Best of luck Brendan and thanks for the trebles


If I’m being magnanimous, Brendan made no secret of the fact that he wanted to return to the English Premier League.  When he was here, he won everything available to him domestically and proved that you can please all of the people all of the time.  We want managers to be ambitious, honest and successful and that’s what we got.

It rankles that his timing was so poor, a day before we visit Tynecastle on league duty and five days before we visit Easter Road in the Cup.  Brendan saw little compensation in Moussa Dembele’s success here, or ambition, when he engineered his exit at a bad time for the manager, the same is true now.  Celtic knew nothing of this before yesterday and have a major job on their hands to ensure the quest for the treble treble remains on course.

Neil Lennon is likely to be announced as interim manager.  We are fortunate to have as an experienced hand available.  If anyone knows how to take a Celtic team to Edinburgh, it’s Neil.  Plans for next season will continue in the background, but Neil will be asked to deliver the treble and nothing will be allowed to distract him or the players from that objective.

I have heard from a few CQN’ers who are surprised today, but we should know better.  This is football, managers and players are highly paid professionals, all the badge thumping in the world does not change that.  Exceptions are rare.

Best of luck to you, Brendan, and thanks for the trebles.  You could have held out for better than Leicester, but there’s every chance you’ll keep them in the division for many years.

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  1. Ray Singh-Carr on 26th February 2019 7:34 pm



    As Chris Sutton has tweeted “Good Luck to Brendan Rogers in his “new” dream job!”





    LOL The Hun skelper always hits the nail on the head.

  2. Been missing for a long time however feel the need to vent tonight !


    Was not happy with the Rodgers appointment for obvious reasons But he made me eat my words and I bought right into his tenure and demonstrative passion for the Hoops !


    However he has shit on the club fans and players today with the TIMING of his bail out !




    Whatever you think of Lenny and I love the wee guy WE MUST AS A SUPPORT GIVE HIM BROONY AND THE PLAYERS our complete backing.


    The Huns might be laughing now but their WORST NIGHTMARE would be LENNY delivering a TREBLE TREBLE AND TEN IN A ROW !!


    Hail Hail COYBIG ?

  3. Whilst everyone will point the finger at the Celtic PLc for today’s events, and rightly so, I suspect a primary factor in BRexit will simply have been a desire to escape the rampantly corrupt game in Scotland.


    To witness the corrupt officials at every level of the game is bad enough as a spectator but to ply your trade in that environment?


    I feel sick to the teeth of witnessing the events surrounding the game in Scotland.


    What must it feel like to actually have to deal with all these thoroughly despicable people every day?

  4. This is how it feels to be Celtic


    Champions again as you know


    Brendan Rodgers was here for 2 in a row


    Just 2 in a row.



    Looking forward to Neil Francis Lennon’s Celtic breaking Hearts and humping Hibs….

  5. glendalystonsils on

    MEA CULPA on 26TH FEBRUARY 2019 7:40 PM



    Most people with integrity would stay and fight against injustice rather than run away from it.

  6. I suppose Lenny’s rehabilitation, in the media, is now well and truly over.



    He brings it on himself.



    Can’t wait for the scummy hertz reaction tomorrow night.

  7. Bada



    I hear that Gary Parker is no longer welcome at Celtic Park



    No other info on this




  8. Catman.


    I can’t thank you enough for the heads up.


    It allowed me to go into work, very early, let all the other Tims know and break the news on our terms.


    A few gloating huns appeared hours later, when they were just finding out, old news and obsessed was the retort.


    Moussa is indeed having lots of fun on Twitter at Brendan’s expense.


    We move on, no man is bigger than the club.


    Hail Hail to all.

  9. AuroraBorealis79 on

    When I became aware of the news, at lunch time today, I was in total shock (the Cilla Black moment of my life). I actually felt as though someone close to me had died. Total sadness.



    Farewell Brendan!



    But Leicester City?

  10. mike in toronto on

    Mea Culpa @ 7:40



    the problem with that argument is, as evidenced by their silence over the last 7 1/2 years, our Board are part of the corruption.

  11. Under what circumstances would it have been o.k. to say thanks and good luck Brendan.


    As is customary welcome Neil…….you know the score???

  12. macjay1 for Neil Lennon on

    Oz TV suggesting that Celtic`s Aussie players now have a better chance of playing in the E.P.L.

  13. Has any manager left us to go to a top club elsewhere and excelled? Become a legend in another country, another league?



    We are the pinacle of all of their careers. Even the ones who won nothing.



    Managers can make a massive difference at some clubs. Other clubs get along just fine regardless of who is in the dugout.



    Celtic are far bigger than Leicester or BR.


    Onwards and upwards.

  14. I cannot wait to see the Famous Glasgow Celtic under the floodlights on a Wednesday night at the mini bigot dome.


    We need passion, commitment and some class to bet the Edinburgh bigots.


    All of the above that Mr Rogers does not have.



    D. :)

  15. mike in toronto on




    After all the backing you have given PL, I would have thought that the least that ungrateful sod could have done was to offer you the manager’s job….




  16. At least he’s made the job of the next permanent boss easier. No post MO’N comparisons



    Steve Clark’s downbeat dog tired honesty looks that bit more appealing

  17. glendalystonsils on

    Any who pledges to “Give my life” to a football club should be viewed with the greatest suspicion . Especially if his previous behaviour has robbed him of all credibility.

  18. Today has officially become the most surreal and unsettling day in my celtic supporting life.


    Never expected any of it.


    Tommorow I will wake up and try and take it all in.

  19. the glorious balance sheet on

    Bada Bing 7.40pm



    Kheredine idhessane said on sportsound tonight that John Kennedy had initially been minded to go to Leicester along with the rest of Rodgers coaching team but that someone at Celtic (Lawwell I presume) had persuaded him to stay on.



    At which point Tom English added that Kennedy has in fact been promoted to assistant manager. Lawwell yet again imposing assistant managers onto incoming managers as he did in 2014 too.

  20. What is the Stars on

    If Rodgers left at the end of the season, saying he couldn’t work with the financial constraints etc that would be fair enough and the Board/Lawwell get the blame..He chose to go now…

  21. macjay1 for Neil Lennon on

    MEA CULPA on 26TH FEBRUARY 2019 7:40 PM


    Whilst everyone will point the finger at the Celtic PLc for today’s events, and rightly so, I suspect a primary factor in BRexit will simply have been a desire to escape the rampantly corrupt game in Scotland.






    If that were the case , I can think of no reason why he couldn`t have just come straight out and said so.

  22. IF there is a karma god out there Liecester will plummet further and get relegated leaving them with the highest paid manager in the championship next season.


    Meanwhile NL will seamlessly steer us to history

  23. Lenny as interim manager is a good choice but I hope we get a foreign coach for next season, someone who can get us to compete properly in Europe.

  24. Neil deserves our full support for the duration of his tenure.



    Equally, he deserves not to be held up as a target for the worst kind of bigots Scottish football seems to attract.



    The final leg of the season starts tomorrow.



    Oh, and is it wrong that I’d like to see Leicester relegated. I am not a bitter man (oh yes I am)

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