.. He has jist Run up his Standard….



    and….it’s the … Jolly Roger.



    Things,oan this side of the Pond, are


    going tae get



    Verrrry Interrrrrestin’..Ah declare.






    Yer pal..who likes ye aloater



    Still, Laughin.

  4. Since the proposed 14-14-14 league set has now become Chuckles Green’s 14-14-14 proposal, according to the MSM, I’ll now need to change my preferred option for reconstruction.

  5. sixtaeseven - 4 fouls 4 cards & penalty, a day in the life on

    Neil canamalar Lennon hunskelper extrordinaire at 16:55



    Ask yourself how long have these “investigations” have dragged on already. You can bet there will be appeals and all sorts of deliberations before the verdict is finally decided.



    Will the SPL still be there to inflict the punishment?


    I doubt it.


    It will be the perfect excuse to brush it under the Hampden carpet.



    We’ll be presented with our SPL title in May ok, I have no worries about that.


    That will be less than 4 months after Nimmo’s enquiry, which starts on 29 January and is expected to last a week.



    Whether the SPL will still be there to hand out punishment for thems is another matter.



    I still think it stinks…

  6. The sinking of the Belgrano was murder pure and simple as was her treatment of The Ten. I hope she suffers as they did and then rot in hell for all eternity.

  7. If you shoot a person in the back, when they are walking home and not expecting it, and they are not carrying a weapon that would be capable of harming you even had they so wished, then that act has to be a crime. You have committed murder in cold blood. Even if you claim that there was a war on – though others may not accept this – you would still be liable to be prosecuted, for a war crime.



    You would have committed an act of cowardice, by killing someone giving them no opportunity to defend themselves. Surely, you may say, no-one could be honoured for such a thing?



    To evade its guilt under international law, the British Government suppressed centrally-relevant information and lied on just about everything – as regards why a modern nuclear submarine the HMS Conqueror should have shot and sunk the floating-museum pre-WW2 battleship the Belgrano, with 1100 novice seamen on board, its guns having a maximum range of 13 miles, 36 miles outside the TEZ, eleven hours after it had started sailing home, and when not a single British life had been lost in the engagement.



    Brave, brave wimmin, that.

  8. Tourtenay



    Ah see that everything which Ah wrote ,in ma Ultimate Submission, to you..







    Whizzzin’ Right Over Ye Heid..







    In light of that FACT..




    Let’s Call it a Day.. re garding this discussion,..






    Still.. Laughin

  9. My Dear Kojo….



    Our Iron Lady….




    Had No Realistic Choice…



    Other Than To Sink The Belgrano…



    Which Was Zig-Zagging In The Ocean..



    South West Of The Falklands…



    And Intent On Joining Another Argentinian Fleet..



    Cruising North-West Of The Falklands…..



    In A Pincer Attack…



    On Our Brave Beret-Wearing Comrades…



    Yep,General Galtieri Had Ordered The Belgrano…



    To Steam Northwards To Threaten Our Fleet….



    And Push It Within Reach ….



    Of The Bombers From The Argie Aircraft Carrier…



    Cruising Around North Of Our Falklands..



    And The Belgrano WAS NOT Steaming To Its Home Base….



    Recently De-classified Intelligence



    Reveals That Our Chilean Allies….



    Intercepted Argentinian Communications



    Making Clear That The Belgrano…..



    Was Intent On Threatening Our Fleet….



    And The Captain Of The Belgrano….



    Has Long Conceded That The Commander Of Our Submarine….



    Made A Correct And Lawful Action…



    In Sinking His Ship….



    Much Of The Death Toll …..



    Resulted From The Cowardly Actions…



    Of The Destroyers Accompanying The Belgrano….



    Which….Rather Than Rescuing Their Comrades From The Stricken Ship…



    High-tailed It Back To Their Home Port..



    Cos Johnnie Argentine….



    Knows No Honour….



    And Another Thing…. The Belgrano Was Moving Into An Area Of Shallower Water…



    Where The HMS Conqueror Would Not Be Able To Follow Her So Closely..



    And Risked Losing Contact With Her…



    Putting At Grave Risk,Our Braw Senior Service….



    Great To See A British Leader….



    Who Still Has The ‘Cojones’….



    To Do The Right Thing…..



    In This Age Of Poisonous Cultural Relativism….



    Right..? Right..!



    (Ah’m Beginnin’ Tae Wonder…..


    Whether Ye’re Related To Oor Lady Of The Nicht…..



    Hairy Maggie McGill..?)




    [Say It’s Not So,Kojo……Ed ]

  10. Bobby Russell



    Was not going to comment as she is a murderer……not for a Celtic site…



    However your post at 18.34 is spot on…….allied to the 10 and other social atrocities…a monster…..

  11. I see it’s back talking to itself.Thatcher started a war because she had the lowest rating of a PM ever.Nothing to do with honour or bravery,much less morality.Bobby Sands had more of those qualities in his little finger than that harridan and her cabinet combined.All GB assets sold for a relative song,with utilities now in foreign hands and people paying through the nose for them.Complete ruthless bitch,who cared nothing for others and an ignoramus to boot.

  12. Nevertheless, gentlemen



    Madam Thatcher.. did show that she had the Courage of Her Convictions.



    Not only, in making that… Belgrano decision



    She displayed… That Admirable..and In the Political Arena.. RARE… Characteristic..



    During ,All.,.of her Political Career..






    No matter how ye slice it ..or Dice it…



    Madam Thatcher, made a Very Big Impact in this world.



    and because of it…



    She is HATED.






    Ah still hiv tae Doff MA Homburg .. tae her,.,.







    Maggie, wiz.. Ballysy…






    Ye don’t run intae Many Political Folk.. oan eethur side of the Isle..,



    Who ur.. Ballsy.






    Still.. Laughin

  13. Still don’t understand why green could buy assets of a to be ‘liquified’ club. Ah well I’ll get there one day.

  14. Neil canamalar Lennon hunskelper extrordinaire on



    A lot of people are forgetting they admitted to making undeclared payments at the FTTT, I like reminding people though :o)


    It’s and open and shut case, it’s a matter of how many not if :o)

  15. My Dear,Dear Kojo…..



    It Baffles Me That So Few Of Our Number….



    Grasp The Threat That Obama …..



    Poses To Western Christian Civilisation..



    Along With His Wicked, Evil Backers……



    Of The Perfidious Red-Green Alliance…



    The Marxists……And The Islamists….



    The Marxist Failed To Recall The Old Fable…



    Where The Scorpion Hitches A Lift …..



    On The Back Of A Frog…..



    Tae Get Across A River…..



    Halfway Across…The Scorpion Stings The Frog….



    And As They Both Face Imminent Drowning….



    The Frog Asks,”Why?”



    And The Scorpion Replies,”I’m A Scorpion….It’s My Nature..”



    Yer Pal…Who Thinks Ye’re Swellegant..

  16. The emergence of the diary of Narenda Sethia, from one on board HMS Conqueror, had a big effect in exposing Government lies. As Clive Ponting wrote, ‘In the Autumn of 1983 the diary of Lieutenant Sethia, who was the Supplies Officer of HMS Conqueror, became available to both Tam Dalyell and Arthur Gavshon. This confirmed that the Government’s account of events was almost totally inaccurate…’ (The Right to Know)



    Major Lies by HMG over Belgrano sinking



    The Belgrano was approaching the task force and was a threat to it.


    It kept changing direction throughout the day.


    It was heading for the shallow waters of the Burdwood bank, where it could have been lost by the Conqueror.


    It was part of a ‘pincer movement’ attack on the task force.


    The Conqueror detected the Belgrano on May 2nd.


    The decision to fire was made by the submarine commander.


    News of the Peruvian peace proposals did not reach London until after the attack.



    They were looking for a different ship to attack (Veinticinco de Mayo) but couldn`t find it, so the Belgrano became the cannon fodder.



    Murder, nothing less

  17. gebhoy is the taxmans tick tocking clock, tick...tock on

    I would like to thank The Singing Detective for shaking me out of my malaise and forcing me to post; Thatcher day?



    You are having a laugh are you not?



    She destroyed the social fabric of this country, where greed became good and the working people of this country became “the enemy within”. She destroyed the Steel industry and obliterated the mining sector.



    Doubling the poverty rate during her term of office, with 28% of children in Britain in 1990 living beneath the poverty line.



    The fragmented culture Britain suffers today (Cameron’s ‘broken Britain’) – the anti social behaviour, the selfishness and greed, the lack of cohesion and responsibility – is a direct result of her obsession with uncontrolled competition and the way she gave it to the country. She has done Britain enormous damage, knowingly and without compassion, to support her ideal of a ruthless, dog-eat-dog world.



    She also supported Pol Pot, General Pinochet and to a lesser extent the Apartheid regime of S Africa.



    A truly poisonous enemy of Britain, whose damage we are still trying to repair – and will be for a long time.



    Never mind the bloody poll tax!



    Aye a great Women in deed, aw’a n boil yer heed!




  18. normanstreet49 on



    14:06 on


    14 January, 2013



    Miki67….. you paint such a perfect picture……… HH

  19. Dead and Loving it on

    Thatcher and Tebbit, think I will put two bottles of Magners in the fridge and look forward to drinking them on two special days

  20. where does CQN stand on brown brogues?



    Its just i have a couple of weddings comin up and im considering buyin a pair as i think they would look well with my new navy suit



    Or would i look a bit too….sevconian?






  21. two bottles…………








    *pop, pop*

  22. Oh….The Inconvient Truth……



    As Revealed In Recently De-classified Documents…..



    Relating To The Sinking Of the Belgrano..



    As Published In “The Independent” Last Year….



    An Organ Owned By By A Former Agent In The KGB….



    Fairly Blasts Oor Bitter ‘Plastic Paddies’..



    Right Ootta The Bathwater….



    Along Wi’ Their Wee….Plastic Ducks…!



    Right? Right!







    [This Is Your Homework,Maggie McGill..



    Ah’ll Be Askin’ Questions Aboot It…




  23. Steinreignedsupreme on

    No surprises with MacLeod’s shadow-written opinion piece.



    He’s nothing more than a ‘yes-man’ anyway.



    He was a good Celtic player, but he has never impressed me with his comments on the game. Like Burley, Provan, Burley, Walker and Nicholas – he is happy making a living out of Scottish football while constantly running the game down.

  24. Dead and Loving it on

    Thanks to the maggie fans or fan, it gets me off this laptop and on to something more productive



    I try to ignore, but now I give up




  25. normanstreet49 on

    Ten Men Won The League


    15:31 on


    14 January, 2013



    I’m playin catch up…… but Murdo did take a terrible knock to his rather large cranium during a certain match…………………. :))))))

  26. Evening all



    Don’t like commenting on the Zombies -New Year Resolution – but it was nice to see NFL’s statement today. Shouldn’t think it’ll much difference to the inbred reptiles approach but it was worth the try.



    Two things have struck in recent times about the Zombies though. 1. The guardians of our game have probably noticed that they can get away with anything – the most surprising aspect of this whole debacle has been the lack of interest from beyond Scotland. Some damp squibs from Alex Thomson a few months ago have led to no interest from external media whilst UEFA and FIFA seem as interested as I am in Bridge. Sad. More pertinently though I am detecting panic in some of the former Frickley Town star- he is more than astute enough to realise that his planned windfall when he cashes in his penny purchases won’t be as great as he thought if his bluster doesn’t get his horrible club at least two divisions above where they are now by August 2013. Regan, Doncaster and Ogilvie will do their best but it might actually not be enough.



    Anyway I have never commented on any other posters before- as opposed to posts- but what is all this Kojo/Singing Detective stuff? I know I write boring posts but this pseudo Oor Wullie meets EJ Thribb meets the NRA is getting beyond a joke.



    As Kojo might put it



    I’ll away and fret aboot ma trip tae the Auld Gartnavel the morra



    H x 2