Celtic’s primary job tonight is to defend properly, something we have singularly failed to do this season to anything like the levels achieved last term. This is not solely to do with the defence, and has nothing to do with the goalkeeper (who missed the Legia debacle), but is a function of the entire team.
Scott Brown and Stefan Johansen have the primary job of protecting the back four but most importantly, whoever plays wide midfield, has to partner with the corresponding full back. The full back positions have not been stable recently. Emilio looked to be back to his best at the weekend, but his form since returning from the World Cup has been erratic. We’ve had Efe Ambrose, Adam Matthews and Mikael Lustig at right back, leaving Callum McGregor little chance to establish a working relationship.
We have the speed, and Salzburg have the defensive record, to suggest we can score on the break, but focus should be on ensuring this is not an open, fluid, game of football.
The day has come
This is a unique time in our history and a CQN’er and academic has prepared a survey to record who we are, where we came from, our views and how closely our objectives align with the Club. You will be asked about the Referendum, faith, education, your heritage, the Offensive Behaviour Act and more, but you’ll be finished in around 5 minutes.
The objective is to identify why you support Celtic and whether these reasons are being recognised and served. You don’t sign up for anything, but the survey will record only your first visit. You’ll find it here.
I’ve never waved a blue and white – nor red, white and blue – flag in my life. Nationalism holds nothing for me, so I’ve found the political question of our time to be a difficult, technical, assessment, principally about jobs – Scotland’s real need.
This time tomorrow we will know the verdict and whether it’s Yes or No, we will come together behind green and white flags once more. In the event the polls are accurate, and No wins an unconvincing victory, use your voice in as many places you can, and let the chastened UK powers now that if they have any intention of Nation Building, they must use their influence to stop the exclusion of Scottish clubs from the dominant England-and-Wales football market.
Many people in Scotland feel culturally and economically excluded by this England-and-Wales legally permissible cartel. It suits the regions of England, it suits Wales, but it costs jobs and income in Scotland, is unjust and must end.
Allowing Scottish clubs to enter this market would bring tens of millions of £s into the east end of Glasgow every year. It would also establish emotional and cultural ties among groups in society who feel disenfranchised, and who the Westminster parties seem to have lost. In political terms, reaching out to football is a no-brainer.
Nation building is part art, part science, but it doesn’t work if you exclude people on what they hold dear.
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I stand up for huns… where does that place me?
fine buddy, I’ve managed to get club opened at 5.45….
If no win.
Give it 5 years.
See where we are.
You won’t find a No voter.
No one will admit to it then….
Jamesy bhoy………..
The glass used in the manufacture of Alpine “boatles” was recycled from old historic lighthouse lenses………said “boatles” could withstand “drapping” (technical term) from a height equivalent to 2 tenement floors without fracture – although by then the contents would have taken on an unstable explosive quality.
Condescending is something you know to well.
You are being wholly disingenuous today to the point of downright dishonest!
I leave you to it for today.
MWD says AYE
Based on that theory then we should abolish the separate international teams and become Better Together United.
No thank you, time to take responsibility and ownership of our own country, rather than hiding behind the comfort blanket of UK.
Perhaps superduper devomax will upgrade the food banks for a better choice of foods to select? To have food banks in 2014 is a legacy of what Better together is bringing us. Shocking!
Not for me, thank you.
say again how you couldn’t give a fuk about The Tic result 2nite
HT – discrimination should be fought whereever it is found and its a very scottish problem!
Genuine question. Will a higher turnout suit the Yes or No side or is the size of turnout considered irrelevant re influencing result.
MWD thats just because you dont want to think.
Lurkintim – I said that the game tonight holds no interest for me. It still doesnt.
I may be partly responsible for the, in my opinion, minor imbalance.
When it came time to leave school my parents sat me down to talk careers. The debate lasted about 60 seconds.
Me;”I’m thinking of joining the Police”.
Da; “Naw, yer no’ joinin’ thaim”!!! and at that promptly walked out the room. End of careers interview!
I joined the PO Telephones instead at his “suggestion”.
This may well have been replicated throughout Timdom.
Incidentally, my Da was a local postie and would probably have known all the local cops. I’m not sure why he reacted the way he did. My Da rarely took questions.
Anyway, I’m pleasantly surprised by your figure. Given how we are treated around the country supporting the hoops I would have put it in single figures.
C’mon thelurkintim, just because you miss the “c” out doesn’t make it clever bud.
Language please
Ole Johnny Clash
Double thumbs up? Wiz that no sore ?
I think the higher turnout is what swung the poll statistics from being an easy no victory to a tight no victory.
Many reasons but it is thought that the disengaged were from the poorer end of society and they see this as an opportunity for change – or nothing to lose – depending from which side you’re on.
s` revenue & customs
`AYE` from me !
Just an Interesting read no attempt at influencing anyone
Are Lustig & Matthews definitely out tonight? Ambrose at RB is an accident waiting to happen. Izzy needs to have his defensive head on tonight and not leave space in behind as he’s liable to do. Up like in the SPFL he will be punished if he does.
I’d be tempted to bring in Biton for Commons from Saturday’s line up to give us a bit more in central midfield.
I disagree I don’t want rid of Izzy.
Can’t as the same about Forrest.
embracing the feeling of no fear today…I`ve just eaten a Muller Light Yogurt 3 days by its eat by date……liberating!!!
If your definition of ‘hun’ is the same as mine, more fool you.
You never did read up about Mary Honeyball did you?
She’s got wee thumbs. I think.
“tonight holds no interest for me”
Never heard a Celtic fan say that ever , not even a testimonial.
NegAnon, May I ask why the Celtic game holds no interest for you. Is it preoccupation with vote, in which case I would have thought the game might hold less interest rather than no interest or have you become isolated because you perceive a large section of the Celtic base holding a different political view to yours.
eh am a rocket from the Faifley you know,
less of your cheek :-))
Also fact, it could melt a wean’s teeth at a thousand yards!!!
I think the unprecedented level of registration and turn out will add many votes to both sides…..but more to Yes.
I base this only on the fact that so many who previously/usually feel completely disengaged from the political process will be involved, many for the first time.
I don’t that as many of them are doing so from a ‘traditional unionist’/Orange perspective as would have been the case in past times.
And I can’t see many voting for the first time to offer some kind of grudging endorsement of a system they’ve effectively blanked till now.
I may be wrong. I often am. (The 2 least used sentences on CQN!)
HH jamesgang
I’m not questioning the information, just politely asking if you had considered alternative reasons.
No ulterior motives.
Thats really funny AND dead clever. That `God bless her majesty`, then a few posts later `s revenue & customs`
Have you ever posted that before?
I just can`t stop laughing, lolling and spitting coffee all over my keyboard. And my sides are sore. I`ll need a surgeon to remove the smile from my face.
Billy bhoy – yes it could be that and I agree I thought the figures would be worse.
Al MacL
That’s the Pollsters dilemma. They defined their cohort against the 2010 and 2011 electorate, where turnout was 63% and 50% respectively.
We know turnout will be a record high for this poll, prob in excess of 85%, with many voting for the first time, or the first time in a generation.
Because the mobilisation of the electorate has occured relatively late in the day, cohorts have not been changed. The views of about one third of the electorate in this poll are therefore unknown to the pollsters.
The Pollsters have had to assume that increased turnout will reflect the pattern of opinion amongst their defined cohort.
That’s a big assumption, and accounts for the relatively low level of confidence amongst pollsters on the consensus 48:52 outcome.
timabhouy do you think Uefa will fine Barca?
Uslan Its only one piece of information I agree.
The response to it has been more enlightening I think.
Neganon2. From previous blog. ” who am I voting for?”
If I had not been forced to leave Scotland and my friends and family due to manufacturing being flattened by Westminster rule
I would be voting yes
Can we not just vote to be part of Germany?
I like the food, the beer and the Bundesliga would be fun.
Neganon, I thought that too, will UEFA punish Barcelona for their fans waving saltires? Then I realised , it was maybe a show of freindship with the Scottish players in the Barca team.
Corkcelt there are many things at play. I genuinely have no interest in tonights game. Some of it is probably down to my feeling towards celtic and those who run the club. The referendum is the larger part. Not just because I am preoccupied by it (which I am) but because my feelings towards some of my fellow celtic supporters has changed. Not because they are voting differently but because the deparation to avoid and analyse information, to twist messages, to seek to use FACTs, to deny scotlands problem with sectarianism etc etc has shown me that we are very divided.
I have spent much of my time on CQN over a decade defending the celtic support. I’m not sure I can do that anymore. I guess I just feel disenfranchised.
Billy Bhoy .Your Dad sounds like mine old school. H.H.
Sydney Tim as I have said to others ordinarily I would have no issue with that. But you dont need to live with the consequences.