Deadline day is as it should be


Deadline day is as it should be.  Celtic have completed the business which they hope will see them through to the title in May (or April).  There is a sub-squad of peripheral players who may get a loan, while Giorgos Giakoumakis is expected to leave for Atlanta in the North American closed shop.  The MLS window is open until April, which introduces an anomaly for Celtic to consider.

With two in and two out in defence, a striker in and Giorgos probably heading out, the first team squad is net up a central midfielder – Tomoki Iwata.  Without closing doors on development opportunities open to our recent additions, it is hard to see the value in adding new bodies without others going out.

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  1. WBC,



    Having the recovery pace when we lose possession is not in Mooy’s gift. Hatate, Iwata and Callum are the 3 in there for that game.



    Better teams need us also to kove the ball quicker to create chances. Also not always what Mooy does.



    Great squad member but has a ceiling.




  2. Canamalar it looks like OCD obsession on

    Por Cierto on 1st February 2023 11:46 am,


    Tax avoision is why dividends are used for income much less tax paid. But no, the inflation is driven by money printing and price gouging. UK energy corporations are currently making massive profits off the back of people who are told its all Russia’s fault yet only 3% was supplied by Russia before the conflict. The UK government could have easily stopped the price gouging but it served the jingoistic propaganda narrative, currently distracting from UK society’s real problems poverty, social under investment and excess deaths from poisons administered as vaccine, 2500 a week unexplained deaths in the UK and very little being done to challenge those incumbants who profited and created the market.


    While we were told inflation was less than 2% it was gauged on metrics selcted to support those figure while true inflation was much higher. Another trick they used to gouge was to reduce measures and maintain the price.

  3. Canamalar it looks like OCD obsession on

    celtic40me on 1st February 2023 12:02 pm,


    Wage-spiral? will never come close the quantitative easing for bail outs provided to the criminals in the banking sector. I see you are pushing the same drivel most have been conditioned to accept. As you say they were supposed to control inflation and failed but everyone else should pay for their failure while they are insulated with index linked wages and pensions with added bonuses for their failure, seriously how long do you expect people to accept that drivel?




    Wage-price spiral. You can argue as much as you want about the causes of the high inflation we have, a wage-price spiral will make getting it down to a healthy level far more difficult and take far longer. In the meantime we’ll all suffer, and not proportionately. Those in need now will suffer more than those who aren’t

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